701. User_mviews
All materialized views currently owned in the database.
702. user_nested_tables
Nested tables in the table owned by the user.
703. User_obj_audit_opts
The user has the audit options for tables and views.
704. User_Object_size
The size of the PL / SQL object owned by the user.
705. User_Object_Tables
The object table owned by the user.
706. User_Object
The object owned by the user.
The auxiliary information of the current user has the operation.
708. User_oparguments
Current user's argument information.
709. User_opbindings
The binding of the current user has the operation.
710. User_operator_comments
All comments for the user-defined operations owned by the user.
All operations of the current user have.
712. User_outline_hints
The current user has a hint setting for a profile.
All of the current users have all the profits.
714. User_Part_col_statistics
Column statistics and histogram data of the table partition owned by the user.
715. User_Part_Histograms
The current user can access the topographic map data.
716. User_Part_Key_Columns
The partition key column of the current user owned partition object.
717. User_Part_indexes
The current user has all partition all of the object level partition information.
718. User_Part_lobs
Table-level information of the current user owned partition large objects.
719. User_Part_Tables
Object level partition information of the current user owned partition table.
720. user_partial_drop_tabs
There are some tables that delete the table operation in the current user mode.
721. user_password_limits
Password parameter file allocated to the user.
722. User_Policies
The current security policy of all objects owned by the user.
723. User_Procedures
All functions and faults of the current user have and their related properties.
724. User_Proxies
Current users are allowed to connect information.
725. User_published_columns
Describe all existed source columns with privileges.
726. User_queue_schedules
Information about the queue schedule.
727. User_queue_tables
Only the queues in the queue created in the user mode are described.
728. User_Queues
All refreshes groups in each queue in user mode.
729. User_refresh
All the refreshes groups owned by the current user.
730. User_refresh_children
List all objects in the refresh group.
The REF column and REF attribute in the object type column of the user table.
732. User_registered_mviews
All registered material views of the current user have.
733. User_registered_snapshots
The current user has all registered snapshots.
734. User_Resource_limits
The resource limit of current users.
List the recoverable statements that the current user performs.
List the role granted to the user.
737. User_rsrc_consumer_group_privs
List all the resource consumption groups granted to the user.
738. User_RSRC_Manager_system_privs
A user who lists all system privileges granted to the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package.
739. User_SEGMENTS
List the storage allocation information of the database segment belonging to the user object.
740. User_Sequences
Description of the user sequence.
741. User_snapshot_logs
All snapshot logs owned by the user.
742. User_snapshot_refresh_times snapshot refresh number of times.
743. User_Snapshots
Users can view snapshots.
744. User_Source
A text source that belongs to all storage objects of the user.
745. User_sorce_tables
Allows you to see all existing source tables with predetermined privileges.
746. User_sqlj_type_attrs
The current user has all the properties of the SQLJ object.
747. User_sqlj_type_methods
The type method of the current user has.
748. User_sqlj_types
The current user has information about SQLJ object type information.
749. User_Stored_Settings
The current user has the permanent parameter setting of the stored PL / SQL unit.
750. User_subpart_col_statistics
A column statistics and column graph information showing the sub-partition of the subband object of the current user.
751. User_subpart_histograms
Displays the actual histogram data of the histogram of the histogram of the current user owned.
752. User_Subpart_Key_Columns
A column statistics and column graph information showing the sub-partition of the subband object of the current user.
753. User_subscribed_columns
Allow the issuer to view all the columns of all predetermined issues.
754. User_subscribed_tables
Allow the issuer to view all scheduled tables for all scheduled issues.
755. User_subscriptions
Allow the issuer to view all scheduled.
756. User_sysnonyms
The private synonym of the current user has.
7 57. User_sys_privs
Grant the user's system privilege.
758. User_Tab_col_statistics
A column statistics and histogram information in the user_tab_columns view.
759. User_Tab_Columns
Information for user tables or views or columns on aggregates.
760. User_Tab_Comments
The user has a comment on the table or view.
761. User_Tab_histograms
The histogram on the column of the user table.
762. User_Tab_Modifications
The table has been modified after all the last statistics have.
763. User_Tab_Partitions
The name, storage attribute of each table partition, stored at its list, and partition name.
Privileges on the object.
765. User_tab_privs_made
The user has all the privileges on the object.
766. User_Tab_Privs_Recd
Contains privileges on the object, the user is awarded.
767. User_Tab_subpartitions
The name of each sub-partition, store properties, table and partition name.
Description of the relationship table owned by the user.
Alternative table space description.
The transformation information of a particular user has.
771. User_trigger_cols
Usage in the user trigger.
772. User_Triggers
Description of the user trigger.
773. User_Types
The type of user in the table.
774. User_type_attrs
The properties of the user's type.
775. User_ts_quotas
The user's table space limit.
The user's method type.
777. User_unused_col_tabs
Contains all the tables that are not used.
778. User_updatable_columns
A description of the column that the user can modify in the connection view.
779. User_Users
Current user information.
780. User_ustats
User definition statistics owned by the user.
All arrays owned by users.
782. User_Views
The text of the user owned by the user. 9i management data dictionary ALL view
All tables that users can access.
All parameters of the user can access objects.
785. All_Associations
User-defined statistics.
All materialized view information for users can access.
787. All_catalog
Users can access all tables, synonyms, territory and sequences.
788. All_cluster_hash_expressions
Users can access the aggregated Hash function.
789. All_clusters
All of the gathering of users can access.
790. All_col_comments
Users can access annotations on tables or views.
791. All_col_privs
List the authorization, user or public is awarded by the list.
792. all_col_privs_made
List the authorization on the column, the user is the owner or authorized.
793. All_col_privs_recd
List the authorization, user or public is an authorized person.
794. all_coll_types
Users can access the named collection type.
795. all_cons_columns
Contains information that can be used in the constraint definition.
796. All_Constraints
List the constraint definitions on the ready table.
797. All_Context
Display the up and down information of the activity.
798. all_db_links
User can access data chain.
799. all_def_audit_opts
The default object audit options included in the object establishment are included.
800. All_Dependencies
The dependency between the user can access objects.