xiaoxiao2021-03-06  187

After watching, I watched a few key points.

Word method structure:

1.1 Content type: ??? ??? Text form: text / vnd.wap.wmlscript; binary form: Application / VND.Wap.Wmlscriptc. ? 1.2 case sensitive? 1.3 Space Rankings. ??????? Under normal circumstances, the WMLScript program value will ignore all spaces, tabular, compliant, etc. However, if these special characters are expressed by code, or when it is processed as a string, WMLScript will no longer ignore them. For example, the string "OCT 28, 2001" contains spaces, which will not be ignored when executed, which is different from "OCT28, 2001" that does not contain spaces. ? 1.4 Note, // Row Note ????????????????????? * block comment * /? 1.5 data type and encoding ?????? Wmlscript allows 4 The type of data is directly encoded and can be nested and can be in the program. The data type directly encoded is: integer, floating point number, string, and Boolean. In addition, the "invalidity" value can also be directly encoded "??????? // Gree001: What is the invalidity value ??????? [Inactive." Also known as "empty type" It is a quantity that WMLScript supports indicates invalid value. It is represented in invalid. The two and the NULL in the C language is similar]? 2. Reserved Word: ????? WMLScript The word is as follows: Acces HTTP Agent if Break isvalid continue meta header div name div = path domain return else typeof while equiv url extern use for user function var addition, WMLScript also set aside a number of reserved words for future versions, there are: case finally catch import class private const public debugger sizeof DEFAULT STRUCT DO SUPER ENUM STCH EXPORT THROW EXTENDS TRY WMLScript There are some reserved words that are not used: delete null in this lib void new with3. Basic writing rules.? 3.1.1. Program consists of several statements or functions, and the function has a number The statement composition;? 3.1.2. Behind each complete statement must be added (;), the statement keyword must have space; the semicolon (;) is part of the WMLScript program;? 3.1.3 The function body must be enclosed between the pair of curly brackets ({}), and the function is added after the functional bracket (}), and the function explains, such as function name, Function type, function parameter, etc. To be placed in front of the curly bracket ({});? 3.1.4. Some statements may also need practical curly bracket (}) to include content, which can also be placed in a function, So the curly bracket ({}) is a nested.



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