AutoCAD2000 command details

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  175

Source: Id = 22

2003-4-27 Redu CAD Studio Release

3D Creating 3D Multi-Single Object 3DARRAY Creating a 3D Array 3DCLIP Enables interactive 3D view and open the Adjust Trip Flat window 3DCORBIT Enable interactive three-dimensional view and allows the user to set the object Continuous 3DDISTANCE to enable interactive three-dimensional view and make Objects Show Creating Creating Creating 3D Faway 3dmesh Creating 3D Side 3dmesh 3Dorbit Control in 3D Space Interactive View Objects

3DPAN Enables interactive three-dimensional view and allows users to horizontally or vertically drag view 3DPOLY Use "Continuous" line type in three-dimensional space to create multi-segment 3DSIN input 3D Studio (3DS) file 3DSOUT output 3D Studio (3DS) file 3D STUDIO (3DS) file 3dswivel Enables interactive three-dimensional view to simulate the effect of rotating the camera 3DZOOM Enable interactive three-dimensional view allows users to zoom view


About Display information about AutoCAD Acisin Enter the ACIS file Acisout OuttoCAD entity Object to the ACIS file Adclose Close AutoCAD Design Center AdCnaviGate to lead the AutoCAD Design Center to lead the desktop of the user to the user-specified file name, directory name or network path Align Align an object with other objects in two-dimensional and three-dimensional space

AMECONVERT converts the AME entity model to AutoCAD entity object Aperture Control Object Capture the target frame size AppLoad load or unload the application and specify the application ARC to be loaded when startup, create an arc AREA calculation object or the area of ​​the specified area and the circumference of the specified area. Multi-object copy ARX load, uninstall, and provide information about the ObjectARX application information attribute definition of the ObjectARX application information ATTDISP global control properties

AttEdit changes attribute information attext extraction attribute data AttredEf redefines block and updates the integrity of the associated property AUDIT check graphics


Background Setting Scene Background Effects Base Setting Current Graph Inserting By Dices Bhatch Using Pattern Fill Closure Areas or Selected Object BlipMode Control Point Tag Show Block Create Block Defining Blockicon Generated Blocks Created by R14 or earlier Generation Preview Image Bmpout Press the Selected Object to the file in a bitmap format that is not related to the device, Boundary creates a field or multi-segment Box from the closed area to create a three-dimensional cuboid

BREAK section deletes objects or breaks down objects into two parts Browser boot system registry setup default web browser


CAL calculates the value of the arithmetic and geometric expression. Camera Sets the camera and target of different positions of the camera and the target to the object's side chamfer Change modify the characteristics of the existing object Chprop's color, layer, line style, linear scale factor, line Wide, thickness and print style Circle Create a Circular CLOSE Close Current Graphic Color Defines Color Compile Compile File and PostScript Font File

CONE Creating 3D Solid Conical Convert Optimization AutoCAD R13 or Earlier Create Two Created Multi-Segment and Associated Pluggled Copy Copy Object CopyBase Tape Specified Base Copy Object CopyClip Copy Object to Clipboard CopyHist to copy the command line history text to clipboard CopyLink Copy the current view into the clipboard so that it can be linked to other OLE applications CUTCLIP copies the object to the clipboard and remove objects from the graphics.

Cylinder creates a three-dimensional entity cylinder


DBCCLOSE Close "Database Connection" manager DBConnect provides AutoCAD interface DBLIST for external database tables DDEDIT DDEDIT Edit text and property Definition DDPTYPE Test point object display mode and size DDVOINT Setting 3D Observation Direction DELAY in the script Provides pause DIM and DIM1 enter the marking mode DIMALIGNED to create a log linear label

Dimangular Creating Angle Dimension DIMBaseline Create a linear, angle, or coordinate Dimcenter from the baseline of the previous or selected annotation DIMCENTER Creating a circle and arc # Create linearity from the previous or selected marked second-size boundary , Angle or coordinates Diameter DiMDIAMETER Diameter Diameter Diming Dimedit Editing Dimlinear Creating Linear Size Dimord Inn Creating Cover Dimension Dimodyride Replacement Target Dimodius Creating a Round and Arc Dead Dimstyle Create or Modify Taste Style Dimtedit Mobile and Rotate Distance Text DIST Measure Distance and angle Divide DragMode DragMode Dragmode Control AutoCAD Displays Dragmode Control AutoCAD Displays DragMode DragMode DragMode DragMode DragMode Dragmode DragMode DragMode DragMode DragMode DragMode DragMode DragMode DragMode Dragmode DragMode DragMode Dragmode DraWorder Dragmode Dragmode DraWorder Modify Images and Others Object display order dsettings Specify settings of capture mode, raster, pole coordinates, and object capture tracking

DSViewer Opens the "Aerial View" window DVIEW Defines Parallel Projection or Perspective View Dwgprops Settings and Displays Features DXBIN for Current Graphs Enter special encoding binaries


EDGE Modifying the Edge Visibility Edgesurf Creating 3D Multiple Grid ELEV Settings New Objects Tensile Thickness and High Features Ellipse Creating an Ellipse or Elliptical Arcritical ERASE Delete Object Explode from the Graphics To Decompose the Combination Object to Object Components EXPORT Other File Format Save Object ExpressTools If the AutoCAD shortcut is installed, but not run, run the tool Extend extension to another object EXTRUDE to create a three-dimensional prototype by stretching the existing two-dimensional object.


Fill controls multi-line, wide, two-dimensional fill, all patterns fills and wide versions of fill fillets to create reused filters to select the object Find lookup, replace, selection, or zoom according to characteristics Specified text FOG control rendering atomization


Graphscr Switch from the text window to the graphics window Grid In the current viewport, display the naming selection set for the point grid group.


Hatch uses a pattern to fill a specified boundary to modify an existing pattern fill object HELP (F1) Show online Hide Hide Regeneration When you regenerate 3D model When you want to display hidden line HyperLink attached to a graphic object or modify existing hyperlink HyperLinkOptions control Super Link Cursor Visibility and Super Link Toolbar Tips Show


ID Display Position Coordinate Image Management Image ImageAdjust Controls the brightness, contrast, and fading image of the selected image to attach a new image object imageClip to the current graphics to create a new cut boundary imageFrame Control The image border is displayed on the screen or in the view Hide ImageQuality Control Image Display Quality Import Enter multiple file format inSerting to AutoCAD into the current graphics into the current graphics

INSERTOBJ Insert Link or Embedded Object InterFere Creates a 3D Combined Entity Intertect with a common section of two or more three-dimensional entities Creating a combined entity or a pop domain with two or more entities or facators and deleting some isoplane other than the intersection of ISOPLANE. Isometric plane


Layer Manage Layout Layout Creates a new layout and rename, copy, save, save or delete an existing layout LayoutWizard launched the Layout Wizard, and you can specify the layout page and print settings Leader to create a lead to comment with a geometric feature lionThen pull Long object Light Processing Light and Light Effect LIMITS Settings and Controls Graphics Boundary and Raster Display Line Creating Line Segments LINETYPE Creating, Loading, and Settings Line Type

List Displays the database information load loading shape file of the selected object, load the calling shape logfileoff to the shape command to turn the logfileon command Open log file Logfileon writes the contents of the text window LSEDIT Edit Settle Objects LSLIB Manage Scenic Library Lsnew adds a real sense of view objects on the graph, such as the tree and bush ltscale set linear scale factor LWEight Sets the current line width, line width display options and line width unit M

MassProp calculates and displays the quality characteristics of the field or entity MatchProp copies the characteristics of a object to other several objects MATLIB library input output Measure to place the point object or block Press the specified spacing Menu loading menu file Menuunload Some menu file Menuunload Uninstall Some menu files MINSERT Insert a plurality of reference mirror in a rectangular array, creating a mirror copy of the object, creating a mirror object relative to a plane

MLEDIT Edit Multi-Line Line MLINE Create Multi-Layer Mlstyle Defines Multi-Parallel Line Style Model From the Layout Tab to the Model tab and set it to the current MOVE in the specified direction Press to specify the distance to move the object mslide as the model space. All viewports of the mouth or drawings Create a slide file Mspace Switch from the drawing space to the model space viewport mText creation multi-line text multiple repeat the next command until canceled

Mview Creates floating viewports and opens existing floating viewports MVSetup Settings graphic specifications


New Create a new graphic file


Ofset creates concentric circles, parallel lines, and parallel cages OLINKS update, modify, and cancel existing OLE link OLESCALE Display "OLE" dialog OOPS Restore Object Open Open Open Existing Graphics File Options Custom AutoCAD Set Ortho Confusion Mobile OSNAP Set Object Capture Mode


PageSetup Specifies the page layout, printing device, drawings, and specifying settings for each new layout to set the graphical partiaload displayed in the current viewport to load additional geometry into the local open graphic. Partialopen will select the view or layers. Geometry Loading into the graph Pasteblock Paste Copy Blocks into the new graphic Pasteclip Insert Clipboard Data Pasteorig Use the coordinates of the original graph to paste the object to the new graphic

Pastespec inserts the clipboard data and controls the data format PCIzard display wizard, inputs print settings in the PCP and PC2 configuration files to the Model tab or the current layout PEDIT editing multi-segment line and 3D polygon mesh PFACE to create a 3D multi-faced grid PLAN Display User Coordinate Flat View PLINE Create a 2D multi-segment PLOT Print graphics to print devices or file plotStyle Set the current print style of the new object, or selected print styles already specified in the object

PlotterManager Displays the Printer Manager, from which you can start "Add Printer" Wizard and "Printer Configuration Editor" Point Creative Point Object Polygon Creating Closed Equation Multi-Section Preview Display Print Graphics Properties Controls Existing Objects Control PropertiesClose Close Features "Window PSDRAG controls image display when using PSIN input postscript images and drags to the appropriate position

Psetupin Set User-Defined Page Settings to New Graphics Layout Psfill Plug 2D Multi-Segment Outline Psin Enter PSIN Enter POSTScript File PSout Create Package PostScript File PSPACE Switch From Model Space Purge Delete Graphics Database Named objects, such as blocks or layers


QDIM Quick Create Target QSAVE Quick Save Current Graphics QSELECT Create Select Set QText Control Text and Property Objects Display and Print Quit AUTOCAD


Ray creates a single-way infinite line Recover repair corrupted graphics Rectang Draw a rectangular multi-segment REDEFINE Restore Restore AutoCAD internal command REDO Restore the previous undo or u command Abandon execution REDRAW Refresh Display Current viewport RedRawall Refresh Display All views The modification of the mouth refclose stored or waived when the bit editor reference (external reference or block) was given, the reference refset to edit the reference reflection (external reference or block), and add or delete the object Regen from the work. Regeneration graphic And refresh the current viewport Regenall Regeneration graphics and refreshes all viewport RegenAuto Control Automatically regenerate graphics Region Creating a Variety Object Reinit from an existing object Reinit Reinitializing the digitizer, digital device input / output port and program parameter file Rename Modifying the object name Render Creating a three-dimensional line box or entity model with a realistic coloring image

RendsCr Re-displays the last rendering replay executing by render command Shows BMP, TGA, or TIFF Image Resume Continue to perform an interrupt script file revolve wind axle rotating two-dimensional object to create an entity revSurf to create a rotating surface around the selected axis. RMAT Management Rendering Material Rotate Winding Intimate Point Mobile Object Rotate3D Wrap Three-dimensional Shaft Mobile Object RPREF Settings Rendering System Configuring RScript Creating Contact Scripts

Rulesurf creates a straight grain surface between two curve


SAVE Saves the Current Or Specified File Name Saves Specify Name Save Unnamed Graphics or Rename Current Graphics SaveIMG Use File Save Rendering Image Scale In X, Y, and Z Direction, Magnifying or Reduces the Scene Scenarius Scenarius Scenarius Script File Performs a series of commands section SECTION Create the field SELECT to place the selected object in "Previous" Select Concentration SETUV Wrap the material map to the object surface

Setvar Lists system variables or modified variables Shademode in the current viewport Shape Insert Shell Access Operation System Command SHOWMAT Lists Material Types and Adhesive Methods Sketch Creating a Series Wire Segment Slice with a Plane The entity SNAP specifies the cursor Press the specified spacing mobile SOLDRAW generates an outline map and a cross-sectional view Solid to create a two-dimensional fill polygon in the viewport created by the SOLView command.

SolidEdit Editing Side and Side Solprof Creating 3D Entity Objects Section SOLVIEW Creating a Floating Viewport in Layout To create a floating viewport to generate a multi-faced view of a three-dimensional entity and body object With cross-sectional SPELL Check graphic words spelling sphere Create 3D Substrate SPline Create Second or Three (NURBS) Sample Curve SPLINEDIT Edit Sample Curve Object Stats Display Rendering Statistics Status Display Graphics Statistics, Mode and Scope

Stlout saves the entity to the ASCII or binary. Stretch Move or Stretch Object style creates or modifies the named text style and setting the current style StylesManager in the graphic word StylesManager Display "Print Style Manager" Subtract Create a combined field or Entity Syswindows Arrangement Window


Tablet calibration, configuration, open, and close installed Digitalizer Tabsurf Create a Character Vector and Path Creation Characters Text Creating a single line text TextsCr Open AutoCAD Text Window Time Show Graphic Date and Time Statistics TOLERANCE Creating a Leave Tolerance Toolbar Show, Hide and custom toolbars Torus Creating a Circular Entity TRACE Creating a Snapline Transparency Controlling whether the image pixel is transparent

TREESTAT Displays the information about the current space index of the graphics Trim Trim Trimming object with other objects defined


U Abandon UCS Manage UCS Management UCSICON Control View UCS icon Sostly UCSMAN Management Undefine UNDEFINE Allows Application Definitions The Effect of AutoCAD Internal Command UNDO The effect of the AutoCAD internal command UION pass and operates Combined field or entity Units sets the coordinates and angles of display formats and precision V

VBAIDE Shows Visual Basic Editor VBaload to load global VBA projects into the current AutoCAD task. VBAMAN loading, uninstall, saving, creation, embedding, and extracting VBA project vbarun runs VBA macro VBASTMT executing VBA statement in the AutoCAD command line to uninstall global VBA project

View Save and Recovery The Named View View Resolution VLISP Sets VLISP Display VLISP VLISP Display Visual Lisp Interactive Development Environment (IDE) VPClip Trip Trip Object VPLAYER Setting the visibility of the visibility in the viewport VPOINT setup VPOINT setup graphics three-dimensional View View Direction Vports Split the drawing area into multiple tiled viewports vslide display image slide file in the current viewport


WBLOCK writes the block object to the new graph file WEDGE Create a 3D entity to make the inclined surface tip along the X-axis to display the internal information of the open graphic file WMFIN Enter the window of Windows Module file WMFOPTS Setting WMFIN option WMFout Save in Windows Module file format Object


XATTACH The external reference to the current graphics Xbind to bind the external reference dependent symbol to the graphics XClip definition external reference or block tailoring boundary, and set the front cut surface and the post-cut surface XLINE to create an infinite long straight line (ie the reference line) XPLode Decompose the combined object to the external reference in the formation object XREF control graphics


Zoom zoom in or reduces the appearance size of the current viewport object


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