Community study (C # version)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  182

Community study (C # version)

Write down some records in ASP.NET Community Starter Kit (CSVS) now, it is a free version of the build community web application provided by Microsoft, including the discussion, pictures, event records, articles published files, files Upload, book introduction, etc., today analyze the program's directory structure. Http:// TabINDEX = 8 & Tabid = 47 can be downloaded for free

1 Directory Structure 1.1 --- Admin Administrator Directory, with * .aspx ,, *. ASCX, Web.config, No pure C # Code File --- | --- ActivityLog --- | --- Controls --- | --- DeleteContent --- | --- Documentation --- | --- EditiMages --- | --- EditMESS --- | --- EditSubscriptions --- |- EditServicesubscriptions - | - Edittopics --- | --- Editusers --- | --- Editvoting --- | --- EditWebboxServices --- | --- Help --- | --- Images --- | --- sendnewsletterstyles --- | --- styles1.2 --- Advertisements advertising information, pictures and advertising profiles (XML files), web.config1.3 --- Communities association, mainly responsible for interface design, A large amount of ASCX files and pictures --- | --- Common --- | --- | --- Images --- | --- | --- | --- admin --- | --- | - | --- Discuss --- | --- | --- | --- Emoticons --- | --- | --- | --- Hasread --- | --- | | --- HTMLTextBox --- | --- | --- | --- Ratings --- | --- | --- Themes (Topic) --- | --- | --- | -Default --- | --- | --- | --- | --- Images --- | --- | --- | --- | --- Skins --- | --- | --- | --- | --- Contentskins --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- Controlskins --- | --- | - | --- | --- | --- pageskins --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- Templateskins --- | --- | --- | --- styles --- | --- | --- | --- arc --- | --- | --- | --- cruise --- | --- | - | --- Eco --- | --- | --- | --- frida --- | --- | --- | --- il --- | --- Profe Ssional --- | --- | --- | --- Robotico --- | --- | --- Webboxes --- | --- Community1 --- | --- | --- Custommodules- - | --- | --- Images --- | --- | --- themes --- | --- | --- Webboxes1.4 --- Engine Some Program Engine, is the program Main part, completely C # code, all database operations also include a large number of server controls in the static method in Components / [Name] Utility,


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