Software engineer moral norm (reproduced)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  184

In May 1993, the management committee of the IEEE Computer Association established a guiding committee to establish a variety of activities for establishing software engineering as a profession as a profession. In the same year, the ACM Council also agreed to establish a committee on software engineering. By January 1994, two associations set up a joint guiding committee to formulate a set of appropriate standards for software engineering career practices, as the basis for industrial decisions, occupational certification and teaching courses. To accomplish this work, they put forward the following suggestions:

* Use standard definitions;

* Define the required knowledge subject and recommended practical activities;

* Define moral standards;

* Define the teaching courses defined undergraduate, postgraduate (master) and continuing education (re-training and transfer)

The Steering Committee decided to achieve these goals by setting up a series of special groups. The initial special group includes: software engineering knowledge body and recommended practical activities; software engineering morality and professional practice and software engineering curriculum system.

The goal of software engineering ethics and professional practitioners is to develop a document for software engineers in moral and professional responsibilities and obligations. This ethics (draft) was developed by the IEEE Computer Association and the Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practice Team of the ACM Joint Steering Committee and has been reviewed by the committee.

Any specification that carefully develops and correctly promotes the powerful tools for promoting professionalization and establishing social security. They should not only flow, but this is often the illusion of people. The draft of this NAT is based on the broad research on multiple computing disciplines and engineering disciplines, intended to adopt specifications of professional groups and members in education and incentives. The specification also tells the public, a job responsibility and its importance. Standardize the practitioners to indicate that society expects them to achieve, as well as their peers pursuit and mutual expectations. The norm does not mean encouraging the context, and they do not represent legislation; but they have given actual recommendations for some issues that affect professional and their customers, and also provide reference to the policy of policy.


Now, computers are increasingly becoming commercial, industrial, governments, medical, education, entertainment, social affairs, and central roles of people's daily lives. Those who directly or through teaching are engaged in designing and development software systems, with great opportunities can be engaged in goodwill can also engage in evils, while also affecting or make others do the same thing. To ensure that this power is used for useful purposes, software engineers must require the software design and development of themselves to be useful, and they are engaged in respectful careers. To this end, software engineers should adhere to the following ethics.

This specification contains 8 sets of naming criteria named by keywords. These guidelines are related to the behavior of professional software engineers and their decisions, and also applicable to the industry practitioners, educators, managers and supervisors, afternoon. And professional trainers and students. These guidelines have given a difference between the various relationships between individuals, groups, and organizations, and pointed out their respective major obligations in these relationships.

Each of the specification is elaborated in three levels of moral obligations, these moral obligations are professional software engineers should bear in the various relationships described. The first level is given a group of moral values, which is also common for professional software engineers and all others. The second level is some of the more challenging obligations to software engineering professionals than the first level. The reason why the second level is required is that professionals should be special responsibility for people who will affect their work. The third level is also a deeper level, including several obligations directly taken from factors related to professional practices of software engineering. The terms in each group of criteria are detailed description of the obligations of each level in the corresponding relationship.

The terms in each group of criteria are composed of three different types of statements corresponding to three levels.

First level: desire (for real people). The desire statement gives the direction and goals and is used to guide professional behavior. These guiding requirements are very important to moral judgment.

Second level: expect (for professional). The desired statement expresses all professional obligations and professional attitudes. Although they do not describe specific behavior details, they clearly indicate their career responsibility in the field of calculation science. Third level: Requirements (for good practitioners). The required statements have proposed more specific behavioral responsibilities in software engineering, which are closely related to current technical conditions. The scope of this layer has a general desire to state to specific measurable requirements.

Although all levels of occupational obligations have been enumerated, this specification does not intend to include all the way, and do not want its part of its part to be used to determine the dereliction of duty or illegal. The guidelines and terms listed are not very detailed, and they do not want readers to simply distinguish what is acceptable to distinguish between occupational behaviors in all actual situations. This specification is not a moral algorithm that simply gives moral judgment. In some cases, each standard of this specification may conflict with each other or conflict with other standards. At this time, the software engineer is required to combine the at the time to make moral judgments and take action with the most consistent spirit of the moral norm.

It is best to give a well-thoughtable basic principles for moral issues, rather than just list many detailed regulations. These guidelines should affect you more widely, who will be affected by your work; check if you and your colleagues treat others with respect; if the public is properly told, how will they review you? Decision made; how much is to analyze your decision; consider whether your ideal professional behavior is enough for software engineers. Because this specification represents the common opinions of those who engage in the profession, we should pay attention to what they have insightful, people who have experienced and experienced peers, what they think is the most in a particular environment The moral behavior of morality is only in violation of this convention after careful discrimination.

The dynamics and demand for software engineering requires a stronger adaptability and applicability of a normative to emerge. But even in this general principle, this specification is only supported by software engineers that record professional moral attitudes in documents; that is, providing individuals in the corresponding development group and the ethics foundation that can help throughout the development group. . This specification also helps which definitions are the moral inappropriate requirements for software engineers.

This specification also has the role of education, which points out the requirements of anyone who continues to join the software engineering occupation. Because it expresses the consistent opinions of the ethics, it can be used as a guidance for decision-making, which can also be used as a public and eager to engage in the educational tools for the professional obligations of software engineers.

Guideline 1: Product

Software engineers should ensure that they develop software is useful for public, employers, customers, and users, and are acceptable in quality. When they are completed on time, they are reasonable, and they are not wrong. In particular, software engineers should do as much as possible:

1.01 Guaranteed that the specification of the software they did is well made of documents, and can meet the needs of users and get the customer's recognition.

1.02 Strive to fully understand the specifications of the software they engage in.

1.03 Based on the combination of appropriate education and experience, it is guaranteed that they are qualified for any items that will engage in and will engage in.

1.04 For any items they are engaged in and will be engaged in the correct and targets of the right and achievable.

1.05 For any items they are engaged in and will be engaged in any projects, there is a proper methodology.

1.06 For any project they engaged in, there is a good management, including effective procedures for improving quality and reducing risks.

1.07 For any project, timetable, personnel, and spending that they are going to engage in, to ensure a cost-effective budget and make risk assessments for these budgets.

1.08 Any project they engaged in ensuring adequate documents, including logs, logs and solutions taken.

1.09 The software they engage in and related documents, guarantee sufficient testing, tap and review.

1.10 Development of software and related documents should strive to respect the privacy of people who use the software. 1.11 Note that only the accurate data of the legal source is used and is used only in an appropriate authorization.

1.12 When appropriate, delete outsurgate or problematic data.

1.13 Strive to identify, define and clarify the ethical, economic, cultural, legal and environmental issues related to any work.

1.14 Maximize quality and reduced costs for employers, customers, users, and the public. Focus on the parties to the relevant parties.

1.15 Strive to follow industry standards that are best suited for current work, only when technical proves should deviate from these criteria.

Guideline 2: Public

From a professional role, software engineering should only play a role in a manner that is consistent with the public security, health and welfare. To this end, the software engineer should:

2.01 The software or related documentation of the responsible or understanding, such as any of the hazards that may constitute actual or potential hazards on users, third-party developers, or environments, should report to relevant persons or authorities.

2.02 Only if there is sufficient reason to believe a software is safe, meet the specifications requirements, have passed the appropriate test and did not reduce the quality of life or the environment of harm the environment, and approved it.

2.03 Sign only on documents that are prepared under their supervision, or these documents are within the scope of their capabilities and for them.

2.04 Major issues that are concerned by the public or related documents should work to solve it.

2.05 Try to develop software respecting diversity. The issues related to language, different capabilities, different access forms (body, intelligence), economic advantages, and resource allocation should be considered.

2.06 All statements related to software or related documents must be fair and honest, especially for the public care.

2.07 Do not put their own interests, employers' interests, customers' interests or users' interests above the public's interests.

2.08 When the opportunity appears to give vocational skills to a wonderful career, and contribute to the public education related to the subject.

2.09 Take all their responsibilities to their own work.

Guide 3: Judgment

In the case of consistent with the guidelines 2, software engineers should maintain their independence and protection of judging as much as possible. In particular, software engineers should do:

3.01 For any software or related documentation that requires them to evaluate, the objectivity of the occupation should be maintained.

3.02 Sign only on the documents that are prepared under their supervision and within their capacity range.

3.03 Rejects bribery.

3.04 In addition to all parties to the contract, the third party does not accept the returns, commissions or other rewards paying by the contract.

3.05 For any particular item or a service specific to the project, in addition to the environment that has been fully exposed to the relevant parties and they have expressed their payment, they only receive compensation from one party.

3.06 For those conflicts that cannot be rationally avoided or avoided, all of the relevant parties must be disclosed.

3.07 All software or related documents related to their own, their employers, their customers, should refuse to make any decisions for the software or document as a member or consultant to participate in the government or professional group.

3.08 Take the value of support and maintenance people to adjust all technical judgments.

Guidelines 4: Customers and Employers

The work of software engineers should always be consistent with the public's health, safety and benefits. They should always serve their customers or employers' faithful agents and principal in their career. In particular, software engineers should:

4.01 Services only within their capacity range.

4.02 Guarantee that any documentation is approved by the authorized person.

4.03 Use customers or employers' property in a properly authorized manner, and to let customers and employers know and get their consent.

4.04 Do not use illegal or hold software without knowing.

4.05 Confidentiality for information that does not belong to public ranges in occupational activities, of course, this confidentiality should not affect the public concern.

4.06 In the software or related documentation you work or know, you should carefully discriminate, record and report to the employer or customer report on any social issues.

4.07 If they think that a project may fail, or prove that the cost is too high, or violates the intellectual property law, especially the copyright law, the patent law or the trademark method, or any other problems, should immediately notify the customer or employer immediately. 4.08 Do not accept other work that is unfavorable to its main employers.

4.09 Do not deserve any party opposite to the interests of their employers, unless they need to obey a higher moral standard, at this time, they should know them or another appropriate authorized person or institution Moral situation.

Guideline 5: Management

Software engineers with management and leadership functions should be fair, and they should enable people they leaders to fulfill their own and collective obligations, including the obligations required in this specification. In particular, software engineers who play leadership roles should be appropriate as possible:

5.01 Before requiring employees to comply with various criteria, it is guaranteed to make them understand these standards.

5.02 Guaranteed the employee to know the policies and procedures taken by employers to protect passwords, documents, and other confidential information.

5.03 Only after appropriate education and experience have further desires and requirements for this kind of education and experience at the same time, it is again assigned.

5.04 A necessary treatment is given after listening to the policy of violating the employer or the allegations of this specification.

5.05 Any software, handling technology, research, articles or other knowledge products that contribute to employees, formulate a fair and reasonable agreement on their ownership.

5.06 Absorbs employees only by a comprehensive and accurate description of the work.

5.07 Only provide a fair reasonable reward.

5.08 For subordinates qualified to engage in a certain work, he cannot prevent him from being unfairly (or her).

5.09 Do not require an employee to do anything inconsistent with this specification.

Guideline 6: Occupation

Software engineers should improve their honestiness and reputation in various aspects of their careers, and consistent with the health, safety and welfare requirements of the public. In particular, software engineers should do as much as possible:

6.01 Connection with a reputable company and organization.

6.02 Guarantee customers, employers and supervisors know the obligations and responsibilities of software engineers in this ethics.

6.03 Supports those people who have done in accordance with this specification.

6.04 Helps to develop an organization environment that is conducive to moral behavior.

6.05 Both things that violate this specification should be reported to the appropriate authorization (person) institutions.

6.06 Software and related documents for their work should be fulfilled, corrected, and reporting errors.

6.07 Remuneration is only accepted with professional qualifications or experience.

6.08 Accurately stratetting the features of the software they work, not only to avoid errors, but to avoid reasoning to be deceived, misleading or doubtful assertions.

6.09 Don't develop your interest in professional costs.

6.10 Obey all regulations that manage their work, so that their work is consistent with the public's health, safety and welfare requirements.

6.11 With constructive services with public affairs to perform professional responsibilities to society.

6.12 Promote the public's understanding of software engineering.

6.13 Sharing the useful knowledge, invention or discovery of software in this occupation. For example, you can share the paper in a technical newspaper and a group of organizations that serve professional standards in technical newspapers.

Guideline 7: Colleagues

Software engineers should treat all people working with them and should take positive steps to support the activities of the community. In particular, software engineers should do as much as possible:

7.01 Assist of colleagues' career development.

7.02 Review other software engineers work, this review is not in public, only in advance, and assumes that this review is consistent with security requirements.

7.03 Trust the work of others.

7.04 Review other people's work in the way objective, fair and established formal documents.

7.05 fairly listened to colleagues, and criticized things or restoration complained.

7.06 Assist colleagues fully understand current standard work practices, including protective passwords and documents, regular security measures, and other policies and procedures for privacy information.

7.07 Do not interfere with any colleagues' career progress and development.

7.08 Do not underestimate the work of other software engineers for the interest of your personal interest. 7.09 For situations outside of their own capabilities, you should consult other professionals in the corresponding field.

Guideline 8: I

Software engineers should strive to increase their ability to have their careers in their entire career. In particular, software engineers should always work hard:

8.01 Further improves the design, development and testing of software and related documents, as well as knowledge of development process management.

8.02 Improve the ability to create security, reliable and high quality software in reasonable costs.

8.03 Improve the ability to write accurate, rich information and smooth documents to support the software used.

8.04 Improve the understanding of the software and related documents used, and the understanding of these software and documents will be applied.

8.05 Improve the understanding of the legal knowledge of software and related documents used in management.

8.06 Improve the specifications for this specification, and understanding it in their own work.

8.07 Do not require or affect other people to engage in any violation of this specification.

8.08 As a violation of this specification as a behavior that is not in conformity with software engineers.


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