.NET Overview White Paper (MS)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  207

.NET Overview White Paper

Release Date: June 02, 2004

The Microsoft .NET programming model allows enterprise developers to reduce the focus of program operations or methods, and pay more attention to the role of the application - where they can real value. This paper studies the value of .NET prospects for the value of enterprise IT experts, discusses its favorable and related technical requirements.


CIO, corporate structural designers, developers, IT experts' technical overview of basic contents of Microsoft .NET advantages and technology requirements.

Product and technology

• Public Language Runture • .NET Framework Class • ASP.NET • Development Language (C #, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, Microsoft JScript .NET) • Web Services • .NET Remote Processing • Windows Form • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET • Windows Server System, WINDOWS SERVER SYSTEM


• Single sharing IDE. The IT department can standardize through this utility that supports more than 20 languages, so developers can make full use of their strengths and techniques. • Enable new business processes and system integration and running platform. Enable IT agencies to expand existing applications, integrate with partners. • Improved applications performance, security, and simple deployment procedures.

The role of Enterprise Information Technology (IT) has always been changed in an acceleration step, from cutting costs, and bringing income and profit at the same time. This means emphasizing customers with suppliers, partners, and company LANs and firewalls to establish fast and cost-effective integration. In short, it means that it is half-meter.

For example, the Microsoft .NET framework provides tools that make developers can be coded in a variety of devices such as smart phone (Smart Phones) and Windows Powered Pocket PC.

This technical summary describes the basic principles development of Microsoft .NET enterprise application development, as well as the perspective of CIO, corporate structural designers, developers and IT experts to help IT experts plan infrastructure and procedures. Development environment.

This page

.NET Framework basically constitutes a public language running library .NET Framework class ASP.NETC # (C Sharp) VisualBasic .NET (VB.NET) JScript .NetWeb Services .NET Remote Processing Windows Forms Visual Studio .NetWindows Server System Conclusion: Hosting Code and data

.NET Framework basic composition

The .NET framework is a programming model for Windows Server System builds, deployed and running web services and applications. The frame hosts most deep structures that allow developers to focus on the business logic code of the application. The basic composition of the .NET framework is as follows:

• Public Language Runture • .NET Framework Class • ASP.NET • Web Services • .NET Remote Processing • Windows Form

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Public language runtime

The public language runtime is the running engine of the .NET Framework application. It provides a range of services, including:

• Code Management (Loading and Execution) • Application Inpass Isolation • Type Security Check • Conversions in Intermediate Languages ​​• Access Metadata (Enhanced Type Information) • Memory Management of Host Objects • Mandatory Code Access Security • Abnormal Processing, including cross-language exceptions • Managed code (code to the public language run service), component object model (COM) object, and non-hosting code and data (earlier dynamic link library [DLLS]) interactive operations • Objects Automation of layout • Services support for developers (such as configuration files and debugments)

Public language runtime is responsible for runtime services, such as language integration, mandatory security, and memory, process, and thread management. In addition, it also assumes roles such as lifecycle management, strong type name, cross-language exception handling, and dynamic binding period during development, to reduce the number of code required to write transaction logic to reusable components. . Figure 1 shows the basic composition of the public language runtime.

Figure 1: Basic composition of the public language runtime views a complete image.

The public language runtime supports more than 20 development languages. These languages ​​are compiled into an intermediate language through the compiler, and is the intermediate language code, and then converted into a machine language by optimizing a specific system (JIT) compiler. Thereafter, these managed codes are executed through the public language running libraries on the client device.


The public language runtime provides a reliable basis for developers to build different types of applications. Whether ASP.NET applications, Windows Forms, XML web services, mobile applications, distributed applications, or a hybrid application based on these types, the public language runtime provides the following advantages:

• Simplified development process • Different language code integration writing • Code identification • Eliminate DLL version issues called "DLL Hell" during deployment • Reusable components version control • Implement by implementing inheritance Reuse • Object Lifecycle Management • Object Description

The public language runtime allows you to design components that contain cross-language objects easier to apply. Objects written in different languages ​​can communicate with each other, and their behavior can be tightly integrated. For example, a developer can define a class and then use another language to send another class from that original class, or call the original initial class. Developers can also pass an instance of a class to a certain method of other classes written in another language. This inter-language integration is feasible because the language compiler and tools for runtime use a public type system defined by the runtime, which complies with the constraints of the running library to define new types, or build, use , Hold and bind type.

I put the business bet on .NET

Rick DEVENUTI Vice President

Chief Information Offer


In any environment, you can use public language runs from Notepad.exe to Advanced Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as Visual Studio .NET.

skills requirement

To run any .NET code, you must install the public language runtime to the server - the client is the client. When creating this article, the public language runtime is installed as part of the .NET Framework Software Development Kit (SDK), which will be included in the Microsoft Server System.

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The .NET framework includes a large number of classes, interfaces, and value types that allow the development process to accelerate and optimize while providing the access pathway for system functions. In order to achieve cross-language operability, .NET Framework Type Compliance with Public Language Norms (CLS), therefore can use any language supported by the compiler. This allows the company's IT department to expand, start the development of existing developers, and quickly start the .NET application, or use full interoperability to improve existing applications with .NET characteristics. Through cross-language inheritance, the reuse of the code is improved, and the time required for the investment market is reduced.

The .NET framework type is the basis for connecting .NET applications, components and controls. The .NET framework contains the type of completion of the following features:

• Represents Basic Data Types and Exceptions • Package Data Structure • Complete Input / Output • Information for Access Deritage • Call .NET Framework Security Check • Provide Data Access Access • Implement Fat Client Graphical User Interface (GUI) and server side Controlled client GUI Enable Rich Client-Side Graphical User Interface (GUI) And Server-Controlled, Client-Side Gui.NET Framework provides a rich interface collection, as well as abstract and imaginary (non-abstract) classes. Developers can use the like class, or in many cases, derive from the class. To use the functionality of the interface, the developer can create a class that implements the interface, or it can be found from a .NET framework class that implements the interface.


Faster market reaction. It has been difficult to implement, or require the application characteristics supported by third-party components. Once the .NET framework is used, it can be implemented by a small number of code. The .NET framework provides more than 4,500 classes, encapsulating full-featured features such as XML, data access, file upload, regular expression, image generation, performance monitoring, transaction, message queue, SMTP sending, etc. foot.

For example, Release Service Manager (RSM) 2.0, an internal application business application provides Microsoft's real-time access to the product and publishing data, and supports product information to manufacturers and partners with electronic means. The design of RSM 2.0 is based on an N-layer architecture in which the intermediate layer contains several web services that implement and database communications using the intermediate layer framework class. By building a Windows Form Intelligent Client Application, the very complex user interface of RSM 2.0 is completed with a small offer than modifying the previous version of the RSM's Web interface. Several .NET frameworks are used to implement file operations on the customer's computer. The effect of background processing and multi-threading characteristics to make the program's computer performance is minimized.

skills requirement

The .NET Public Language Runture must be installed on a client or server running a .NET application. The frame library and the public language run library are published in a approximately 21MB installation package. This package can be installed from the .NET Framework SDK when creating this article.

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ASP.NET is a revolutionary programming framework that makes it possible to rapidly develop powerful web applications and services. It provides the most convenient, flexible way to build, deploy, and run web applications, facing any browser or devices.


The main advantages of ASP.NET are as follows:

• Simple programming model. ASP.NET makes it easy to build a practical web application unprecedented. ASP.NET server-side controls implements a declarative programming similar to HTML style, allowing developers to create a high-efficient web page than that previously use Active Server Pages (ASP). Display data, verify user input, and upload files become simple operations. ASP.NET web pages can be operated in all browsers, including Netscape, Opera, AOL, and Microsoft Internet Explorer. • Flexible language selection. ASP.NET allows developers to make full use of their existing enterprises to develop language skills. Unlike the classic ASP, only supports Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript) and JScript, ASP.NET now supports more than 25 .NET-based languages ​​- containing internal support Visual Basic .NET, C #, and JScript .NET, give developers' flexibility to select language. • Enhanced development environment. Developers use any text editor, even "Notepad", can fully use all of ASP.NET. However, Visual Studio .NET increases the development capability of Visual Basic style to the web field. Now, developers can visualize design ASP.NET Web forms, using familiar drag and drop and double-click skills. Developers can also enjoy all encoding support, including statements to complete with color code. Visual Studio .NET also provides an integration support for debugging and deploying an ASP.NET web application. • Improved performance. The characteristics of code and content separation allow the ASP.NET web page to be dynamically compiled into managed classes to achieve high performance. Each incoming HTTP request is submitted to a new page instance, so developers do not need to care for thread security issues in the code. • Simple and fast deployment. ASP.NET uses an assembly-based Microsoft .NET framework deployment model, and therefore deployed by XCopy, the program set is deployed, and the XML-based setup feature benefits. ASP.NET also supports deployment through fully compiled applications. The advantage of this is that the web server administrator cannot see any source code, which is very important in the case where the application is running for other companies. ASP.NET also has extremely simplified deployment models - to deploy an application, just copy all files that make up the application to the appropriate folder. No registration objects are required, nor does it need to restart the application. All parts of the ASP.NET application can be deployed in this way, including web, web services, compiled components (including DLLs), even configuration data. For example, Microsoft's Information Technology Group (ITG) developers use ASP.NET to build user interfaces for MS Contract, which is an application for managing and coordinating the complex process of implementing Microsoft Contracts. By using the ASP.NET, the MS Contract developers have to write the code for neat. Because the new version of the code is released quarterly, ITG usually invokes developers in different projects, and neat development code achieves efficient and maintainability. For tasks such as displaying a list box after the return page, the developer has almost no spending price, so that the MS Contract database is reduced by 30%.

Enterprise Version Visual Studio .NET implements the development feature of fast web applications to help unit planning, analysis, design, building, testing, and coordinating teams developing ASP.NET web applications. These features include the use of unified modeling languages ​​(Unified Modeling Language, UML), database modeling (conceptual, logical, and physical model), test tool (function, performance, and scalability) , Business frame with template. All of this is integrated into the Visual Studio .NET environment. ASP.NET makes the concept of traditional ASP applications more on the first floor. A website, or a web application in a site, can also have an ASP.NET page and an ASP page. Since the ASP and ASP.NET pages can be accessed from the same web server, there is no need to import an existing ASP page into the ASP.NET compatible page. Of course, the Microsoft test shows that the requests that can be processed per second are two to three times the classic ASP application.

New features in ASP.NET, such as server-side controls and event processing, helping developers develop application speed faster, less coding. Separation of code and HTML content becomes unprecedented.

skills requirement

The ASP.NET model assumes a stateless service architecture. The stateless architecture has a greater scalability than the full state architecture. Web services can use ASP.NET Status Management Services if needed to remain in the request. ASP.NET-based web services are managed applications that are executed for public language runtime, so all features of the aforementioned public language runs and .NET frameworks can be utilized. As a selection, you can run the .NET managed code through the public language runtime, but not only ASP.NET.

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C # (C Sharp)

C # (pronunciation for C Sharp) is a simple, modern, object-oriented, type-safe development language that enables programmers to quickly easily build solutions for Windows Server System Integrated Software Products.


• Code multiplexing. Components designed with C # can be easily converted into a web service, which can be called from the Internet in any language of any operating system. • Enhanced performance. Garbage collection (GC) technology. Do not need manual memory management. • Enhanced reliability. Variables have been automatically initialized to type security. • Improved development efficiency. Version control and scalability support. • Faster market reactions. Better mapping between business processes and deployment applications. Developers can define properties of a particular domain and apply them to any language elements such as classes, interfaces, and more. After definition, the properties of each element can be programmed. • Extensive interactive operability. Born to celebration of COM and Windows-API.

C # is a very successful Web-based key section designed to allow Microsoft users or groups to create, distribute, and manage electronic surveys to obtain valuable feedback. Developing this app to create multi-threaded mail services using the .NET framework and C # language. Using C # can reduce development and test time on the basis of non-object-oriented characteristics. For this project, C # language seems to be the most suitable application design; in fact, because there is a support from the .NET framework for core programming tasks, this team found that the use of C # is easier than using Visual Basic.

skills requirement

As the development requirements, C # requires a public language runtime, and the .NET framework class library.

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VisualBasic .NET (VB.NET)

Visual Basic .NET is the next generation of Visual Basic, dedicated to developing distributed applications, such as web or enterprise N-layer system advantages and technical requirements

• Enhanced object-oriented support, such as inheritance • Structured exception handling • New Thread Selection • Garbage Collection • Creating a Web Form Easy • Quickly create a web service • New version of ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) Access access access to non-connected data sources • Supports cross-language inheritance (Visual Basic development class can be inherited from other language writes) • Visual Basic .NET is fully integrated with other Visual Studio .NET languages • Using Web Forms and Microsoft ADO.NET quickly develop scalable sites • Simple application deployment procedures, implement files and components implementation files and components through the directory • Using unified debugger multilingual applications

The debugging advantage of Visual Basic .NET is undoubted during the development of Consens 3.0. In this project, Non-encapsulation debugging of .NET framework has significantly reduced almost 50% debugging time, so that Consensus developers are no longer willing to use the old debugging environment.

skills requirement

As the development requirements, Visual Basic .NET requires a public language runtime, and .NET framework class libraries and Visual Studio .NET IDE.

The Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 version of the application can be upgraded to Visual Basic .NET through the Upgrade Wizard and Command Board Tools in Visual Basic .NET.

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JScript .NET

JScript .NET - Next Generation JScript language is an object-oriented scripting language for developing a client and server-side script for an ASP.NET web application.

Advantages and technical requirements

• Performance improvement - this is a pure compilation language. • The type of JScript .NET is incorporated by an explicit type declaration and implicit types (with types and non-type variables). • Full support for class-based objects (inheritance, function overload, attribute accessor, etc.). • Cross-language supports access access to the .NET framework.

skills requirement

As the development requirements, JScript .NET requires a public language runtime, as well as .NET framework class libraries.

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Web service

An XML web service is a series of function sets that are packaged into a single entity and publish data and services to other applications. Applications Access the Web Services through industry-standard web protocols, such as HTTP, XML, and Simple Object Access Protocol (Simple Object Access Protocol, SOAP), and do not need to be concerned with specific implementation methods for Web services. The Web service is the cornerstone of the establishment of an open distributed system.


Web services offer the following advantages:

• Interoperability. Any web service can interact with other Web services through SOAP. • Popularization. Web services communicate with HTTP and XML. Therefore, any devices that support these technologies can be released or accessing Web services. • Relatively low entry barriers. The concept containing the web service is very easy to understand, while the free toolkit makes developers to quickly create and deploy Web services. In addition, a part of the toolkit also allows existing components to be easily expressed as web services. • Industry support. Most mainstream software companies support SOAP and related web service technologies. For example, Windows Server System is based on web services, so it can be easily deployed as a web service to a web service, and is called by the web service written by IBM VisuaLage. Figure 2 illustrates how to link Web services to create a distributed application.

Figure 2: Web Services Application Model View full image.

An application example using a web service is Account Explorer, which is a web-based program that provides a single user interface for Microsoft employees, enabling them to browse custom data stored in many different databases. Users can access the SQL Server 2000 database server via the Web service. In order to meet the safety needs, the Web service also provides validation of the user certificate. Account Explorer Design Policy Allows the development team to use familiar industry standards such as Simple Object Access Protocol, SOAP and XML to inherit their all of their advantages is associated with Web services.

Microsoft discovered another valuable use of Web services: Improve search function of Microsoft main website. A web service that contains a common problem with Microsoft now is now integrated into the Search results ("Ultimate Match" form, and usually the input browser generates HTTP 404 error in the URL (in smart 404 form) . Because "Search" is now a web service, it is no longer a single function, which can call and deploy any language on any platform, whether in Microsoft.com, or in the Internet.

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.NET remote processing

Communication is a key factor across network or cross-care program domain objects, which are also called remote objects. .NET remote processing provides a powerful mechanism that allows objects to interact across the application domain.

The communication between the .NET application and the application domain is generated by the channel responsible for transmitting messages between remote objects. A message is first formatted (encoded or decoded) before being transmitted by the channel.

The .NET Framework supports the HTTP and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) channels, as well as SOAP and binary formatting procedures. The HTTP channel uses the SOAP formatting program to transmit messages, while TCP channels use binary formatting programs. Both channels can customize the use of other formatting programs. The channel provided by the third party is also possible.

The HTTP channel uses the SOAP formatting program to transmit messages, while TCP channels use binary formatting programs. Both channels can customize the use of other formatting programs. The channel provided by the third party is also possible.


The advantages of .NET remote processing include the following:

• It is easy to use the network or Internet to use • Transparent object interaction process, with simple programming models and runtime support • Clients can communicate with remote objects by any registered channel communication (channel must be registered first)

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Windows form

The Windows Form expands the traditional full desktop Windows application, and the development experience brought by Visual Studio will bring us the world of managed code and the public language runtime. advantage

• Simple deployment. The Windows Form Application can be installed by a traditional setup.exe / msi file or dynamically distributed by the browser through the HTTP, just like distributing the ActiveX control, but only when you need to use. This feature significantly simplifies the deployment process of the company compared to the traditional single ActiveX component deployment process. • Improved security. The Windows Form is run under the public language runtime, which enforces the security policy for execute code access.

For the Release Services Manager application within Microsoft, developers have created a powerful smart client version (2.0) using a Windows Form, which has the same scalability and availability based on web-based applications. In previous version of RSM, users need to click three times for each file and browse three-screen information. After using the Windows Form, users can handle all documents in one component only, without having to browse multi-screen information. In addition, due to the flexibility provided by the Windows Form, the entire application is not included in a single executable, but in several DLLs, download it from the web server as needed. This helps add new display and new features without having to modify or recompile existing applications.

skills requirement

In order to run a Windows Form Application on the desktop machine, you must install the .NET framework on the host computer.

Using a Windows Form requires a public language run library, .NET Framework class library, in order to simplify the development process, you also need to install Visual Studio .NET IDE.

Running a Windows Form Application requires the .NET public language running library on the client computer, whether the program is installed through the traditional setup.exe or from a web browser to download.

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Visual Studio .NET

To create a .NET application that runs managed code in the .NET Public Language Runture and .NET Framework class, Visual Studio .NET is the preferred integrated development environment (IDE). It continues the tradition of Visual Studio, allowing developers to compile the previous unmanaged C or C # applications.


Visual Studio .NET allows the Rapid Development Application (RAD) to be implemented by efficient development tools. A closely integrated and unified visual environment simplifies the process of developing a web application, reducing the learning curve. Shared Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), XML, and Style Table Editor Lets Use any Visual Studio language to develop web applications that make it easy, including using new C # programming languages.

Visual Studio .NET provides an ideal choice for Microsoft Press to update its Microsoft Press Connections website. The development team discovered that compared with its predecessors, C # has better encapsulation and maintainability; the team can therefore be very easy to create important dynamic pages in the project. The team can also use C # to write a plurality of batch running console applications. Visual Studio .NET provides a framework environment that simplifies an update feature that develops and debug batch data.

Similarly, internal development MS Contract customer feedback The application is transplanted in Visual Studio .NET at version 2.0. After moving to Visual Studio .NET, the development team can do all developments that have been unrelated to the database in Visual Studio .NET, instead of the development process of the previously mixed Microsoft Visual InterDev, Visual Basic, Microsoft Visual C . Compiling MS Contracts 2.0 in a single environment, saving the time spent on docking thinking in different levels of code and different tools. The ConSensus development team is very keen on the first hand experience of Visual Studio .Net, such as the Leadbyte Chief Technology Officer (CTO) said: This is not just a powerful debugger, not just a powerful debugger or Automatically generated SOAP internal types, but the entire development process is integrated to assist developers write programs, based on .NET frameworks that provide outstanding production efficiency. In the process of this project, in addition to sharing and hosting code, the developer itself becomes more efficient when developing a public assembly.

Visual Studio .NET allows developers to quickly build new managed code applications, and a rich features and class libraries for .NET framework. Visual Studio .NET also allows developers to produce traditional unmanaged C applications such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft Excel.

It is clear that developers can do this with Visual Studio .NET:

• Quickly designed WEB applications. With web forms, developers can create cross-platform, cross-browser-programmable web applications, almost the same skills in use with previously built-in-form-based desktop programs. Web Forms are executed on the web server, providing fast runtime performance, generating HTML 3.2 compatible documents, can run in any browser. • Conveniently use web services to simplify distributed calculations. With web services, developers can use standard Internet protocols to call business logic. The Web Services uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) as basic transmission channels, allowing the function to request through the company's firewall. XML is used to format the input output parameters of the request, so the request does not rely on any special component technology or object call convention. As a result, the web service can be accessed any language, and is used by any component model, running in any operating system. • Quickly build intermediate business components. One of the main purposes of Visual Studio is to provide RAD tools for server-based development. Visual Studio .NET provides the efficiency of the creation of intermediate layer business logic, as Visual Basic is the same as the change in the form of form-based applications. • Build a scalable, effective solution. Visual Studio .NET makes it easier to generate reliable applications and components based on default. For example, when a developer builds a web application using Microsoft Visual C , the Active Template Library (ATL) server provides significant performance improvement.

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Windows Server System

Microsoft Windows Server System is a series of XML-enabled enterprise products: Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Microsoft Exchange 2000, Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000, Microsoft Application Center 2000, Microsoft Commerce Server, Microsoft Content Management Server, Microsoft Host Integration Server 2000, Microsoft Internet Security And Authorization Server, Microsoft Mobile Information 2001 Server, Microsoft SharePoint, and Windows Server 2003 families. advantage

These products have realized the characteristics of access to data and functionality with XML. This makes it more convenient to integrate it with .NET framework, because XML simplifies most of the data processing and access issues in distributed .NET programs.

The advantage of TWINDOWS Server System Integrated Server Software is undoubtedly in Microsoft's Esupport Advocacy. The advocacy provides a basic framework to encourage customers to contact Microsoft Support services through the Internet with low-cost and quickly and efficient methods. The use of XML is between customers and MicrSoft Support services, as well as information exchange between Microsoft's internal support sites, provides full flexibility. Some transaction processes accept formatted XML as input parameters, using SQL Server 2000 XML features to take into account flexible and scalable design (new values ​​can be passed without contacting or recompiling the second layer component) return).

SQL Server 2000 has benefited a wide range of use of Windows Server System Integration Server software. For example, SQL Server 2000 is used as a database server for Microsoft's internal Account Explorer applications. Microsoft depends on its SQL Server 2000-based distributed data warehouse to effectively manage relationships with customers - this stores close to 1 Terabyte user-related data, and 15 million SQL transaction records.

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Conclusion: Hocked code and data

In order to specify the service of the public language runtime, the managed code needs to provide minimal amounts of information (metadata) to the run library. All C #, Visual Basic .NET, and JScript .NET code are managed by default. Visual Studio .NET C code is non-managed by default, but can generate a managed code by specifying a command line switch (/ CLR).

Tight is closely related to managed data, allocation and recycling through garbage collector of the public language running library. C #, Visual Basic, JScript .NET data is hosted by default. However, C # data can be marked as unmanaged by special keywords. Visual Studio .NET C data is non-managed by default (even using / CLR switch), but can use the __gc keyword in Managed Extensions for C to hosted a class marked as hosting. If the name of the keyword is prompted, the memory used by the instance of this class is commissioned to the garbage collector management. In addition, this class will also become a shared member of the .NET Framework community, share the advantages and restrictions of such members. Examples of advantages such as interoperability of classes written in other languages ​​(such as a managed C class can inherit a Visual Basic class). Examples of restrictions such as a managed class can only be inherited in one base class. Applications and controls written for .NET framework require the .NET framework to be installed on a computer that is running in the program or control. The 1.0 version of the .NET Framework provides a re-distributed installer that contains the public language runtime, and the .NET framework component required to run the .NET Framework application. Reissantable .NET framework is provided by a single executter, named DotNetfx.exe. You can manually run install DOTNETFX.EXE on your computer, or run the installation as part of the .NET Framework application installation.

Deploying .NET Framework Applications will discover a one-time deployment .NET framework is more convenient than to include it contains every need, most important because DotNetfx.exe needs administrator privileges. DotNetfx.exe can be deployed with different electronic distribution tools to deploy DOTNETFX.EXE and deploy MDAC 2.6 or higher when needed.

Systems Management Server (SMS) allows you to deploy software in your network with administrators. The description information of the Windows Installer installation package for deploying DOTNETFX.EXE using SMS is existing in the ".NET Framework Deployment Guide", contains a white paper that describes a specific deployment situation for Visual Studio .NET users. Different situations deploying DOTNETFX.EXE include the use of electronic software distribution tools, manual download points installed from network sharing, internal network, or Microsoft website, and use setup.exe bootstrapper demonstration to create a DotNetfx.exe and .NET framework application. Install the project.


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