Remove the current user's position and responsibilities from the documentation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  187

The format is this look: post - duties; position - duties ...

There may be several duties in the position, and one can have several different positions, respectively.

1. List this person's post in a list box, select a responsibility, and automatically display its corresponding responsibilities in another list box.

I don't know what Qi Server has made a problem, and I don't have a proxy. I can't even have the easiest agents. I have been in the past one hour! ! ! !

The view is wrong, I can't get the value, live it! !

The data can now be read. But it is this look:

Programmer - write program code; programmer - Test the completed software; programmer - the product and user coordination implementation of the sold out; financial director - management company asset account;

Below you want to perform an operation of a string while defining an array.

In the data read by First, the previous position is possible to repeat. Repeat only one will be taken.

Second specified a position, you can list all the responsibilities of the subordinates, a bit difficult: (first make a backup:

Sub Initialize Dim s As New NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim curdoc, doc As NotesDocument Dim view As NotesView Dim htm, office As String Dim job, offi As String Dim jobs As Variant Dim excute As String excute = "@Unique (" Set curdoc = S.DocumentContext SET DB = S.GetDatabase ("TEST", "RENSHIGUANLI.NSF", FALSE) SET View = DB.GetView ("gangweizhize") set doc = view.getfirstdocument While Not Doc is nothing if ( 0) = curdoc.thisuser (0) THEN HTM = HTM & "Your position:" & doc.jobname (0) & "[]" DIM B AS STRING FORALL A in Doc.Alloffice HTM = HTM & A & "[ ] "B = StrLeft (A," - ") EXCUTE = Excute " " B " ': "End Fort Else End IF Set Doc = View.getNextDocument (DOC) Wend HTM = HTM & Excute &" ') "Excute = Excute &"') "Jobs = evAlate (Excute, Curdoc) FORALL C in jobs htm = htm c end fortpr = Htmend Sub

Through the above agents, it is now displayed:

Programmer - Write program code programmer - Test programmers for completed software - Financial Director for the sale of products and users - Management Company Asset Account @unique ('programmer': 'programmer' : 'Programmer': 'Financial Director': ') Your position is: Programmer's financial officer can detect repeated posts:) ---------------- ---------------------------------------

The content displayed above can be displayed in the home page, and there is a "new" for each "post-responsibilities" record.

Operation, open the task form, directly bring your posts and responsibilities to the form. In fact, this is a mission to yourself.

the process of. Of course, if you have a job under the leadership, you should choose.

All the above functions have been implemented!

The following is the code that is complete to give the selection responsibility:

1, click "Select", open SelectJob? OpenForm, add UserName, identify the object of the underwent task

Do the following proxy when selectjob? OpenForm is open, give a list:

Sub Initialize Dim s As New NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim curdoc, doc As NotesDocument Dim view As NotesView Dim htm, office As String Dim job, offi As String Dim jobs As Variant Dim excute As String excute = "@Unique (" Set curdoc = S.DocumentContext SET DB = S.GetDatabase ("TEST", "RENSHIGUANLI.NSF", FALSE) SET View = DB.GetView ("gangweizhize") set doc = view.getfirstdocument While Not Doc is nothing if ( 0) = Curdoc.Thisuser (0) THTM = HTM & CURDOC.THISUSER (0) & "职 职 列:" & Doc.jobname (0) & "[
]" DIM B, D AS STRING IF NOT Doc.alloffice (0) = "" "" ") D = strright (A," - ") htm = htm & {[]" eXcute = excute " '" b ": "end for else htm =" This user does not specify post and responsibilities! "End if else end if set doc = view.getnextdocument (doc) Wend if not htm =" This user does not specify the post and Responsibilities! "THEN EXCUTE = Excute & "'')" Jobs = Evaluate (Excute, Curdoc) 'htm = htm & "[
]" & "Your position is: [
]" FORALL C in jobs' htm = " [
] "& HTM C 'end for neg why curdoc.htmlbody = HTMEND SUB and one of the above agents are similar, but the display is different.

By selecting a record, you can bring this record from the position and responsibility information to the form.


New Post(0)