CCTV-5 Athens Olympics broadcast schedule

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  192

REL = file-list href = "./ Olympic playback table .files / filelist.xml"> Rel = Edit-time-data href = "./ Olympic playback table .files / editdata.mso"> Rel = OLE-Object- Data href = "./ Olympic playback table .files / oleData.mso">

CCTV-5 Athens Olympics broadcast schedule Date broadcast content starts ending broadcast channel 11 Women's football qualifiers (Chinese team - German team) 23:00 CCTV-512 Men's football qualifiers (Argentina - Serbian Montenegro) 1:30 CCTV-5 Women's football qualifiers (Chinese team - German team) 23:50 CCTV-513 Men's football qualifiers (Paraguay team - Japan team) 1:30 CCTV-5 opening 21:00 CCTV-5 opening 22: 005: 00cctv-114 Good Morning China Olympics 6:00 CCTV-5 Olympic opening 8:30 CCTV-5 News 10:00 CCTV-5 Olympics Midday - King Heroes (1) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens Conjecture (1) 13:00 CCTV-5 Women's Rank Preliminaries (Cuba) 14:00 CCTV-5 Badminton Women's Same 14: 2015: 30CCTV-1 Women's hockey (China Team - Japanese team) 15: 3017: 00cctv-1 Women's 10-meter gas rifle Final 16:00 CCTV-5 Women hockey game 17:20 CCTV-5 News 18:00 CCTV-5 men's 10-meter pistol final 19:35 CCTV-5 special report - Olympics returns to hometown (1) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Women's Basketball Competition (China Team - South Korea) 21:30 CCTV-5 Women's football Preliminaries (China Team - Mexican Team) 22: 401: 00cctv-1 News 23:00 CCTV-5 Men 10m Persons 23: 500 : 30CCTV-215 Men 400m Freentine -1 Women's Double Three-meter Finals, Men's Double 10m Series Final 2:00 CCTV-5 Women's Rank Preliminaries (China - United States) 2: 304: 00cctv-2 Good Morning China Olympics Edition 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Diving: Women's Double Three Men Finals 9:15 CCTV-5 News 10:00 CCTV-5 Diving: Men Double 10 Meter Final 10:10 CCTV-5 News 11:00 CCTV-5 Women's Weightlifting 48kg , Shooting 11:10 CCTV-5 Olympic midday topic - King Heroes (2) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens Guess (2) 13:00 CCTV-5 Men Basketball (Angola "- Lithuania team) 13: 5015: 45cctv-1 Women's Rank Preliminaries (Chinese Team - USA) 14:30 CCTV-5 Men volleyball (Dutch team - Russian team) 15: 4517: 30cctv-1 shot: Women's 10-meter pistol final 16:20 CCTV-5 News 18:00 CCTV -5 Men's Basketball Preliminary (China Team - Spain) 19:30 CCTV-5 Topic Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (2) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Mass Competition (China Team - Italy) 21:30 CCTV -5 Women's Handball (China Team - Hungaro) 22: 401: 00cctv-1 News 23:00 CCTV-5 Fen: Women's Personal Heart Sword Semi Final 23: 100: 20cctv-216 Women's 100m Butterfly Swimming, Men's 100 Restaurant : 25 CCTV-5 fencing: Women's personal sword bronze medal 0: 300: 55cctv-2 fencing: Women's personal sword final 0: 551: 20cctv-2 men's weightlifting 56 kg level A group final 1: 003: 00cctv-1 male Football Preliminary Collection (Japan - Italy) 1: 302: 30CCTV-2 Good Morning China Olympics 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:00 CCTV-5 Men 56kg class A Final 9:15 CCTV-5 News 10:00 CCTV -5 Olympic midday topic - King Hero (3)

12:00 CCTV-5 Athens Guess (3) 13:00 CCTV-5 Women's Softball (China Team - Canadian Team) 14: 2016: 30CCTV-1 Men's Race Competition (Italy - US Team) 14:30 CCTV-5 Women's Row Competition (China Team - Dominica) 16:00 CCTV-5 Table Tennis Male Double Third Way The First 16: 3017: 00cctv-1 Women Multi-to-Available Final 18:00 CCTV-5 Men's 10-meter Rifle Final 20: 00 CCTV-5 Topics - Olympic Back to Hometown (3) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Women's Basketball Competition (China Team - Spain) 21:45 CCTV-5 Women's hockey (Chinese team - New Zealand) 22: 400 : 30CCTV-1 Women's 58kg Group A Final 23:20 CCTV-5 Fen: Men's Personal Floral Sword Semi Final 23:3023: 55cctv-2 News 23:45 CCTV-5 Men 10m Gas Run Final 23: 550: 30cctv -217 Men's 200m freestyle, women 100 rewards and other 0:15 CCTV-5 fencing: men's personal floral swords Battle 0: 300: 55cctv-2 Women volleyball (US team-German team) 0: 302: 00cctv-1 fencing: Men's personal floral final 0: 551: 20cctv-2 gymnastics men's group final 1:20 CCTV-5 weightlifting: men's 62kg final 1: 202: 40cctv-2 diving woman double 10 meters series 2: 002: 58cctv-1 Women's Faquency Preliminaries (China - Canada) 2: 404: 00cctv-2 Diving Men's Double 3 Mark 2: 584: 22CCTV-1 Men Weightlifting 62kg Final 4:30 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympics 6:00 CCTV -5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 swimming, female row, fencing, etc. 9:15 CCTV-5 news 10:00 CCTV-5 Olympics China Day (gymnastics) 10:10 CCTV-5 Olympic midday topic - King Hero (4) 12 : 00 CCTV-5 Athens Guess (4) 13:00 CCTV-5 Men's Basketball Preliminaries (Chinese Team - New Zealand) 14:00 CCTV-5 Women's Softball (China Team - US Team) 14: 1516: 30cctv-1 Women's Race (Russian team - Cuba) 16:00 CCTV-5 Men 50-meter pistol final 17:15 CCTV-5 News 18:10 CCTV-5 Women's Handball Preliminaries A group (Ukrainian team) 19:30 CCTV-5 topics Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (4) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Gymnastics Male Final 21:20 CCTV-5 Women Football (US Team - Australian Team) 22: 401: 00cctv-1 News 23:00 CCTV-5 Women's personal sword semi-final 23 : 30 CCTV-5 Table Tennis 23: 303: 00cctv-218 Women 200m Freentine, Men 200 Mimi Swims 0:10 CCTV-5 Men Basketball (Spain - Argentina) 1: 002: 45cctv-1 Gymnastics Women's Group Finals 2:00 CCTV-5 badminton: male double 1/43: 004: 00CCTV-2 Men's football match 4:30 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympics 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Gymnastics Women's Group Finals 9:15 CCTV-5 News 10:00 CCTV-5 Men's Basketball Competition (China Team - New Zealand) 10:10 CCTV-5 News 11:00 CCTV-5 Olympic Mourners - King Heroes (5) 12:00 CCTV- 5 Athens guess (5) 13:00 CCTV-5 Women hockey competition (China Team - Spain) 13: 2015: 00cctv-1 Women's Basketball Preliminaries (China Team - Czech team)

14:00 CCTV-5 badminton game men's singles 1/4 final 15: 0015: 50cctv-1 badminton women's double 1/4 final 16:00 CCTV-5 kayaking rollover fifth 18:30 CCTV-5 women double multi-directional UFO final 19:00 CCTV-5 Women 25-meter pistol final 20:15 CCTV-5 table tennis male double fourth round 21:45 CCTV-5 special report - Olympics returned to hometown (5) 22: 0022: 40cctv-1 Archery women's personal finals, badminton mixed double semi-final 22: 401: 00cctv-1 news 23:30 CCTV-5 Men's lead ball final 23: 300: 15cctv-219 women 25m pistol final 0: 150: 55cctv-2 man 200m breaststroke , Women's 200 meters butterflies, etc. 0:20 CCTV-5 fencing: women's sword personal final 0: 551: 20cctv-2 men's weightlifting 69 kg final 1: 003: 00cctv-1 gymnastics man personal all-round final 1:20 CCTV-5 Football preliminaries 1: 303: 30CCTV-2 Women's Softball Competition (China Team - Australian Team) 4:00 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympic Edition 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Gymnastic Man Personal Energy Final 10: 10 CCTV-5 News 11:00 CCTV-5 Olympic midday topic - King Heroes (6) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens guess (6) 13:00 CCTV-5 badminton women's single bronze medal 14:00 CCTV-5 women's soft ball (China Taipei Team - China Team) 14: 1516: 30CCTV-1 Badminton Male Double Semi Final 15:00 CCTV-5 Table Tennis Women's Shuang final 16:00 CCTV-5 Men 10m Mobile Taro 17:20 CCTV-5 Badminton female single test 19:00 CCTV-5 special report - Olympic returned to hometown (6) 20: 5022: 25cctv-1 badminton mixed double final 21:40 CCTV-5 Women's weightlifting 69 kg class A group final 22: 2523: 2523: 45cctv-1 Women's Office: China - Taipei 23: 301: 00CCTV-2 Table Tennis Women's Supreme Sale 23:40 CCTV-5 Men Basketball (US Team - Australian Team) 23: 451: 00cctv-120 Women's 200m Frog Edge, Man 200m backrock, etc. 0:20 CCTV-5 Women's Barriers: China - Japan 0: 302: 30cctv-2 Men's Basket: Argentina - China 1: 002: 45cctv-2 Men Weightlifting 77kg class A Final 1: 002: 40cctv- 1 Gymnastics Women's Personal Energy Final 2:00 CCTV-5 Men's Basket: Sex - New Zealand 2: 454: 00cctv-2 Men's Basketball Tournament (China Team - Argentina) 4:00 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympics 6:00 C CTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Men's Basket (China Team - Argentina) 9:15 CCTV-5 News 10:00 CCTV-5 men's basketball, male row, swimming, etc. 10:10 CCTV-5 news 11:00 CCTV-5 Olympic midday topic - King Heroes (7) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens guess (7) 13:00 CCTV-5 badminton men's single semi-final 13: 5015: 10cctv-1 women's volleyball match (Chinese team - German team 14 : 00 CCTV-5 Men 20 km of 20 km 15:10 CCTV-5 Men volleyball (US team-Russian team) 15: 1016: 15cctv-1 table tennis men's double semi-final 16:00 CCTV-5 women's basketball (China team - New Zealand Team) 16: 1518: 00cctv-1 News 18:00 CCTV-5 Table Tennis Women's Double Final 19:00 CCTV-5 Women's Basketball Competition (US Team - Spain) 20:30 CCTV-5 Special Report - Olympic Back Hometown (7)

20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Badminton Male Double Final 22:00 CCTV-5 Fen Sword Women's Group Heavy Sword Three, Four Finals and Crown Army Final 22: 402: 00cctv-1 Women's Judo 78 kg 22:45 CCTV-5 News 23 : 00 CCTV-521 Women's 200m Background, Men's 100m Butterworming, etc. 0:20 CCTV-5 Women's Basketball Competition (Australian Team - Greek Team) 1:15 CCTV-5 Women's Football 1/4 Final 2: 004: 00cctv-1 Women's Rank Preliminary: Russia - United States 2: 304: 00cctv-2 track and field: men's millimeter finals, women's 5,000 meters preliminaries 3:00 CCTV-5 Women's Group Heavy Sword final 4:30 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympics 6:00 CCTV -5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Olympics One Week Review (International) 10:10 CCTV-5 News 11:00 CCTV-5 Olympics One Week Review (China) 11:10 CCTV-5 Olympic Mourners - King Heroes (8) 12 : 00 CCTV-5 Athens guess (8) 13:00 CCTV-5 Men volleyball (Australian team - US team) 13: 5015: 30cctv-1 female foot 1/4 final 14:00 CCTV-5 badminton men's singles three, four Final 15: 3017: 00cctv-1 table tennis women's single semi-final 15:50 CCTV-5 men's sword group semi-final 17:30 CCTV-5 news 18:00 CCTV-5 table tennis men's double final 19:00 CCTV-5 Badminton men's singles final 20:15 CCTV-5 special report - Olympic returned to hometown (8) 22: 0022: 40CCTV-1 badminton women's double final 22: 400: 20cctv-1 women's weightlifting 75 kg level final 22:50 CCTV -5 News 23:40 CCTV-5 track and field 23: 502: 00cctv-222 women 50m freestyle, men's 1500m freestyle 0:20 CCTV-5 fencing men's group floral semi-finals 0: 201:40cctv-1 man Basketball (Lithuania team - US team) 1: 402: 45cctv-1 men's foot 1/4 final 2: 004: 00cctv-2 men's basketball game (China team - Italy) 2:10 CCTV-5 track and field 3:10 CCTV- 5 Tennis Women's Single Final 4:00 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympic Edition 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Badminton, Table Tennis 10:10 CCTV-5 News 11:00 CCTV-5 Men's Basketball Competition ( US team - Lithuanian team 11:10 CCTV-5 Olympic midday topic - King Heroes (9) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens Guess (9) 13:00 CCTV-5 Women volleyball (German team - Dominici team) 13: 5015 : 30CCTV-1 Men's Basketball Competition (China Team - Italy) 14:25 CCTV-5 Women's hockey (Spanish team - New Zealand) 15: 3017: 00cctv-1 table tennis men's singles semi-final 15:50 CCTV-5 news 18: 00 CCTV-5 Table Tennis Women's Southern 18:50 CCTV-5 Special Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (9) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Tennis Men's Monochies 22:00 CCTV-5 Women Hockey Competition (Chinese Team - Argentina) 22: 400: 30CCTV-1 Women hockey competition (China team - Argentina) 22: 400: 30cctv-1 female song: Argentina - China 23: 100: 30cctv-223 table tennis 0: 301: 00cctv-2 track and field Competition: Men's chain ball, men's 100 meters finals 0: 304: 15CCTV-1 track and field competition: men's chain ball, men's 100-meter finals 0: 304: 15cctv-1 gymnastics men's saddle horses, women jumping horses, high and low bars 0:50 CCTV-5 Women's basketball: China -

United States 1: 002: 45cctv-2 women 10m jumping platform final 4:20 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympics version 6:00 CCTV-5 news 9:05 CCTV-5 gymnastics single-way final 9:15 CCTV-5 news 10: 00 CCTV-5 Women's 10m Jumping Series 10:10 CCTV-5 News 11:00 CCTV-5 Olympics Midday - King Heroes (10) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens Guess (10) 13:00 CCTV-5 Men volleyball (French team - Tunisia) 13: 5015: 30cctv-1 Men volleyball (French team - Tunisia) 13: 5015: 30cctv-1 track and field women 20 km end 14:00 CCTV-5 Men hockey (Spain - Egypt) 15: 3017: 00cctv-1 Men's Hockey (Spain - Egypt) 15: 3017: 00cctv-1 Men's Race Competition (Russian team - Italy) 15:50 CCTV-5 News 18:00 CCTV-5 table tennis men's singles Final 19:00 CCTV-5 Topic Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (10) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Special Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (10) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Softball Women's Champion final 21:00 CCTV-5 Men's Basketball Competition (China Team - Serbian Mountain) 21:45 CCTV-5 Women's Handball (Chinese Team - Brazil) 22:40 CCTV-1 Women's Handball (China Team - Brazil) 22:40 CCTV-1 News 23:30 CCTV-5 Wrestling: Women's Freestyle 48kg Final 23: 302: 00cctv-224 Women's Softball Champion final 0:00 CCTV-5 track and field competition: Women's three-level jump, men's discus, women's 5000 meters Finals, etc. : 003: 15CCTV-1 track and field competition: Women's three-level jump, men's discus, women's 5000 meters finals 0: 003: 15cctv-1 gymnastics final 0:50 CCTV-5 women's foot semi-final second 2: 004: 00cctv-2 Women's foot semi-final 4:00 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympics version 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Decisive Olympics - Men's Row, Women's Face 9:15 CCTV-5 News 10:00 CCTV-5 Gymnastic single final 10:10 CCTV-5 news 11:00 CCTV-5 Olympic nami topic - King Heroes (11) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens guess (11) 13:00 CCTV-5 gymnastics men and women single final 13: 4517: 00cctv-1 gymnastics men and women single final 13: 4517: 00cctv-1 men's basketball match (Italy - Argentina) 14:40 CCTV-5 gymnastics performance (1) 17:00 CCTV-5 News 18:00 CCTV-5 Women's Row 1/4 Finals (1) 19:00 CCTV-5 Gymnast Performance (2) Women's Row 1/4 Finals (2) 20:40 CCTV-5 Special Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (11) 20: 5022 : 40CCTV-1 Topic Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (11) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Men's Basket 9,10 Qualifying 21:45 CCTV-5 Women Water Sale Semi - final 22:00 CCTV-5 Men Football Finals (1) 22: 401: 00cctv-1 Men's Football Semi-finals (1)

22: 401: 00cctv-1 News 23:00 CCTV-5 Bicycle Satisfed Women's Founding 1, 2 Finals 23:25 CCTV-5 Women's Row 1/4 Final 23: 302: 00cctV-225 Women's Row 1/4 Final 0:30 CCTV-5 track and field finals 1: 004: 30CCTV-1 track and field final 1: 004: 30cctv-1 beach volleyball woman final 2: 002: 50cctv-2 diving man three meters final 2:30 CCTV-5 female row 1 / 4 Final 2: 304: 00cctv-2 Olympic Event Playback 4:20 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympics Edition 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Women's Row 1/4 Finals 9:15 CCTV- 5 News 10:00 CCTV-5 Decisive Olympics - track and field, men's foot, sand row, etc. 10:10 CCTV-5 news 11:00 CCTV-5 Olympic midday topic - King Heroes (12) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens guess ( 12) 13:00 CCTV-5 Women's Row 1/4 Final 13: 5015: 30CCTV-1 Women's Row 1/4 Final 13: 5015: 30CCTV-1 Men's Semi - final 14:00 CCTV-5 Women's Three Finals 15:30 CCTV-5 Women's hockey semi-final 15: 3017: 00cctv-1 Women hockey semi-final 15: 3017: 00cctv-1 Women Beach Volleyball Final 17:10 CCTV-5 News 18:00 CCTV-5 Men's Row 1/4 Final (1) 19:00 CCTV-5 Equestrian Personal Dress Dance Final (2) 20:30 CCTV-5 Top Top Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (12) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Topic Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (12) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Women's basketball 1/4 final 21:45 CCTV-5 male row 1/4 final 22: 401: 00cctv-1 male row 1/4 final 22: 401: 00cctv-1 news 23 : 30 CCTV-5 Volleyball: Male Rank 1/4 Final 23: 301: 00cctv-226 Tempel Swimming Double Baseball Final 0:30 CCTV-5 Baseball Final 1: 004: 00cctV-2 Women's Basket 1/4 Final 1: 004 : 00cctv-1 Women's Basket 1/4 Finals 1: 004: 00cctv-1 Men's Beach Volleyball 2:00 CCTV-5 track and field women 110 meters, women's chain ball, women 200 meters final 2:55 CCTV-5 Baseball final 4: 30 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympics 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Women's Basket 1/4 Finals 9:15 CCTV-5 News 10:00 CCTV-5 track and field, male row, flower tour, equestrian Waiting for 11:10 CCTV-5 Olympics Midday - King Heroes (13) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens Guess (13) 13:00 CCTV-5 Tempel Swim Double Breeding Final 13: 5015: 00cctv-1 Time Swimming Double Breeding Satisfaction 13: 5015: 00cctV- 1 King boat semi-final 14:00 CCTV-5 Men's Triathlon final 15:00 CCTV-5 women's basket 1/4 final 15: 0017: 00cctv-1 women's basket 1/4 final 15: 0017: 00cctv-1 man Beach volleyball final 17:10 CCTV-5 news 18:00 CCTV-5 male row 1/4 final 18:30 CCTV-5 men's basketball 1/4 final 19:30 CCTV-5 special report - Olympics returned to hometown (13 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Topic - Olympic Back to Hometown (13) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Women's Water Soil Final 23:30 CCTV-5 Wrestling Final 23: 301: 00cctv-227 Women's Match Semini 0:30 CCTV-5 track and field / men's basketball 1/4 final / male 110m2 column semi-final 1: 002: 30CCTV-2 women diving three meters final 2:00 CCTV-5 women's volleyball semi-final / female foot final 2: 304: 00cctv-2 Men's basket 1/4 final 3:30 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympic Edition 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Women's Match 9:15 CCTV-5 News 10:00 CCTV-5 Decisive Olympic (track and field , Men's basketball team, women's foot, 10:10 CCTV-5 news 11:00 CCTV-5 Olympic midday topic - King Heroes (14)

12:00 CCTV-5 Athens guess (14) 13:00 CCTV-5 Women hockey final 13: 5015: 30cctv-1 Women hockey final 13: 5015: 30cctv-1 kayak game 14:15 CCTV-5 modern five Game 15: 3016: 15cctv-1 Modern Five Competition 15: 3016: 15CCTV-1 Mountain Bike 16:00 CCTV-5 Women's Basketball 5, Six Qualifying 16: 1518: 00cctv-1 Women's Basketball 5, Six Qualifying 16: 1518: 00cctv-1 Women's basketball semi-final 19:30 CCTV-5 special report - Olympic returned to hometown (14) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Topic - Olympic Back to Hometown (14) 20 : 5022: 40CCTV-1 Women's Hockey Three, Four Finals and Crown Army Final 22: 403: 30CCTV-1 Women's Hockey Three, Four Finals and Crown Army Final 22: 403: 30CCTV-1 28th Olympic Women's Basket Semi 22: 400: 30CCTV-1 28th Olympic women's basketball semi-final 22: 400: 30cctv-1 news 23:30 CCTV-528 track and field 0:30 CCTV-5 men's semi-final 010: 302: 00cctv-2 pattern swimming group Self-selected action final 0: 301: 30CCTV-1 pattern swimming group self-selected action final 0: 301: 30cctv-1 men's semi-final 022: 304: 00cctv-2 men's basketball semi-final 3:15 CCTV-5 Good Mori China Olympics 6 : 00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Olympics One Week Review (International) 10:10 CCTV-5 News 11:00 CCTV-5 Olympics One Week Review (Domestic) 11:10 CCTV-5 Olympic Mourners - Kings Heroes ( 15) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens guess (15) 13:00 CCTV-5 men's basketball seven, eight qualifying 13: 5015: 45cctv-1 men's basketball seven, eight qualifying 13: 5015: 45cctv- 1 Men's Football Final 15:00 CCTV-5 Women's Handball Semi-final 15: 4517: 15cctv-1 Women's Handball Semi-final 15: 4517: 15cctv-1 News 18:00 CCTV-5 Women's Basket Joint 19:00 CCTV-5 topic Report - Olympic returned to hometown (15) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 special report - Olympics returned to hometown (15) 20: 5022: 40cctv-1 Women's basketball champion final 21:15 CCTV-5 women's volleyball three, four Final 22: 400: 30cctv-1 Women's Row 3, Four Finals 22: 400: 30cctv-1 News 23:00 CCTV-5 Art Gymnastics Group Final 23:30 CCTV-5 Taekwondo Final 23: 500: 30cctv-229 Taekwondo Women's 67kg The following series 0:20 CCTV-5 Boxing final / Wrestling 0: 303: 30cctv-2 track and field: women jump, men 4 * 400 meters finals 0: 303: 43cctv -1 track and field: Women's jump, men's 4 * 400m finals 0: 303: 43cctv-1 Women's Race 1:00 CCTV-5 Diving 2:30 CCTV-5 Men's Basket Champion final 3:30 CCTV-5 Good Morning China Olympics Edition 6:00 CCTV-5 News 9:05 CCTV-5 Women's Sediment 10:10 CCTV-5 Olympic Nunches - Kings Heroes (16) 12:00 CCTV-5 Athens Guess (16) 13:00 CCTV-5 Women's Basket Final 13: 5015: 30cctv-1 Women's Basil 13: 5015: 30cctv-1 Women's Same 15: 3017: 00cctv-1 Women's Same 15: 3017: 00cctv-1 Women's Handball Final 15:00 CCTV-5 News 18:00 CCTV -5 Boxing 18:30 CCTV-5 Men's Basketball 18:50 CCTV-5 Men's Chart 19:30 CCTV-5 Special Report - Olympic Back to Hometown (16) 20: 5022: 40CCTV-1 Topic Report - Olympics Back to hometown (16)


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