TAO Usage Guide - Develop TAO Programs with VC ++

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  193

Settings When developing a TAO program in Microsoft Visual C : 1. Path Settings 1. First confirm that environment variables ACE_ROOT and TAO_ROOT have been set correctly .2. Add (ACE_ROOT / BIN) to the PATH environment variable. Otherwise, you will find it. DLL.3. In Tools-> Options-> Directories, add the following directory: include Files: $ (ACE_ROOT), $ (Tao_Root), $ (TAO_ROOT) / Orbsvcslibrary Files: $ (ACE_ROOT) / ACE, $ (Tao_Root ) / tao, $ (tao_root) / orbsvcs / orbsvcs

4. You can also add the path to the header file in Project-> Settings-> C / C -> Preprocessor-> Additional Include Directories. In Project-> Settings-> link-> Input-> Additional Library Directories Add a static library file Path. II. 2. Project settings 1. Project-> settings-> C / C -> code generation: If the project is a debug version, select Debug Multithreaded DLL If the project is a release version, choose Multithreaded DLL

2. Project-> settings-> link-> infut-> Object / library modules: need to add a TAO static link library file: Description Debug version Release version ----------------- ---------------------------- Ordinary client: Debug version: aced.lib release version: ace.lib normal server: in ACE. On the basis of lib / aff.lib, you need to add: Debug version: portableserverd.librelease version: PortableServer.lib If you use the name service, you need to add tao_cosnaming.lib or tao_cosnamingd.lib If you use the event service, you need to add tao_cosevent. .lib or tao_coseventd.lib Note: TAO DEBUG and RELEASE version, so when developed, debug and release version set strictly distinguish. Even MS own libraries are true. For the debug version, you want to include MSvCRTD.LIB Not msvcrt.lib. I am because this reason makes the program abnormal, causing almost gives up Tao :-(


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