[Repost] US "Project Index" includes the latest regulations of China's scientific papers

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  222

Source: http://www.dytrol.com/dispbbs.asp? BoardId = 24 & id = 4901 & Page = 1

Zhu Cheng (China Research Association of Natural Science Chinese Colleges and Universities)

Recently, I received Mr. Peter C. Katz, vice president of engineering information company sent me an email, the annex is "To journal editors and authors: Ei Selection Standard Introduction," describes the situation in Ei Compendex database Chinese journals, Requirements and thesis to include the latest format. On October 28, 2001, I, Zhang Ming, the editorial department of Zhejiang University, Zhang Minghong, has participated in the "EI Compendex Database" work conference held by the China Information Department of the US Project Information Company, and the topic of the conference center is Implement the latest format of the EI Compendex database for entry China 's scientific journals and thesis. In order to make the author familiar with this format as soon as possible, the following will be introduced in the entry format, and make a reference for everyone to write the paper.

1 Introduction to American "Project Index"

The American "Engineering Index" (THE EI), 1884 was founded by American Engineering Information Inc., which is a large international authority retrieval system for the mainly included engineering period literature and conference literature. Be the world's six famous retrieval journals.

1.1 EI two grades

1) Compendex Compendex system computerized engineering index abbreviation, the computerization engineering index, is a full record format. The text publication of the database is "engineering index". It collects the inscription, summary, tag of the paper and the classification number, etc., and processes deeply; if there is a keyword and aaten number to determine whether the paper is officially included in the Compendex database.

2) EI page one inscription. Generally, it is not recorded, and the keywords and sort numbers are not brought. Some Page One also has a summary, but not tagged in the subject words and sorting numbers. So with abstracts do not count on the formally entering the Compendeex database.

1.2 Several stages of EI development

1 In 1884, it was founded so far, the monthly magazine, the annual issue of the annual issue (currently, the same as Compendeex content).

270s, electronic database (Compendex), and provide retrieval services through large online systems such as Dialog.

3 In 190s, the disc version database (CD-ROM, Compendex).

In the 1990s, the network version of the database (referred to as CPX Web) has launched an Engineering Information Village.

The PX Web includes Compendex EI Page ONE.

In August 2000, EI launched the new version of Engineering Information Village-2, published at the end of 2000; improved the format of the text, and the first time I was first included in the Compendex database.

1.3 Three grades of EI Source Journal

1 All Choice Journal, the core journal, Compendeex database. The review focus is the journals of the following engineering disciplines: chemical engineering, civil engineering, electronic / electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, mining, petroleum engineering, computer engineering and software. Katz, vice president of US engineering information company, believes: "These are the 'core' field of Compendex database." Currently, there are about 1,000 core journals; all papers are entered into Compendex.

2 Selection of journals, journals in these areas, including: agricultural engineering, industrial engineering, textile engineering, application chemistry, application mathematics, application mechanics, atmospheric science, paper chemistry, and technology, colleges and institutions. Compendex only selects articles related to its topic. At present, there are more than 1600 journals, most of my country is the selection of journals.

3 Expand the journal, it only contains the title (EI Page ONE). About 2,800 journals in the expansion of EI. In 1999, 156 were accumulated in my country; in the past few years, it has been differentiated: a small number of promotion is selected as a selection of journals, and some are eliminated.

The number of journals (1 2) included in Compendex (Disc Version) in 1996-2000 will be shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Compendeex (Disc version) 1996-2000 Records China Journal Statistics

Name 1996 1998 1999 2000

Chinese Journal 79 89 91 94 102

University Journal 17 18 20 23 24

Zhejiang University (Merge) (231) (336) (305) (463) (451)

Note: 1) Hong Kong and Taiwan journals are not included in statistics. 2) The number of included items in parentheses.

1) Journal of China University of China in 2001

Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (English Edition) "and" Materials Science and Technology ", and Journal of Electronic Science and Technology, Journal of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology," University Chemical Engineering Journal, etc., from January 2001, was included in the source of the compendex database. China's other journals have not increased, but it reduces a batch.

2) China Journal of Journal of Urgent

After reviewing the US Information Engineering Company, from January 2002, Compendeex Database is about to be included in the "Journal of Zhejiang University", "Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Edition)", "Computational Practice", "Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition) "Journal of Harbin University of Architecture", "Harbin Institute of Technology)," Heat Power Engineering "," Journal of China University (English Version) "(inherited" China Textile University (English) "EI Compendex Database).

Several Chinese journals were also reduced in 2002.

3) Increase the number of Chinese magazines, shorten the publishing time

Due to the limited capacity, in the past few years, the Compendeex database is generally controlled by 6,000 articles / year (actually, 8681 in 1999, 8503 in 2000; including Hong Kong and Taiwan journals). Compendex database is prepared from 2002, including the number of Chinese journal papers, controlled 12,000 articles / year. Also decided to pay the Taiwan Journal to Beijing China Information Department; Chinese journals in the US, Philippines, the Netherlands and other places, focus on Beijing production. The Compendex database is also prepared from 2002 to include the issue of China's journals. Publishing time-lags, will be shortened from 8-10 months to 3 months.

In this way, the number of recordings of the Chinese Journal and Zhejiang University will also have a significant increase, which is an excellent time to enter the EI Compendex database in Zhejiang University.

2 EI requirements for manuscript content and academic level

The primary standard for EI Compendex is a scope of disciplines. The compling of the Compendex database is the paper of the following major engineering disciplines: chemical engineering, civil engineering, electronic / electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, mining, oil engineering, computer engineering and software.

There is also a choice to include the following fields and engineering papers:

Agricultural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Textile Engineering, Applied Chemistry, Applied Mathematics, Applied Mechanics, Atmospheric Science, Paper Chemistry and Technology.

Compendex database does not reconchastimate theory of mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical, magnetology, geology, biology, agronomics, pharmaceutics or astronomy, and product reviews.

Requires the academic level of the paper, and the content is innovative.

3 Composition of the Compendex Database

Compendex database record format is basically consistent with national standards, international standards, but there is also a unique place. Compendex database hopes that the author understands this entry format; try to close it when writing a papers. This provides convenience for the interlocking of this article; but does not require the author and editing instead of the work of the land.

3.1 Basic requirements

Generally, the following English content should generally include:

The title of the thesis, the author's name (Chinese Pinyin), author work unit, abstract paper summary, follow-up reference (English).

3.2 The title of the paper

1) Definition

GB 7713-87 "Scientific and Technical Report, Dissertation and Academic Papers" is a definition of the title: "The title should reflect the report in the most appropriate, simple words, and the most important logical combination of the most important content in the paper. "

2) The title is appropriate

Compendex database hopes that the title is not too empty, generally. For example: "A question worth studying", I don't know how to cloud. GB 7713-87 pointed out: "Each word used in the title must take into account the selection of keywords and preparation indexes."

3) The title is concise

The title is not too long. Compendex database stipulates that the length of English is appropriate. GB 7713-87 stipulates: "(Chinese) The title is generally not more than 20 words." "Foreign inscription generally should not exceed 10 real words."

4) Avoid non-known common symbols

The title should avoid using uncommon abbreviation words, first letters, characters, and formulas, such as readers to retrieve, transpatriate, and reference.

5) Subscription

The title is unsatisfactory, and the auxiliary name is available. Compendex database stipulations, the secondary number and the title name can be separated by colon (:).

6) Question name

Compendex database requirements, English titles and the first letter of the name of the secondary written, the rest (except for special terms). The first word of the title, can not appear or unpredictable articles, such as: a, an, the, etc .; currently in the international habits, you can save the standard words and uncertain articles, such as the, A , AN, etc..

3.3 Chinese Pinyin

China's Chinese Pinyin has been listed as an international standard. The Chinese Pinyin of Chinese author's name has been accepted by the United Nations. Compendeex database performs international standards, respecting Chinese habits, agreeing to the written format of the Chinese author's surname first, named afterwards. Therefore, it should be spelled according to GB / T 16159-1996 "Basic Rules of Chinese Pinyin". However, this writing format is in international exchange, there is a big chaos. It is recommended to adopt the "China Academic Journal (CD Edition) Retrieval and Evaluation Data Standards"; this norm is recognized and supported by the National Language Writing Committee, approved by the Press and Publication Department, implemented in more than 5,000 journals across the country. The writing format is as follows:

The name of the author's surname is written in the top. After the name, the first letter is capitalized; double contact, there is a half-word line. Such as:

JOURNAL OF PATHOPHYSIOLOGY. Journal of Stomatology].

Do not write the surname on the name: ming-sheng Wang, mingsheng Wang;

Do not abbreviate the name: WANG M. S., M s Wang.

There is a comma between many author names: Lin Gao, Zhong WAN-XIE, Ouyang Hua-jiang.

For the foreign collaboration project: Western authors, still followed the Western habits, the name of the name; Russian, Japanese authors, it is best to use their English name, and after the Western habit, the name is after.

From 2001, in the Compendex database, you are entered into the author more information so that communication makes communication easier. It includes: name, unit name, department address, postal code, electronic mailbox (EI requires the brackets of the two ends).

3.4 Working Unit

Work unit should standardize, unify, stabilize, write one, secondary unit, city name and postal code; at the end should add "China" or "China". Such as: (Dalian Institute of Engineering Mechanics, Liaoning Dalian 116024)

(Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China) (School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Dalian Univ. Of Technol, Dalian 116024, China)

Second Research Office of Dalian Chemical Physics Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, do not write into Dalian Chemicals or Dalian Chemical Physics Research Institute.

For many authors, multi-work units, according to the "China Academic Journal (CD Edition) Retrieval and Evaluation Data Standards" should be written

Li zhi-gang1, chen xiang-dong1, Wang ping 2, Zhang Yu-shun3

(1. state key lab. Of struct., Dalian UNIV. Of technol., Dalian 116024, China; 2. Inst. OF ENG. MECH. OF STATE Earthq. Bureau, Harbin 150080, China; 3. INST. OF Earthq. Of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou 510070, China)

The Compendex database wants to accurately write the work units and addresses of entering and foreign students or staff to clarify copyright.

3.5 English summary

International important retrieval systems are usually in English. When they are included in a summary of the paper, they mainly read English abstracts. So it is very important to improve the quality of the English abstract. For English abstracts, a poor paper is written by the work a few years ago, or write it to the Philippines and other places. Later, there were too many journals and articles, and the signage felt that the English abstract was not well written, and this paper can be eliminated. Some Chinese journals is that the quality of English abstract is too poor and has been eliminated by Compendex database. Therefore, we must pay attention to the quality of writing in English. It includes: summary content, format, statement of timeliness and accuracy of words.

1) The content is enriched, do not empty in this work meeting, the dealer lists such an example: "We have studied large transformer insulation damage caused the transformer to fail. Research a variety of failure reasons, and proposed an improved approach. Finally, This article has been a reliable approach to effectively solving this major problem. "He believes this summary is not proper, and this could not be included. Compendeex database, GB 7713-87, GB 6447-86 "Digest Write Rules" is consistent with the summary content:

For reportable abstracts, four elements of research topics should be listed in the research topics should be listed.

For indicatory abstracts, only the research topics and reviews may not list methods or results.

2) Summary details Compendeex database requirements generally 100-150 English words, up to 1,500 characters;

The requirements for GB 7713-87 are equivalent to this. Squators want to use simple sentence patterns, use short sentences, less use, so that the verbs are as close as possible to the subject. The first sentence is not repeated with the title, because after the title, it is completed in English. Language should be concise. Don't let go of nonsense, set, English abstract, don't appear as follows: "This article ..." "We ..." "Author ..." "First discovered ..." "reached ... horizontal, fill it ... blank." " ... have been improved ... "" "" ... has never reported. "

3) Time to describe the author's work in the past, using the present time to describe the author's conclusions.

4) The independence of maintaining the summary is used alone because of the abstracts of the abstract, avoiding the sequence number of the formula, chart, and reference.

EI writes the writing requirements of the English abstract, please see Annex 1 or http: // http://www.zju.edu.cn/, or http://zjupress.com "Writing Standardization of Science and Technology Paper English Abstract".

3.6 after the article

This is the latest request for the EI Compendex database.

At present, the quality of the internal periodical period is not allowed, and the utilization is not high. In order to solve this problem, the Compendex database enters the information of the reference to the database and links the column. On the one hand, it is convenient to retrieve the reader, consult the relevant literature; on the other hand, the source journal is examined and the influence factor is investigated, which is convenient for adjustment of the database source journal.

1) References To select the level, quantity and publication year of the books in the literature, and the publishing year should be carefully selected, as it reflects the academic level and innovation of the thesis. If a large pile of textbooks, manuals, and scientific journals, the Compendex database will not be included in this paper.

2) References of references should be used to standardize the reference documents to perform international standards and national standards, and use sequential encoding system; their recording formats and GB 7714-87 "Reference Reference Reference References" (in revised), and "China Academic Journal (Disc Version) Retrieval and Evaluation Data Specification" requirements are basically consistent.

3) Reference document entry Principles Compendeex database regulations, for an article, if the ratio of non-English reference and total reference is greater than or equal to 50%, Compendeex database does not enroll all the contents of all references, only record reference The total number of items; if the English reference is more than 50%, only the specific content of the English reference book, not the reference for other varieties of this article.

4) If the English title (patent name, standard name, dissertation name) of the reference is, if possible, the title name of Non-English (Russian, Japanese, Medium) References is translated into English. The first word of the English title is in uppercase, and the rest (except for special terms) use lowercase. 5) The title (specially known, report name, conference) can write or short-on; in addition to the word and preposition, the first letter of each word is capitalized. J Biosci BioEng. Here, the Compendex database specifies that the point should be added at the time of the abbreviation, and GB 7714 specifies the inclusion point. Compendex Database proposes to use different fonts in the literature titles and literature names to distinguish between readers.

6) Year, Volume (period): Subcommitted to the page COMPENDEX database proposes special requirements, but the author can press GB 7714. Such as: 1999,39 (6): 702-710. (Vice President of Katz) Emphasized: Do not use a shorthand page, such as: 1999, 39 (6): 702-10)

3.7 Adding papers Source

An important papers such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Science and Technology Project, "863" high-tech projects, don't forget the standard name of the top page of the first page, and write approval numbers in parentheses to prove The value of thesis. Because of such papers, their projects are subject to the topic approved by the relevant state departments, and are attached importance to the domestic and foreign retrieval system.

4-speaking path

The paper is included in the Compendex database, the academic level is the foundation, and the format is condition, the submission path is the key. The academic level of the paper is high, and if the contribution direction is wrong, it cannot be included in the Compendex database. It is recommended to submit the following five ways.

1) "Journal of Zhejiang University (English Edition)", "Journal of University of Zhejiang University (Engineering Edition)", "Journal of University Chemical Engineering"

The above three journals have been listed as Source Journals by the Compendex database. To select good papers to give these three journals, you can firmly establish academic status of three journals, causing Compendex database to pay attention to form a benign circulation.

2) Take advantage of existing channels

If your paper has been included in Compendex, you should make full use of existing channels. Two people are mature, and their habits are accustomed to the characteristics of the publication.

3) Initial domestic journals

The manuscript is more, to be divided; it is not possible to publish this publication, and should be submitted to the domestic journal has been submitted to the 200 Journal of Journals from the Compendeex database. If you want to submit to the domestic journal, please refer to Annex 2 or http: // http://www.zju.edu.cn/, or http://zjupress.com "EI Compendeex database to include China Journal Editorial Newsletter Record "; these columns have a name, communication address, postal code, phone number, and electronic mailbox.

4) Initial to International Journals

Due to language obstacles, international journals in English are easy to enter the Compendeex database than Chinese journals, but their academic levels are not necessarily higher than Chinese journals. The number of Chinese journals entered the Compendex database is limited; publishing articles in this journal, the difficulty is relatively difficult. The manuscript should be diverted, and the international journals of relevant majors in the Compendeex database should be set.

5) Initial to the International Conference Papers

The Compendex database is always included in the international conference papers. It should take the initiative to participate in the international academic conference; if you participate in the international conference, there should be less or difficult to expensive, it should be participated in the international conference held in China, especially in the school, and actively contribute. SCI, EI is very interested in this international conference papers. Compared with Chinese journals, this papers set into SCI, and the EI Compendex database is much easier. Zhu Cheng: 116024, Dalian University of Technology Library International Journal Consultation Room; Tel: 0411-4709876;

E-mail: zhucheng@dlut.edu.cn http: // http://www.dlib.dlut.edu.cn/ (submission guide) or http://scidep.dlut.edu.cn (University of Technology)

How to identify your article in EI-VILLAGE?

One. Ei-Village included two grades:

1. Compendex

Compendex system computerized engineering index, that is, a computerized engineering index for full record. The text publication of the database is "engineering index". It collects the inscription, summary, standard keyword and sort number of the paper, etc., and processes deeply;

2. Ei Page ONE

Bibliographic. Generally, it is not recorded, and the keywords and sort numbers are not brought. Some Page One also has a summary, but not tagged in the subject words and sorting numbers.

The article is included in EI by EI CompedEx.

two. How to identify Compendex data and Page ONE data:

1. Compendex data:

The content of the data is comprehensive, including: thesis title (Ti); Author (AU); Author (AF); English Abstract; The Name of the Journal of the Papers (ST); Volume, period (IS, VO); paper page (XP); Classification code (LL); key words (MH, CV); and so on. Among them: Classification Code (LL); Key words (MH, CV); requires professionals to be given separately.

2. Page ONE Data:

The data content mainly includes: papers title (TI); Author (AU); Author (AF); The Name of the paper is in the journal Name (SE); Volume, period (IS, VO); paper page (XP); minority data with English Abstract. No professionals do doing work.

The main difference between Compendex data and Page ONE data is whether there is a classification code (LL) and key words (MH, CV) in the data; data with these two contents is Compendex data, which is the contrary to Page ONE data.

Therefore, there is not necessarily possible to formally enter the Compendeex database, and if there is no keyword and the classification number to determine whether the papers are officially included in the Compendex database.

three. Reference link:

1. ENGINEERING VILLAGE 2 2003 latest release:

(Among them, there is a Chinese Journalist, Selected Principles, Digest Requirements, etc., have a great help to readers.)

2. US "Engineering Index EI" includes the latest regulations of China's scientific papers:

(There are EI requirements for manuscript content and academic level, Compendex database collection paper format, English summary, submission route, etc.)

Engineering Village 2 2003 latest release


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