Super function form

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  199

power table </ title> <style> body {font-size: 9pt; padding-right: 0px; padding -Left: 0px; Padding-Bottom: 0px; Padding-top: 0px;} Input {font-size: 9pt; height: 15pt; width: 50px; cursor: default;} table {font-size: 9pt; word-bud : break-all; cursor: default; bORDER: black 1px solid; background-color: #eeeecc; border-collapse: collapse; border-Color: # 999999; align: center;} </ style> <script language = "JavaScript1 .2 "> / * this folload deficed and writeing code area designed and writen by windy_sk <> You can use it it free, but u must held all the copyright items! * /</p> <p>Var main_tab = null; var cur_row = null; var cur_col = null; var cor_cell = null; var org_con = "; var sort_col = null;</p> <p>Var show_col = false; var charmode = true; var Act_bgc = "# bec5de"; var act_fc = "black"; var cur_bgc = "#ccffcc"; var cur_fc = "black";</p> <p>function init () {cur_row = null; cur_col = null; cur_cell = null; sort_col = null; Main_Tab = PowerTable; read_def (Main_Tab) Main_Tab.onmouseover = overIt; Main_Tab.onmouseout = outIt; Main_Tab.onclick = clickIt; Main_Tab.ondblclick = dblclickIt; Org_con = Main_Tab.outerHTML; arrowUp = document.createElement ( "SPAN"); arrowUp.innerHTML = "5"; = "PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; MARGIN-TOP: -3px; PADDING- Left: 0px; font-size: 10px; margin-bottom: 2px; overflow: hidden; width: 10px; color: blue; padding-top: 0px; font-family: webdings; height: 11px ;</p> <p>arrowdown = document.createElement ("span"); arrowdown.innerhtml = "6"; = "padding-right: 0px; margin-top: -3px; padding-left: 0px; font-size: 10px Margin-bottom: 2px; padding-bottom: 2px; overflow: hidden; width: 10px; color: blue; padding-top: 0px; font-family: webdings; height: 11px ";} function window.onload () { Init (); Drag = Document.createElement ("DIV"); Drag.innerHtml = ""; Drag.Style.TextAlign = "center"; Drag.StyLe.Position = "Absolute"; Drag.Style.cursor = "HAND "; Drag.Style.Border =" 1 solid black "; Drag.Style.display =" none "; Drag.Style.zindex =" 999 "; document.body.insertbefore (DRAG); setInterval (" judge_move () " , 100); setInterval ("ShowContent.Value = main_tab.innerhtml; monitor.value = 'cur_row:' cur_row '; cur_col:' cur_col '; sort_col:' sort_col", 1000);}</p> <p>Function Judge_Move () {move [0] .disabled = (cur_row == null || CUR_ROW <= 1); Move [1] .disabled = (cur_row == null || cur_row == main_tab.rows.LENGTH-1 | | CUR_ROW == 0); Move [2] .disabled = (CUR_COL == Null || Cur_col == 0); Move [3] .disabled = (cur_col == null || cur_col == main_tab.rows [0] .Cells.Length-1);</p> <p>Document.onselectionstart = function () {returnaf false;}</p> <p>Document.onmouseUp = DRAG_END;</p> <p>Function clear_color () {THE_TABLE = main_tab; if (cur_col! = null) {for (i = 0; i <THE_TABLE.ROWS.LENGTH; i ) {with (THE_TABLE.ROWS [i] .cells [cur_col]) {style .BackgroundColor = OBGC; style.color = OFC;}}}} f (cur_row! = null) {for (i = 0; i <the_table.rows [cur_row] .cells.length; i ) {with (THE_TABLE.ROWS [ Cur_row] .Cells [i]) {style.backgroundColor = OBGC; style.color = OFC;}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} (cur_cell! = null) {cur_cell.children [0] .conteTedITable = false; with (cur_cell.children [0 ] .RuntimeStyle) {borderleft = bordertop = ""; borderright = borderbottom = ""; backgroundcolor = "; paddingleft ="; textalign = "";}} function document.onclick ()} function document.onclick ()} (WINDOW.STATUS = "" Clear_color (); cur_row = null; cur_col = null; cur_cell = NULL;}</p> <p>Function read_def (THE_TABLE) {for (var i = 0; i <THE_TABLE.ROWS.LENGTH; I ) {for (VAR J = 0; j <THE_TABLE.ROWS [i] .Cells.Length; J ) {with (THE_TABLE .rows [i]) {cells [j] .obgc = cells [j] .currentstyle.backgroundcolor; cells [j] .ofc = cells [j] .currentstyle.color; if (i == 0) {cells [j ] .onMousedown = DRAG_START; Cells [J] .onmouseUp = DRAG_END;}}}}}}</p> <p>function get_Element (the_ele, the_tag) {the_tag = the_tag.toLowerCase (); if (the_ele.tagName.toLowerCase () == the_tag) return the_ele; while (the_ele = the_ele.offsetParent) {if (the_ele.tagName.toLowerCase () == THE_TAG) RETURN THE_ELE;} return (null);}</p> <p>VAR DragStart = false; var dragcolstart = null; var dragcolend = null;</p> <p>function drag_start () {var the_td = get_Element (event.srcElement, "td"); if (the_td == null) return; dragStart = true; dragColStart = the_td.cellIndex; = the_td.offsetWidth; drag. 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Event.y> main_tab.rows [0] .offsettop PARSEINT (Document.body.currentStyle.Margintop) &&& event.y <Main_Tab.rows [0] .offsetTop Main_Tab.rows [0] .offsetHeight parseInt (document.body.currentStyle.marginTop))) dragColEnd = null;} drag.innerHTML = the_td.innerHTML; . backgroundcolor = the_td.obgc; Drag.Style.color = the_td.ofc;}</p> <p>Function DRAG_END () {DragStart = false; Drag.Style.display = "None"; Drag.innerHtml = ""; Drag.Style.width = 0; Drag.Style.Height = 0; for (var i = 0; i <Main_tab.rows [0] .cells.Length; i ) {main_tab.rows [0] .Cells [i] .RuntimeStyle.BackgroundColor = ";} if (DragcolStart! = Null && dragcolend! = Null&& Dragcolstart! = dragColEnd) {change_col (Main_Tab, dragColStart, dragColEnd); if (dragColStart == sort_col) sort_col = dragColEnd; else if (dragColEnd == sort_col) sort_col = dragColStart; document.onclick ();} dragColStart = null; dragColEnd = null; Document.οnmοusemοve = null;}</p> <p>Function Clickit () {Event.cancelbubble = true; var the_obj = Event.Srcelement; var i = 0, j = 0; if (cur_cell! = null && cur_row! = 0) {cur_cell.children [0] .conteTedITable = false With (cur_cell.children [0] .RuntimeStyle) {borderleft = bordertop = ""; borderright = borderbottom = ""; backgroundcolor = "; paddingleft ="; textalign = "";}} = ";. TOLOWERCASE ()! = "Table" && the_obj.tagname.tolowercase ()! = "TBODY" && the_obj.tagname.tolowercase ()! = "TR") {var the_td = get_element (THE_OBJ, TD "); if ( the_td == null) return; var the_tr = the_td.parentElement; var the_table = get_Element (the_td, "table"); var i = 0; clear_color (); cur_row = the_tr.rowIndex; cur_col = the_td.cellIndex; if (cur_row ! = 0) {for (i = 0; i <THE_TR.CELLS.LENGTH; I ) {with (THE_TR.CELLS [I]) {style.backgroundcolor = cur_bgc; style.color = cur_fc;}}} else {IF (show_col) {for (i = 1; i <THE_TABLE.ROWS.LENGTH; I ) {with (THE_TABLE.ROWS [i] .cells [cur_col]) {style.backgroundColor = CUR_BGC; Style.color = cur_fc;}}} the_td.mode =! the_td.mode; if (sort_col! = null) {with (THE_TABLE.ROWS [0] .cells [sort_col]) RemoveChild (Lastchild);} with (the_table. Rows [0] .cells [CUR_COL]) appendchild (THE_TD.MODE? Arrowup: arrowdown; sort_tab (the_table, cur_col, the_td.mode); sort_col = cur_col;}}}</p> <p>function dblclickIt () {event.cancelBubble = true; if (cur_row = 0!) {var the_obj = event.srcElement;!! if (the_obj.tagName.toLowerCase () = "table" && the_obj.tagName.toLowerCase () = "TBODY" && the_obj.tagname.tolowercase ()! = "tr") {var the_td = get_element (THE_OBJ, "TD"); if (the_td == null) return; cur_cell = the_td; if (the_td.children.length ! = 1) THE_TD.INNERHTML = "<div>" THE_TD.INNNERHTML "</ div>"; else if (the_td.children.Length == 1 && the_td.children [0] .tagname.tolowercase ()! = "div") THE_TD.INNERHTML = "<div>" the_td.innerhtml "</ div>"; cur_cell.children [0] .conteTedITable = true; with (cur_cell.children [0] .RuntimeStyle) {BorderRight = borderbottom = "ButtonHighlight 1PX Solid"; borderleft = bordertop = "black 1px solid"; BackgroundColor = "# DDDDDD"; paddingleft = "5px"; // textalign = "center";}}}}</p> <p>Function overit () {if (DragStart) Return; var the_obj = event.srcelement; var i = 0; if (the_obj.tagname.tolowercase ()! = "Table") {var the_td = get_element (THE_OBJ, "TD") ; If (THE_TD == NULL) RETURN; VAR THE_TR = THE_TD.PARENTELEMENT; VAR THE_TABLE = GET_EEMENT (THE_TD, "Table"); if (the_tr.rowindex! = 0) {for (i = 0; i <the_tr.cells .length; i ) {with (THE_TR.CELLS [I]) {runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = act_bgc; runtimeStyle.color = act_fc;}}} else {for (i = 1; i <the_table.rows.LENGTH; i ) { with (the_table.rows [i] .cells (the_td.cellIndex)) {runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = act_bgc; runtimeStyle.color = act_fc;}} if (the_td.mode == undefined) the_td.mode = false; CURSOR = THE_TD.MODE? "n-resize": "s-resize";}}} function outit () {var the_obj = Event.srcelement; var i = 0; if (the_obj.tagname.tolowercase ()! = " ") {var the_td = get_element (THE_OBJ," TD "); if (the_td == null) return; var the_tr = the_td.parentelement; var the_table = get_element (the_td," table "); IF (THE_TR.ROWINDEX! = 0) {for (i = 0; i <THE_TR.CELLS.LENGTH; I ) {with (THE_TR.CELLS [I]) {runtimeStyle.backgroundColor = '; runtimestyle.color =' ' }}} Else {var the_table = the_tr.parentelement.parentelement; for (i = 0; i <THE_TABLE.ROWS.LENGTH; i ) {with (THE_TABLE.ROWS [i] .cells (THE_TD.CellIndex) {RuntimeStyle .BackgroundColor = '; runtimestyle.color =' ';}}}}}}}}}}}</p> <p>Var charpystr = "</p> <p>Ah Aue is swearing, the anti-hawk, love ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Dama demon punner white bovine all the fault worship, the squat, the mutual transfer, the plate, the plate, the half, the white, the bob, the 镑 榜 膀 棒 镑 镑 傍 包 包 褒 褒 褒 褒 褒 褒 褒 褒Hold the report of the Bao Bao Bao, the murry, the northern generation, the back, the bark, the taiss, the telinery is buddh, the pump is broken, the pump is born, the pinches, the pinches The arm is helping the slap in the blasting, and the stool will tell the defense. The bobbin is the meter. Foil Bo Yi Brogebrees, Bo-Board, President, Pull, Tale, Tale, Tale, Cai, Cai, Cai, Cai, Coast, Total, Total, Total, Cao, Coast Side book test layer, inserted tea, cheap, obey, huned, huned, diverted, diverting, shovel, forth, taking, taking, taking, taking, urging, intensive, intensive, smashing, smashing The fried car tears clear Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Chen Yizhi lining the city orange into a ride to punish Cheng Cheng Cheng Zongzheng scales to eat the lasp key pond awesy shameful extraction Worms Chong Pets Songs, Sweet, Visiting, Picture, Picture, Echizes, Chef, Swing, Chu, In addition to Chu, reservoir, swear, hug, swine, aunt, aunt, aunt, hammer, hammer椿 醇 雌 雌 词 赐 赐 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿 蹿The wrong reached the answer to the bumpy, I'm smashing the loan bag to be arrested to fight the Dan list, the nitrogen, the light egg is blocked, the main gear, the trip, pray to the rice The thief derived lights and other stoves Deng Di low drop-up enemy Di Di Di Di Zi Shi Shi Ti Di Di handed against 滇 碘 点 佃 佃 佃 佃 佃 点 点 点 点 点 点 点吊 钓 调 蝶 蝶 定 定 东 董 东 董 董 董 董 董 董 董 董 董 董 董 杜 杜 董 杜 董 杜 豆 杜 杜 董 董 董 董 董 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆 豆Die Die short forging section of the satin stack of the ton ton of the tonnes, the tonne, the dummy shield, the slut, the moth, the moth, the squid, the squad, the ears, the ears尔 饵 洱 二 发 樊 钒 钒 钒 凡 凡 烦 返 贩 贩 贩 贩 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 防 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊Waste fens phenols and phenomen in the graves, the graft powder, the fare, the fruit, Fengfeng Feng Shu Feng Feng, Feng Feng, Feng Seiki, Feng Feng, Witch, Win, the film, the radiation, fluoride, fluorid, can Fu Meng Fushu 20 pilot the ax in the forefront to go to the deputy, Fu Fu Fu Fu Father, the abdomen, the rich, the painting, the shawl, the sorrow, the change, the calcium, the dry, the gansear, the ruth, the liver, the stalks, Gangang Jigchi steel cylinder anal port Hong Kong bar 篙 高 高 膏 搞 稿 哥 鸽 鸽 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 个 埂 埂 埂 埂 个 埂 埂 个 个 埂 埂Supporting the palace bowg of mercardromcrogen arch tribute to hook hook hooks 构 够 够 咕 咕 鼓 剐 剐 剐 剐 剐 剐 剐 剐 剐 官 剐 剐 剐 官 官 剐 官 剐 剐 剐 官 官 官 剐 剐 剐 剐 剐 剐 剐Viewing the tank can I am used to fuel the light, the glass, the silk, the kiolin, the 闺 癸 桂 贵 贵 刽 刽 刽 棍 棍 棍 国 国 国 刽 刽 孩 孩 海 棍 棍 棍 郭 郭 郭 郭 桂 桂 桂 郭 郭 桂 桂 郭 郭 桂 郭 桂 郭 桂 郭 郭 桂 郭 郭 害 害 害捍 悍 悍 汉 夯 杭 杭 航 航 喝 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核 核Haicheng Hangheng Heng Heng Heng Heng Hong Hong Hong Hong Hong Hong Thronar Hou monkey has been crowded after the squid, the pot, the fox, the lake, the tiger, the hunger Huaihuai bad riper ring also slowly changed the odorberry 豢 涣 涣 宦 荒 荒 黄 黄 谎 皇 皇 蛔 蛔 蛔 谎 蛔 蛔 蛔 蛔 蛔 蛔 蛔 蛔绘 魂 浑 活 活 火 基 机 机 机 积 积 缉 缉 机 机 机 机 机 缉 缉 缉 缉 缉 缉 机 缉 己 缉 己 缉 缉 缉 缉 缉 缉 缉 缉 缉 缉 缉技 冀 季 祭 祭 剂 济 忌 计 继 计 继 嘉 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺 笺Citizens alkali siki, brightest, cut, recommended, sake, jersey, jersey, jerse, jerse, jerse, jersey, smelt, smelt, Jiangjiang, Jiang, a la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la lap Stress hinges and invisible, horn dumplings, calling the twisted chop, the car is called the stem, the straw, the stem, the crystal whale, Jing Jingjingjing well, Jingjing, Jingjing, Jingjing, Jing Jing, Jingjing揪 究 久 久 灸 酒 酒 酒 局 局 局 局 局 局 局 聚 眷 眷 眷 眷 眷 聚 聚 绢 眷 眷 眷 绢 炬 眷 炬 炬 炬 炬 炬 炬 炬 炬撅 撅 抉 杰 界 界 介 介 介 介 介 介 介 介 介 介 介 介 介 金 金 金 均 金 金 近 浸 浸 浸 金 浸 浸 浸 浸 浸 浸 浸 浸The bacteria, Jun Jun Jun Jun Junjun County Junka Card, Kaikai, Sagua, Sacrifice, Kang Employment, antichematics, kick, kang, 慷, 抗 炕 炕 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科 科If you know, you will have a snorkeling, a snorkeling, screaming, screaming, screaming, swearing, squat, squat, squat, squat, squat, squat, squirrel, sorrow, sorrow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Drashing Kun Kun bundled to expand wide lava wax spicy La Lai Lai Gasi Lounge Bulk Rapid 谰 谰 谰 谰 缆 缆 缆 滥 榔 榔 榔 老 老 谰 谰 老 老 谰 谰 老 榔 榔 榔 榔 榔 榔 榔 榔 榔 老 榔 榔 榔 老 榔 老 老 老 老 老 老 老乐 雷 磊 垒 垒 垒 肋 类 篱 离 理 理 理 理 理 俐 吏 吏 吏 理 理 理 理 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐 俐Saka pig pupising blindfold face chain loves practice grain cool Liangliang two quantities to dry, 亮 撩 燎 燎 燎 辽 辽 潦 潦 撂镣 撂镣 料 料 列 列 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 磷 磷 磷 磷 凛 磷 磷 磷 磷 磷 凛 磷 磷 磷 磷 磷 磷 磷 磷 磷 磷 磷 凛 凛 磷 磷 凛玲 伶 伶 伶 灵 灵 领 领 令 令 领 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿 窿Luohuku Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu Aludu husband repeated 律 率 绿 绿 挛 挛 孪 滦 滦 纶 抡 抡 抡 抡 抡 抡 抡 抡 抡 抡 抡 略 抡 抡 抡</p> <p>论 萝 罗 罗 箩 箩 骡 络 麻 马 码 马 马 骂 骂 嘛 谩 谩 谩 谩 谩 谩 谩 谩 谩 谩Mahaoxungge appearance, rosemease mildew, no eyebrow text, magnesium per beauty, Mei Meng, Mei, Meng Meng, Manganese, Manganese, Meng, Meng, Mi, Mi, Mid, Mi, Make Coroned to ask for the birth of the spring seedlings, the temple is mystery, the people, the mushroom, the mushroom, Ming Ming, the mushroom, the mushroom, the mushroom, the magic, the magic, Mo, Mo Mo, Mo, Mo, Mr. The occrect of the Mumei Tomb Raise Mummu Mu, which is the soda Na Na Nai Milk Ni Nannan Men's Buna, the jar, the trouble, the tender Ni Ni Ji Jie Ji you are hungee蔫拈 蔫拈 撵 念 娘 鸟 您 狞 狞 拧 拧 拧 拧 拧 拧 拧 拧 拧 拧 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴 奴I am afraid that the squatting is the squatting, the squad, the Pan Pan, Zhaoba, the rogue, the Pen, the Pen, the Pen, the Bulk, the bubble, scream, race, running, embryo, embarrassing, stupid, accompanied, Pei Pei spray, cooking Pangs, bubbles, blessing, blessing, hi-depicing, horses, spleen, fatigue, swit, swim, swindle, drifting, screaming, spending, spending, talus, pingping, instable, Pingping Slope pumped parents broken 粕 Cat watches the servant Portugue Boxu Pu Pao Pu Pu spectrum exposing the waterfall to deceive the wife, the wife, the paint, the chef, the chess, the navel, the navel, the flag, ride, joys Qihaic Masonry 气 气 气 讫 讫 讫 干 干 干 钳 钳 浅 钳 侨 浅 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨 侨Coincidental scabweptity, tricks, cheering, hitting, joining, Qin Qinqin, poultry, blue, blue, light hydrogen, Qing Qiongqing, cyanide, Yongqion, poor, autumn, Qiu, ask, exploitation, a prisoner Drive can 取 娶 去 颧 权 权 泉 瘸 榷 榷 榷 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 裙 冉 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 冉 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤The pregnancy is still ridiculous, and the richest is Rong Rong, the melpse velvet is redundant, the soft meat, the rush, the embarrassment, the milk, the milk, the soft, Rui Rui, Ruili, the slogan, the slogan, three trimesters, Sanguo Search Swee Surge, Yushaosha Sand, the shovel, the sand, the spring, the mountain, the mountain, the shirt, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer] The whistle Shao Shao luxury snake tongue is a arsenic, the dead, Shen Shen, Shen Shen, Shen, Shen, Shen Shen, sorghum, sorrow, sorrow, sorrow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Ten stone picking up the food in the world, Shi Yan makes the gesture of the gestim tart martial arts, the death of the painful, the right time, the city, the first-year-old life, the sale of thin and vegetable Shu Shi Lu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu Lucao Summer Two Swims Mouse Appeal About Anti-East Villas Septeree September September September Shuisuisi tear scorpion smashing temple Temple four wars of feeding pine shrugs to send Song Puttings Search Sale Sanzi Sudan sour sapphen speeding plastic complaints, sour garlic, although The year of the year, the year, the sunset, the sunset, the bamboo shoots, the bamboo shoots, the collapse, the collapse, the collapse of him, the tower 獭 蹋 蹋 踏 台 太 太 太 态 态 态 坍 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 台 蹋 台Carbon Explosive Charcoal Tang Tang Xiang Tang Tang Tang Sugar 躺 躺 掏 掏 绦 绦 绦 誊 誊 誊 剔 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊 誊Filling the field sweet 腆 腆 腆 迢 迢 贴 贴 帖 厅 厅 厅 帖 帖 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 廷 瞳 瞳Bald alarmant 土 土 吐 兔 团 推 腿 退 退 屯 拓 拓 拓 拓 挖 挖 拓 拓 拓 拓 拓 拓Dinner, Wanwu Wanwu Wang Wang, Wang Wang, Wang Wang, Wang Wang, Wang Wang, is the only Wei Wei, the Wei Wei, the Wei Wei, the Wei Wei, the Wei Wei, the taste, the taste, the taste, the Wei, the desotes Wen Wenzi kiss, the intermediary, I want to see the woolen slam, I will, the wool, Wu Yu Wu, Wu Wu, Wu Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Wu, Dawu, Do not enlighten the evil spirits Analysis of the selenium 嘻 嘻 锡 息 希 悉 檄 檄 檄 檄 媳 媳 烯 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 檄 喜 下 檄 下 下 下 匣 匣 匣 下Fresh fiber salty sidelines, the price of the squid, the county gland, the Xiangxian Township, the inquiry box, Xiangxiang Township, Xiangxiang Xiang Xiangxiang Entering Pyramid statue 象 嚣 嚣 嚣 消 消 消 宵Confucius Xiao Xiao School Xiao Xiao Xiaoxi Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedges to the Evil Slims Harmony Wearing Crab Clover Surplus Surpery Surpery Zinc Xin Xin Xin Xin Xin Xu Xu 惺 惺 型 形 形 形 形 形 形 性 性The name brother, the chest, Hungaro Xiong Xiong, Xiu Xiu Yue, rustic, Xu Xu, Xu Xu, the dupid, the Xu Xuan Xuan Hang, Meta, Xue Xue Snow blood is smoked in journey to the tour, Xunxun, Xun, Xun, Xun, the chaos, the buds, the buds, the cliff, the rock, the rock, the salt, Yan Yan, Yan Yan, Yan Yan演 艳 燕 砚 唁 唁 唁 宴 殃 样 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾 漾Also the pagemmid leaves, the night fluid, a doctor, the 揖 衣 颐 遗 遗 移 仪 疑 疑 矣 矣 矣 矣 矣 矣 以 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义 义Yiyue assisted by the same word of the wings, the Yin Yin, the Yin Yin, Yan Yin Yin Yin, Yin Jing, Yin Yin Yin Yin Ying, Book, Welcome, Welcome to the Yingying, Ying, Youth, Give咏 酉 游 游 游 酉 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 淤 舆 舆 鱼 舆 舆 舆Yu language Yu Yucai Cao Yan, metonym, Yu Yu, a prison, marry, Yu Prehealth, Yuanyuan, Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuanyuan, Yuanyuan, Yuanyuanyuan Yuanyuan Wishes, 曰 岳 粤Yue Yue Yu Yun Yun Yunyi Yun Yun Yun Yun Yun Yunqi 栽 哉 灾 载 在 攒 攒 攒 攒 攒 遭 遭 遭 遭 遭 藻 藻 藻 遭 藻 遭 遭 遭 藻 藻 藻 遭 遭 藻 藻 藻 藻How to increase the thief, I have given a slag, rolling, rolling, squatting, squatting, squatting, squirt, squint, squatting, squid, squirting</p> <p>Exhibiting the stack of the battle station Zhu Yanyu Zhang Zhaozhang Zhang palpocol stick debts accounts swelling recovery recruits Zhao Zhao Zhao Zhao Zhao Zhao Zhao covering the shrinking Zhei 蔗 This Zhezhen Zhenzhen Zhenxi针 枕 枕 狰 狰 怔 怔 狰 狰 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚 挚Time to get to the unique smart and nature, the hemorrhoids are stagnant, the 盅 忠 忠 钟 衷 终 种 重 众 众 众 州 重 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱 皱拄 嘱 主 助 贮 住 住 注 专 专 缀 缀 缀 缀 缀 缀 谆 缀 缀 缀 缀 谆 缀 缀 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆Zi Chardi Ziqi Zi Zi seedlings self-stain bristless Zong comprehensive vertical Zou lounges the ritual footsteps of the ancestral to prevent the group, the corner, the most, the honorary, the compliance, Zuo Wei, doing a seat VAR charbhstr = "A part of the seven nine nine two people into eight dozen knives and troire ten plants and thousands of horses, the pills, long-lasting, Yisheng, Xi Xiang, the quarter At the beginning, the large woman inch the corpse, the mountains and rivers, the squats, the sorrow, the big bow, the talents, the mountains, don't worry with ugly, Tung Dan, Wushu, Muto, Muto, Muto, Bush, only servant hatred, still from Lagun Yun Yun Yuanxin Redundant phoenix is ​​divided into hand to eliminate the homogeneous mismatches, the miles, the people, the people, the double, the anti-Tianshu, Yue Yin, the ruins, the fiction, the heart, the intention, the singer, the singer, the singer Wooden 毋 毋 毋 气 火 片 片 讣 讣 贝 贝 队 队 队 队 队 队 队 贝 贝 贝 队 队 队 队 队 仟 仟 仟 仟 仟 仟 仟 东 仟 仟 东 仟 东 仟On the meeting, the groomed brothers and sings, the merits, the best, the best, the bits, half-fiscal, half, Ka Lu, the old sentence, the old sentence, only the song, the right, the right, the right, the sate, the prisoner The outer tamper hair slave milk is pregnant, it is in the Little Zuoshi giant city, the Ms. Shuai Ping, the old, the old, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer] Guumheng uses Yutian by the army-based electric white petri dish, the stone, the rheum, the rum, the rush, the news, the news, the rush, the birds, the birds, the dragon, the Ping pong, the boy, the Hai Ya, also produced The secondary price is an exemption of the imitation of the enterprise, Iraqi volcourts, the gangs, the umbrella, the wounded, the people, the best, the whole is full of attention. I oppressed each other, the same name, the same name, the same name, the same name, spit to Xi Lu? Loosing the group in Gui Ground, Zhuang Zhu, the praise, she is so good, she is as good as the makeup woman, the Mother, Sun Helu, Shou'an Temple, the dust is exhausted屿 州 异 年 年 忙 戌 成 成 收 成 托 扩 扩 扩 扩 扩 扩 扩 扩 扩 扩 扩 扩 有 扩 此 有 有 有 有 有 有汗 汛 江 池 汤 汤 灯 灰 百 网 网 网 网 级 考 考 考 考 考 考 考 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观 观Amazing diamonds, the grammation, the lace, the negative rail, the rumor, Sheng, Xing, Xing, the evil, and the rumor, the swing, the row, the top of the page, the two strict, the hendrian, the company, the United States, It seems that there is a low-spirited Zoo Boy body, he is a Buddha, you will be sent to the soldiers. The first deletion is not helpful. Don't help the child, the medicine, the medicine, the medicine, the ovary, the king, the king, the tonne Summit, 启 吸 吸 呐 吼 呛 呛 呛 园 坏 坏 坏 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 呛 坏 坏 坏 坊 坊 坏 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊 坊The monster, the filing, the Song Song, the Song Shou Tail, the fart layer, the Gangdao, the Jacket, the bed, the 庐 库 应 弟 张 役 忌 忌 库 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀 怀The batch of finding the skills and grab the suppression of the embarrassment, the anti-pen, and the ripples refused to change the sorrow, and the rod, the rod, the rod, the rumor, the rush, Yang Ji, perceived, mercury dowager汾 沁 沂 沃 沉 沏 沙 沛 沟 没 沤 泛 泛 泛 灶 皂 皂 皂 皂 系 狈 狈 狈 纳 私 纳 纳 系 系 系 系 系 系 系 系 系纶 纽 羌 羌 羌 肘 花 花 花 评 评 评 花 诌 诌 诌Xin Chen welcomes the near future to returning this into a long-term returning, Qiu Qiu Shao Zou, Yanli needle, the spikes, the boring resistance, Attachetia Luo, Chen Ran, drink, drops, 鸡 丧 些 些 些 京佯 佯 佳 使 例 例 依 侠 侣 侥 侧 侧 侧 侧 到 券 刽 刽 刽 刽 刽 刽 刽 刽 刽 刽Take it around, I'm hit, I want to sing, and the rules of the rule of the scorpion, the ruins of the tampon, the tampon, Tutan, the ridge, the night, the night, the Niki, the singer, the singer, the singer Meng Ji Listance Officials Aeching Wanyi Baoxi Pets Shangji Divitula Rings Yue Shi Yue Wushu Pai Curtain Baby Fortunately Store Temple Gengfu Pang Waste Construction Musage Arc Records and the Crossing Magnth I am afraid that horizon is a huge or housing, and I will put it on the hug. I will pick up my thumb. I will pick up and pick up the detaine. Changming faint, Xi friends, Hang Cup, Jesson plate, skein, pillow, forest, fruit, branch, jujube, Feng, Yuhe, royal, royal, hai, bubble, boiling, water, bubble, slut, slut Tauntry, lax, lax, larier, fried, stir-fry, torch, hardcore ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, The group is finely woven, and the Shu Luo Yueza's skin fat shoulders, the sterile, kidney, swollen, swollen, swelling, crude, talents, tag, tiger ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Shirt lining rules the poetry, the quicker, the quicker, the detailed, the goods, the goods, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer, the singer. Unfamiliar Shaanxi Yanqing non-top ago, full of fiscal, shoot, fish, squatting, pilot, killing, king,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,剐 剐 勃 南 南 卸 厚 受 变 叙 咨 咨 咨 咨 咨 咨 咨 咨</p> <p>Sterling 哆 哈 哉 哗 垢 奖 奖 奖 奖 奖 奖 奖 奖 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋 屋峙 峡 峦 巷 帝 帝 思 拯 拯 拯 拯 恫 拯 总 总 恫 拯 恫 拯 恫 拯 拯 拯 拯 拯 拯 拯 拯 拯 恫 拯 拯 拯 拯 拯 拯 拯 恫Hanging, pressing the Pacon, hooking the Poster, the show, the show, the bisector, Sheng, Yesterday, Yesterday, Yesterday, Yasha, Sir, Shape, Pierce, Cambodia, Cambodia, Cambodia The poisonous tree is 殃 殃 残 毖 毖 氟 洞 洞 济 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 测 狡 点 点 狡 点 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡 狡Unique narrow swearing, PC, 珍 珐 甭 甭 疥 疥 疥 疯 疯 相 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 看 砒 砒 看 看 看 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒 砒Stealing rod seeds knotted knot wound painting to Mun Lu Lu Zhi ring tank penalty beauty plays to stomach bile tire fat embryo wings 胡 茧 茨 茹 茹 草 草 荔 荔 荚 荡 荡 荡 荆 荆 荫 荫 荫Drugbow although shrimp etch ants 蚤 蚤 袄 要 诬 诬 诵 诵 赴 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送 送Heavy calcium 钝 钟 钡 钢 钦 钧 钩 钩 院 院 院 院 院 院 项 院 院 院 院 食 食 须 音 音 音 音 音 音 音 音 音 音 音 音 音 顺 音 顺 顺 顺 顺 顺俺 倒 党 党 党 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥 哥埃 埋 娘 娱 宴 宴 家 家 家 家 展 展 展 峰 恋 峰 峰 峰 峰 扇Hall of the storm, blame, bundle, smashed, donation, donation, damage, smashed, enemy, zipper, zoom, joining, taking, nun, nik, native, lanyard, kioli,, Frame table Tong southern 桔 档 梆 梆 梨 流 毙 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩 涩Fighting the bruises, baked, bother, baked, hot, love ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,离 秤 秤 秦 站 站 索 索 索 绢 绢 绢 绢 绢 索 索 索 索 索 绢 索 绢 绢 索 索 索 索 索 索 索 索 索 索 索 索 索 索 耿British crispy ridge umbilical brain picuisma 航 荷 莎 莎 蚕 获 蚕 蚕 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆 谆Leopard thief Jiaji bribery subunited rushed to rush down the sedan to insult the hand, the way to visit the passengers, the might of the might, Guo Zhen, the wine, the potato, the potassium, the uranium iron platinum ring Towers are difficult to stop the ducks, the preparation of the gods, the high duck, the dove, the fake, the pockery, the sacred, the veterinary, the phoenix scissors, the vocals Paleo beer 啥 啪 圈 域 培 基 堆 堆 堕 堵 堵 婶 娶 娶 婉 婉 婉 密 婴 婴 婴 婴 婉 密 密 密 婴 婴 娶 娶 娶 娶 娶 娶 娶 婉 寇 崭 寇 寇 密 寅 寇 寇 寇 寇I got to know that you suspid to the mourning and sassuring and sadness, the fear, the scorpion, the scorpion, the jigs, the jigs, the exclusion The rescue is amburo, the symbol, the morning, Cao Mangang bowl, Liangmei, the smoker, the combing, the gyne, the slogan, the sac, the sacred, the sacred sacred sacred sacred Quenching, surpassing, flooding, adding, calm, gum, gum, guess, hi, hunting, rampant, hue, pig, scorpion, scorpion, sweet, slut, scorpion, scorpion眷 眷 眼 矫 祭 祭 移 聋 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌 翌Roundab the foot of the rudder of the bison mushroom, the mushroom, the spini, the purple, the spini, the spinning, the sputum, the snake, the egg, the bag, the hunting, the mystery Pardon japonicure 躯 逸 酚 铭 铱 铱 铱 银 银 铭 铭 铭 铭 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 铭 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 铱 雀 铱 雀 雀 雀 隐 隐傍 凿 博 博 喝 喷 喷 喷 喷 喉 喉 喉 喇 喷 喻 媒 婿 婿 媒 媒 媒 嫂 嫂 婿 喳 喷 婿 喷 喷 喷 婿 婿 婿 婿 婿 喷 喇 婿Peng Yusheng's Sorrow, Punish Vegetable, I'm jealousy, I amphan, I'm smashed, I'm smashed, I'm smashed, I was aid, and I was soaked. Crystal Zhiji Tempreed Tempret for the most dialogue cotton stick stick brown shedson Sensum ribbon chainplascent peaked elliptolin deceived seed blanket nitrogen chloride Chloride slag 温 渴 渺 渺 湖 湖 湖 湾Wet tipping sputter 滁 滑 滞 焦 琳 琳 甥 甥 琳 琳 琳 痞 痞 窖 痞 痞 痞 窖 窖 痞 痞 痞 痞 窖 痞 痞 痞 痞 痞 痞 痞 痞 痞 登 登Slug baskets and other spirits, screamers, cocktock, sieve, Yue porridge, sag, gear ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Swashi Jiang Yu frog spider 蛮 蛰 街 街 装 裙 裙 谢 赔 谣 谣 赋 跋 跋 跋 赔 赔 酥 酥Release casting chain lock lock pockets rust pole zinc sharp bismuth wawn complimentary palate geese geese 集 馈 馋 骚 骚 鹅 鹅 黑 黑 黑 像 催 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像 像The tomb of the tomb, married, lame, the public, the small scene, the smart, the smash, the heart, the heart, the heart, the swing, the shock, the number, the new, the slings, the slings歇 歌 源 源 溜 溪 滤 滤 滤 滩 滩 滩 滩 滩 滤 煞 煞 煞 滩 滩 滩 滩 献 滩 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞 煞Dwarf bonus tuning hindrance to the son bowl iod iod iod 碘 稗 稗 稠 窥 窥 窥 简 署 肄 肄 腥 署 肄 肄 肄 肄 置 肄 肄 肄蓑 蓝 蓝 虞 蛹 蛾 蜂 詹 詹 誊 誊 谩 谩 豢貉 豢貉 豢貉 豢貉 豢貉 谩 谩 谩 谩 辑 辑 辑 辑 辑 辑 辑 辑 辑</p> <p>酮 酮 鉴 错 锡 锣 锣 锣 障 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 零 零 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 靳 嘎 靳 嘎The abdicated to hatching the village is angry, and the mucanti is a mucker, and it will take the destroy. Xi Shu Yao jao is slimming, skeleton, skeleton, skeleton, magnet, scorpion, junction, juvenile, juvenile, juvenile, juvenile, 精, 翟, 肇,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wax fossa 裴 裴 裴 褐 褪 褪 谭 谭 谰 辗 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛 凛嘱 嘻 嘻 噎 增 增 墩 懂 撅 撅 撅 撅 撅 撅 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵 撵Tan Tong Cheng Yu Ao Ru Tumor Tumor Heaven and Its Raw Sharp Stormy 磕 稻 篇 篇 糊 糊 蝎 蝎 膘 膘 蔬 篇 篇 艘 褒 褒 褒 褒 褒 褒 褒 褒 褒Stepping, lying, alkyd, tower, nickel, sterling ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,燎 燕 瓢 瘴瘸 耪 耪 耪 耪 耪 耪 膳 膳 赠 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 霍 醚 霍 霍 霍 霍 邀 霍 霍 霍 醚 醚 醚 醚Lin Wi-shelf Bolts Whale Whale Whale Wi Wi Wen Tan Shimoni Diji Cancer Swood Sticky Reef Spike Rrouded Brazing Brazing Hip Barbing Borrow蹋 蹋 镣 镣 霞 鞠 鳃 鳃 藩 覆 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 躇 鳖 躇 鳖 鳖 鳖 鳖 鳖 鳖 鳖 鳖 鳖嚷嚼 耀 壤 巍 霸 霸 霸 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤 瓤;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; For (var n = 0; n <(char1.length> char2.length: char2.Length); n ) {if (char1.charat (n)! = Char2.charat (n)) {if (charset.indexof (char1.ndexof (char2.indexof (char2.charat (n)))? 1: -1); else return (Char1.ndexof (Char1.Charat (n)) < Charset.indexof (Char2.Charat (n))? 1: -1); Break;}} Return (0);</p> <p>Function Sort_Tab (THE_TAB, COL, MODE) {var Tab_arr = new array (); var i; var start = new date; for (i = 1; i <THE_TAB.ROWS.LENGTH; i ) {Tab_arr.push (New Array) (the_tab.rows [i] .cells [col] .innertext.tolowercase (), the_tab.rows [i]));} Function Sortarr (Mode) {Return Function (Arr1, Arr2) {var flag; var A, B ; A = arr1 [0]; b = arr2 [0]; if (/ ^ (/ | -)? / D ($ | /. / D $) /. Test (a) && / ^ (/ | -)? / d ($ | /./ D $) /. Test (b)) {a = evAl (a); b = evAl (b); flag = mode? (a> b? 1: (a < B? -1: 0)): (a> b? -1: 0));} else {a = a.tostring (); b = b.toString (); if (a .CHARCODEAT (0)> = 19968 && B.Charcodeat (0)> = 19968) {FLAG = JUDGE_CN (A, B, MODE);} else {flag = mode? (a> b? 1: (a <b? -1: 0)): (a> b? -1: 0));}} Return flag;};} tab_arr.sort (sORTARR (MODE)); for (i = 0; I <tab_arr.length; i ) {THE_TAB.LASTCHILD.APPENDCHILD (Tab_arr [i] [1]);</p> <p>Window.status = "(Time Sources) " MS) ";</p> <p>Function change_row (THE_TAB, LINE1, LINE2) {THE_TAB.ROWS [LINE1] .Swapnode (the_tab.rows [line2])}</p> <p>Function change_col (THE_TAB, LINE1, LINE2) {for (var i = 0; i <THE_TAB.ROWS.LENGTH; I ) THE_TAB.ROWS [I] .Cells [line1] .swapnode (the_tab.rows [i] .cells [ Line2]);</p> <p>Function move_up (THE_TABLE) {Event.cancelbubble = true; if (cur_row == null || cur_row <= 1) Return; Change_Row (THE_TABLE, CUR_ROW, - CUR_ROW);}</p> <p>function Move_down (the_table) {event.cancelBubble = true; if (cur_row == null || cur_row == the_table.rows.length-1 || cur_row == 0) return; change_row (the_table, cur_row, cur_row); }</p> <p>function Move_left (the_table) {event.cancelBubble = true; if (cur_col == null || cur_col == 0) return; change_col (the_table, cur_col, - cur_col); if (cur_col == sort_col) sort_col = cur_col 1 ; else if (cur_col 1 == sort_col) sort_col = cur_col;} function Move_right (the_table) {event.cancelBubble = true; if (cur_col == null || cur_col == the_table.rows [0] .cells.length- 1) RETURN; CHANGE_COL (THE_TABLE, CUR_COL, Cur_col); if (CUR_COL == Sort_col) sort_col = cur_col-1; ELSE IF (CUR_COL-1 == Sort_col) sort_col = cur_col;}</p> <p>function add_row (the_table) {event.cancelBubble = true; var the_row, the_cell; the_row = cur_row == null -1: (cur_row 1); clear_color (); var newrow = the_table.insertRow (the_row); for (var? i = 0; i <THE_TABLE.ROWS [0] .Cells.Length; i ) {THE_CELL = Newrow.Insertcell (i); the_cell.innertext = "newrow_" THE_CELL.PARENTELEMENT.ROWINDEX;} Read_DEF (THE_TABLE);}</p> <p>Function del_row (THE_TABLE.ROWS.LENGTH == 1) return; var the_row; the_row = (cur_row == null || cur_row == 0)? - 1: cur_row; the_table.deleterow (THE_ROW); CUR_ROW = NULL; CUR_CELL = NULL;}</p> <p>Function add_col (THE_TABLE) {event.cancelbubble = true; var the_col, i, the_cell; the_col = cur_col == NULL? -1: (CUR_COL 1); var the_title = prompt ("please input the title:", "untricled "); If (the_title == null) return; if (the_col! = - 1 && a_col! = Sort_col && sort_col ; the_title = THE_TITLE ==" "" Untitle == "" "Untitle ==" "" Untitled ": the_title clear_color (); for (VAR i = 0; i <THE_TABLE.ROWS.LENGTH; I ) {THE_CELL = THE_TABLE.ROWS [I] .insertcell (THE_COL); The_cell.innertext = i == 0? The_title :( "Newcol_" THE_CELL.CELLINDEX }}}}} Function del_col (the_table) {if (the_table.rows [0] .cells.Length == 1) Return; var the_col, the_cell; the_col = cur_col == null? (THE_TABLE.ROWS [ 0] .Cells.Length-1): cur_col; if (the_col! = - 1 && a_col <sort_col && sort_col! = Null) sort_col--; else if (THE_COL == Sort_col) sort_col = null; for (var i = 0; I <THE_TABLE.ROWS.LENGTH; I ) THE_TABLE.ROWS [I] .deletecell; CUR_COL = NULL; CUR_CELL = NULL;</p> <p>Function res_tab (THE_TABLE) {THE_TABLE.OUTERHTML = ORG_CON; Init ();</p> <p>Function exp_tab (THE_TABLE) {var the_content = ""; Document.onClick (); THE_CONTENT = THE_TABLE.OUTERHTML; THE_CONTENT = THE_CONTENT.REPLACE (/ "= /" [^ / "] * /" / g, ""); THE_CONTENT = THE_CONTENT.REPLACE (/ MODE = / "(false | true)" / g, ""); the_content = the_content.replace (/ OBGC = / "[/ w # / d] * /" / g, "" ); The_content = THE_CONTENT.REPLACE (/ OFC = / "[/ w # / d] * /" / g, ""); the_content = the_content.replace (/ <div contentable = false> ([^ <] *) <// Div> / Ig, "$ 1"); The_content = "<style> Table {font-size: 9pt; Word-Break: Break-all; cursor: default; border: black 1px solid; background-color: # Eeeeecc; Border-Collapse: Collapse; 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