ASP Common Function Table (VBS)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  188

Array () function Returns an array expression array (list) Allow data type: characters, numbers can be instances: <% DIM MyArray () for i = 1 To 7redim Preserve MyArray (i) MyArray (i) = weekdayName (i) Next%> Return Result: Create an array of 7 elements, "Sunday", "Monday", ... "SATURDAY" CINT () function converts an expression into a digital type expression CINT (Expression) Allow data type: Any valid character can be (not more than 32767) instance: <% f = "234" response.write cint (f) 2%> Return Result: 236 Transformation Character "234" Number " 234, if the string is empty, return 0 Value CreateObject () function to establish and return an instance of a registered ActiveX component. Expression CreateObject (ObjName) Allow Data Type: ObjName is the name of any valid, registered ActiveX component. Instance: <% set con = Server.createObject ("AdoDb.Connection"%> cstr () function transforms an expression The character is a string. Expression CSTR (Expression) Allows the data type: Expression is any valid expression. Example: <% s = 3 2RESPONSE.WRITE "The Return Results IS:" & CSTR (S)%> Return Result: Transformation Number "5" is the character "5". Date () function returns the current system date. Expression Date () Allow data type: none. Instance: <% = DATE%> Return Result: 9/9 / 00DATEADD () function Returns a changed date. Expression Dateadd (TimeInterval, Number, Date) Allowed Data Type: TimeInterval Is The Time Interval To Add; Number IS Amount of Time Interval To Add; And Date Is The Starting Date. Instance: <% currentdate = # 9/9/00 #Newdate = dateadd ("m", 3, currentdate) response.write newdate%> <% currentdate = # 12: 34: 45 PM # newdate = dateadd ("h", 3, currentdate) response.write newdate%> Return RESULTS: 9/9/003: 34: 45 PM "M" = "MONTH"; "D" = "day"; if currentdate is in time format the, "h" = "hour"; "s" = "SECOND "; Datediff () function returns the difference between the two dates. Expression Datediff (TimeInterval, Date1, Date2 [, Firstday FirstDayofweek [, Firstweekofyear]]) Allow data type: TimeInterval indicates the type of time separation, such as "M" means "month".

Example: <% fromdate = # 9/00 # Todate = # 1/1/2000 # response.write "there" & _datediff ("D", fromdate, today) & _ "days to millenium from 9/9 / 00. "%> Return Result: There are still 150 days from 9/9/00 to 2000. Day () function returns a month. Express DAY (date) Allow data type: Date is any effective date. Example: <% = day (# 9/9/00 #)%> Return Result: 9FormatCurrency () Function Returns the expression, this expression is formatted as a currency expression formatcurrency (Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [ , Paren [, GroupDigit]]]) Allows the data type: DIGIT indicates the value of the number of display bits on the right side of the decimal point. The default value is -1, indicating the area setting of the computer; the LeadingDigit tri-state constant indicates whether the zero in front of the small numerical point is displayed. Example: <% = formatcurrency> Return Result: $ 34.35formatDateTime () Function Returns the expression, this expression is formatted as a date or time expression formatdatetime (Date, [, NamedFormat] allowed data type: NamedFormat Indicates the value of the date / time format used, if omitted, use VBGeneLDate. Instance: <% = formatdatetime ("09/9/00", vblongdate)%> Return Result: Sunday, September 09, 2000FormatNumber () function returns Expression, this expression has been formatted as a value. Expression FormatNumber (Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit]]]) Allow data type: Digit indicates the value of the number of digits on the right side of the decimal point. The default is -1, indicating the area setting of the computer. LeadingDigit i indicates the value of the display bits on the right side of the decimal point. The default is -1, indicating the area setting of the computer. PAREN indicates the value of the number of digits on the right side of the decimal point. The default is -1, indicating the area setting of the computer. GroupDigit i indicates the value of the number of digits on the right side of the decimal point. The default is -1, indicating the area setting of the computer. . Example: <% = formatNumber (45.324567, 3)%> Return Result: 45.325FormatPercent () function returns an expression, which is formatted as a percentage of the percentage of the tail (multiplying 100).

(%) Expression Formatpercent (Expression [, Digit [, LeadingDigit [, Paren [, GroupDigit]]]) Allow data types: Ibid. Instance: <% = formatpercent (0.45267, 3)%> Return Result: 45.267% HOUR () The function returns a small number at 24. Expression Hour (TIME) Allowed data type: instance: <% = Hour (# 4: 4: 4: 34 PM #)%> Return Result: 16 (Hour Has Been Converted to 24- Hour system) INSTR () function Returns the first place in another string in another string. Expression INSTR ([START,] STRTOBESEARCHED, STSEARCHFOR [, Compare]) Allow data type: start is search At the beginning, STRTOBESEARCHED accepts Search string strSearchFor To search for characters. Compare comparison mode (detailed view ASP constant) instance: <% strText = "this is a test !!" POS = INSTR (Strtext, "A") response. WRITE POS%> Return Result: 9instrrev () function is the same, just from the last search of the character string, the expression INSTRREV ([Start,] start, compare] allows the data type: Ibid. instance: <% strText = "This is a test !!" POS = ISTREV (Strtext, "S") Response.write POS%> Return Result: The 13int () function returns the numeric type, not to be rounded. Expression INT (Number) Allow Data Type: Instance: <% = INT (32.89)%> Return Result: 32IAAARRAY () function determines whether an object is an array, return to Boolean. Expressions Isarray (Name) instance: <% strTestSt = "Test!" Response.write isarray (strTest)%> Return Result: falseisdate () function determines whether an object is dates, returns a Boolean expression isdate (Expression) instance: <% strate = "9/4/2000" Response.write isdate (strTest)%> Return Result: TrueiseMpty () function determines whether an object is initialized, return to Boolean value. Expression ISEMPTY (Expression) Instance: <% DIM IRESPONSE.WRITE ISEMPTY (i)%> Return Result: Trueisnull () Function determines whether an object is empty, return to Boolean value. Expression ISNULL (Expression) Instance: <% DIM IRESPONSE.WRITE ISNULL (i)%> Return Result: falseisNumeric () function determines whether an object is a number, return to Boole Value. Expression ISNUMERIC (EXPRESSION) instance: <% i = "345" Response.Write ISNUMERIC (i)%> Return Result: True Even if the number adds quotation marks, ASP still thinks it is a number.

IsObject () function determines whether an object is an object, returns a Boolean value. Expression ISObject (Expression) Instance: <% set con = Server.createObject ("adodb.connection" Response.write isobject (con)%> Return Result: The TruelBound () function returns the minimum subscript of the specified array dimension. Expression LBound (ArrayName [Dimension]) instance: <% i = array ("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday") Response.write LBound (i )%> Return Result: 0lcase () function Returns the lowercase form of the string LCASE (String) instance: <% strTest = "this is a test!" Response.write Lcase (strTest)%> Return Result: this is a TEST! LEFT () function Returns the previous character (including Changth characters) in the left side of the string (including ZENGTH characters). Expression Left (String, Length) instance: <% strate = "this is a test!" Response.write LEFT (strTest, 3)%> Return Result: thilen () function Returns the length of the string. Expression LEN (String | VarName) Instance: <% strate = "this is a test!" Response.write Len (strTrtest)%> Return Result: 15Ltrim () function removes the space left on the left side of the string. Expression Ltrim (String) instance: <% strTest = "this is a test!" Response.write Ltrim (strTRTEST)%> Return Result: this is a test! The MID () function returns a specific length string (starting from START, length length). Expression MID (String, Start [, Length]) instance: <% strate = "this is a test! Today is monday." Response .write MID (Strtest, 17, 5)%> Return Result: Todayminute () function returns time for minutes. Expressions Minute (TIME) instance: <% = minu TE (# 12: 45: 32 pm #)%> Return Result: 45MONTH () function returns the date. Expression Month (Date) instance: <% = month (# 08/04/99 #)%> Return Result: 8Monthname () Function Returns the specified month expression MONTHNAME (MONTH, [, ABB]) instance: <% = monthname (Month (# 08/04/99 #))%> Return Result: AugustNow () function returns the system Time Expression Now () Instance: <% = no%> Return Result: 9/9/00 9:30:16 Amright () function Returns the character (including Changth character) before the first side of the string (including Changth characters). Expression Right ( String, Length) Example: <% strTest = "this is an test!" Response.write right (strTest, 3)%> Return Result: ST! RND () function generates a random number. Expression RND [(Number)] Example: <

% Randomize () response.write rnd ()%> Return Result: Any number of Round () functions between 0 and 1 Return to the value of the number of positioning numbers. Expression Round (Expression [, nuMright]) instance : <% I = 32.45678RESPONSE.WRITE ROUND (i)%> Return Result: 32rtrim () function Remove the string on the right side of the string. Expression RTRIM (String) instance: <% strate = "this is a test !!" Response.write RTRIM (STRTEST)%> Return: this is a test !! split () function segments a string and returns a split result expression split (s [D]) instance: <% v = split (a , B, c) for i = 0 to Ubound (V) response.write v (i) Next%> Return Result: AB CSECOND () function returns second. Expressions Second (Time) instance: <% = second (# 12 : 34: 28 PM #)%> Return Result: 28StrRreverse () Function Reverse Ramper A String Expression Strreverse (String) Instance: <% strTest = "this is a test !!" Response.write strreverse (strTrtest)%> Return Result: !! Tset A Si SiHttime () function returns the system time. Expression Time () instance: <% = time%> Return Result: 9:58:28 Amtrim () function removes the space for the string. Expression Trim (string) instance: <% strTest = "this is a test !!" Response.write trim (strtest)%> Return Result: This is a test !! Ubound () function returns the maximum available subscript of the specified array dimension >. Expression Ubound (ArrayName [Dimension]) instance: <% i = array ("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday") Response.write Ubound (i)%> Return Result: 2UCASE () function Returns Character String's uppercase. Expression ucase (string) Allow data type: instance: <% strTest = "this is A Test !! "response.write ucase (strTest)%> Return Result: This is a test !! Vartype () function Returns the value of the VARTYPE (VarName) instance: <% i = 3RESPONSE.WRITE VARTYPE (i)%> Return Result: 2 (Digital) See "ASP constant" weekday () function returns to the first few days of the week. Expression weekday (Date [, firstdayofweek]) instance: <% d = # 9/9 / 00#RESPONSE.WRITE WEEKDAY (D)%> Return Result: 4 (Wednesday) WeekDayName () function returns the name of the first few days. Expression WeekDayName (Weekday [, ABB [, Firstday Fweek]]) Instance: <% D = # 9/9/00 # Response.write weekdayName (Weekday (D))%>


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