In the development of the FAST library, MimeMessage library development ...

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  167

By learning Ace, JavaMail and STL, and draws its own experience, the following basic library has been developed: The FAST library is mainly similar to STL, and the MIMEMessage library is MIME mail resolution and assembly.

The FAST library includes fastbase.h faststring.h fastautAutoptr.h fasthashmap.h fastmap.h

These classes can be placed in one, and it can be used alone, it is very convenient, high efficiency, and the use method is basically compatible with STL, ACE, and Java's similar containers.

MIMEMESSAGE library includes charsetus.cpp charsetus.h mimessage.cpp mimeMessage.h mimeObject.cpp mimeObject.h mimeutility.cpp mimeutility.h

The basic structure learns Javamail and has made some simplified and partial performance optimization, currently supporting MIME mail resolution, fully supports the RFC822 and RFC2046 and other specifications. Using the FAST library development, the main design purpose is that the mail server or client software can also be.

Currently included classes include ConverterFactory, Base64Converter, QPConvert, MimeMessage, InternetAddress, Internet, ImimePart, Imultipart, MimeBodypart, MimeMultipart, and so on.

More than 2,000 lines of code is currently in design and development. Due to time, it is impossible to put it full, it may take 1 month to complete. Learn a lot of knowledge by learning ACE, STL, and JavaMail source. For Traits Technology, Template, Template Bias, Design Mode, and Allocator design, and the design of the container and its related algorithms have been further recognized, and it is not shallow.

These two libraries are only a start (including detailed design documentation and development experience after all completion), the next step is a more complex server framework library, which is a big project. The plan next year is to implement the component communication library. The purpose of the design is to develop in learning and learn in development.


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