SCEA Road - 3. UML

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  230

Elements Used in Umlclassas Mentiioned, a class is any modules a single thing

InterfaceAn interface is a collection of operations that represent a class or that specify a set of methods that must be implemented by the derived class. An interface typically contains nothing but virtual methods and their signatures.

Packagea package is buy ortholize groups of like elements.

CollaborationCollaboration Defines The Intertion of One or More Roles Along with Their Contents, Associations, RELATIONSHIPS, AND CLASSES.

Use CaseA use case is a description that represents a complete unit of functionality provided by something as large as a system or as small as a class. The result of this functionality is manifested by a sequence of messages exchanged among the system (or class) and one or more outside actors combined with actions performed by another system (or class) .There are two types of use cases:. essential and real Essential use cases are expressed in an ideal form that remains free of technology and implementation detail The design decisions. are abstracted, especially those related to the user interface. A real use case describes the process in terms of its real design and implementation. Essential use cases are important early in the project. Their purpose is to illustrate and document the business process. Real use Cases Become Important After Implementation.

ComponentThe component represents a modular and deployable system part. It encapsulates an implementation and exposes a set of interfaces. The interfaces represent services provided by elements that reside on the component. A component is typically deployed on a node.NodeThe node is a physical element object For That REPRESENTS A Processing Resource, Generally Having Memory and Processing Capability-Such as a server.

Statethe State Is A Condition That Can Occur During The Life of An Object. It can also be an intection That Satisfies Some Condition, Performs Some Action, or Waits for Some Event.

Relationship in UmlGeneralization (Aka Inheritance) a Specialized Version of Another Class Solid Line with aclosed Arrowhead Pointing to the More General Class

Association Uses The Services of Another Class Solid Line Connecting The Associated Classes, with an Optional Open Arrowhead Showing Direction of Navigation.

Aggregation a class "OWNS" Another Class A form of association with an unfilled diamondat the "Owner" end of the association

Composition A class is composed of another class;? Refers to an aggregation within which the component parts and the larger encompassing whole share a lifetime A form of aggregation, shown with either a filled diamond at the "composite" end, or with the composite graphically Containing the "Component"

Refinement a Refined Version of Another Class; Refinement Withnin A Given Model Can Be Shown AS A Dependency withthe stereotype <

> OR One of Its More Specific Forms, Such As <

> DASHED LINE with a closed Hollow Arrowhead Pointing to the More Refined Class

Dependency a class dependent on another class. Dashed line with an open arrowhead pointingto the dependency.

Diagrams in UML

Use copy diagram

Class Diagram

Package Diagram

State Diagram

Activity Diagram

Sequence Diagram

Collaboration Diagram

Deployment Diagram


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