View the structure and constraints of the table in Oracle via EXPIMP (creation of reproduction tables)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  223

C: / Documents and Settings / User_1> Exp Scott / Tiger @ pgjt

Export: Release - Production on Tuesday Augue 10 15:15:56 2004

CopyRight (C) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Connect to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith The Partitioning, OLAP AND ORACLE DATA MINING OPTIONSJSERVER Release - Production Enter an array extraction buffer size: 4096> 10240

Export file: expdat.dmp> c: /expdat.dat

(2) u (user), or (3) t (table): (2) u> t

Export table data (YES / NO): YES> YES

Compression Zone (YES / NO): YES> YES

Exported zhs16GBK character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set

The specified table is to be exported by a regular path ... to be exported (T) or partition (T: P): (Return to exit)> T

Exp-00011: Scott.t does not exist table (T) or partition (T: P): (Return to exit)> All

Exp-00011: Scott.all does not exist table (T) or partition (T: P): (Return to exit)> EMP

The table (T) or partition (T: P: P) that is exported to be exported is exported: (Return to exit)> a

The table (T) or partition (T: P) that is exported to be exported is exported to the table A 1 line (T: P): (Return to exit)>

Export success is terminated, but a warning will appear.

C: / Documents and Settings / User_1> IMP Scott / Tiger @ PGJT

Import: Release - Production on Tuesday Augue 10 15:18:42 2004

CopyRight (C) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Connect to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - ProductionWith The Partitioning, OLAP AND ORACLE DATA MINING OPTIONSJSERVER Release - Production

Import file: expdat.dmp> C: /expdat.dat

Enter Insert Buffer Size (Minimum 8192) 30720>

Exporting the file created by Export: V09.02.00 via a conventional path has completed the import of the imported file (YES / NO): NO> Yes

Import the entire export file (YES / NO): No> YES

Import Scott object into Scott "Create Table" EMP "(" Empno "Number (4, 0)," ENAME "VARCHAR2 (10)," JOB "VARCH" "Ar2 (9)," Mgr "Number 4, 0), "HIREDATE" DATE, "SAL" Number (7, 2), "Comm" NUM "" BER (7, 2), "deptno" Number (2, 0)) PCTFree 10 PCTUSED 40 INITRANS 1 MAXTRAN "" S 255 Storage (Initial 65536 Free) 1 FreeSpace "SST" "EM" Logging NoCompress ".. Skating table" EMP "" CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "PK_EMP" on "EMP" PCTFree ("EMPNO") PCTFree 10 INITRANS 2 MAX "" TRANS 255 STORAGE (INITIAL 65536 FREELISTS 1 FREELIST GROUPS 1) TABLESPACE "" "SYSTEM" LOGGING "" ALTER TABLE "EMP" ADD CONSTRAINT "PK_EMP" PRIMARY KEY ( "EMPNO") USING INDE "" X PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 2 MAXTRANS 255 Storage (Initial 65536 Free) 1 Free "" List groups 1) TableSpace "system" logging enable "" Create Table "A" ("XH" Number, "Name" varcha2 (20), "T1" Number 38, 0), "T2" "" Number (38, 0), "T" Number (38, 0)) PCTFree 10 PCTUSED 40 IITRANS 1 MAXTR "" ANS 255 Storage (Initial 65536 Free) 1 Freelist Groups 1) TableSpace SY "" STEM "LO "GGING NOCOMPRESS".. Jumps "a"

"ALTER TABLE" EMP "add constraint" fk_deptno "Foreign Key (" deptno "" "" dept "(" deptno ") enable novalidate" "ALTER TABLE" EMP "enable consTRAINT" fk_deptno "successfully terminated, but A warning appears.

C: / Documents and Settings / User_1>


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