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- Similar to the page effect of MSN prompt
Similar to the page effect of the MSN prompt </ Title> </ head></p>
<p><body scroll = no> See the prompt in the lower right corner? If you don't see, <button οnclick = location.reload ();> refresh </ button> <script language = "javascript"> window.onload = getmsg; window.onResize = resized; window.onerror = function () { } // use SMS Alert (asilas added) var divTop, divLeft, divWidth, divHeight, docHeight, docWidth, objTimer, i = 0;. function getMsg () {try {divTop = parseInt (document.getElementById ( "eMeng") style .top, 10) divLeft = parseInt (document.getElementById ( "eMeng"). style.left, 10) divHeight = parseInt (document.getElementById ( "eMeng"). offsetHeight, 10) divWidth = parseInt (document.getElementById ( " eMeng ".) offsetWidth, 10) docWidth = document.body.clientWidth; docHeight = document.body.clientHeight; document.getElementById (". eMeng ") style.top = parseInt (document.body.scrollTop, 10) docHeight 10; // divHeight document.getElementById ( "eMeng") style.left = parseInt (document.body.scrollLeft, 10) docWidth - divWidth document.getElementById ( "eMeng") style.visibility = "visible" objTimer =.. Window.setInterval ("Movediv ()", 10)} catch (e) {}}</p>
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<p>Margin-Right: 4px; "οnclick = closediv ()> × </ span> <! - <img title = Close Style =" cursor: hand "οnclick = closediv () hspace = 3 src =" msgClose.jpg "> -> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td style = "padding-right: 1px; Background-Image: URL (file: /// e | /1 msgbottombg.jpg); Padding-bottom: 1px COLSPAN = 3 height = 90> <div style = "Border-Right: # b9c9ef 1px solid; padding-right: 13px; border-top: # 728eb8 1px solid; padding-left: 13px; font-size: 12px; padding- Bottom: 13px; border-left: # 728eb8 1px solid; width: 100%; color: # 1f336b; padding-top: 18px; border-bottom: # bottom: # bottom: # bottom: Height: 100%> You have <font color = # FF0000> 1 </ font> new message <BR> <BR> <DIV align = center style = "word-break: break-all"> <a href = "http://www.lsdns.com" > <font color = # ff0000> Welcome to Green Valley Space </ font> </a> </ div> </ div> </ td> </ tr> </ tbody> </ table> </ div> < / body></p>
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