Send an email with JavaMail

xiaoxiao2021-03-11  210

Send an email with JavaMail (including accessories)

Author: ◆ ◆ Backstreet Boys Date: 2000-12-14 17:21:16 // Title: Your Product Name // Version: // Copyright: Copyright (c) 1999 // Author: Your Name // Company: Your Company // Description: Your description package mail; import java.awt. *; Import java.awt.event. *; Import java.util. *; Import *; import javax. mail *;. import javax.mail.internet *;. import javax.activation *;. public class SendMail extends Frame {Label label1 = new Label (); TextField textField1 = new TextField (); Label label2 = new Label (); TextField textField2 = new TextField (); Label label3 = new Label (); TextArea textArea1 = new TextArea (); Label label4 = new Label (); TextField textField3 = new TextField (); Button button1 = new Button (); Button button2 = new Button (); public SendMail () {enableEvents (AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK); try {jbInit ();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace ();}} protected void processWindowEvent (WindowEvent e) {super.processWindowEvent (e); if (E.GetId () == windowevent.window_closing) {SYST Em.exit (0);}} public static void main (String [] args) {sendmail sendmail1 = new sendmail (); sendmail1.setsize (400, 400); (true);} private void jbinit () THROWS EXCEPTION {Label1.setbounds (New Rectangle (41, 38, 45, 23)); Label1.Settext ("Received Man"); this.setLayout (NULL); this.setsize (400, 400); TextField1.setBounds (New Rectangle (110 , 36, 174, 23); Label2.SetBounds (New Rectangle (42, 75, 38, 23)); Label2.Settext ("Topic); TextField2.SetBounds (New Rectangle (110, 76, 173, 23) Label3.SetBounds (New Rectangle (43, 148, 38, 23)); Label3.Settext ("Content"); TextArea1.setBounds (New Rectangle (110, 155, 256, 170));

Label4.SetBounds (New Rectangle (45, 111, 44, 23); label4.settext ("attachment"); TextField3.SetBounds (New Rectangle (110, 115, 173, 23)); Button1.SetBounds (New Rectangle 70, 348, 88, 24); Button1.SetLabel ("Send"); Button1.AddActionListener (New Java.awt.Event.ActionListener () {public void ActionPerformed (ActionEvent E) {Button1_ActionPerformed (e);}}) Button2.setBounds (New Rectangle (244, 348, 88, 24); Button2.SetLabel ("Refill"); Button2.AddActionListener (New Java.awt.Event.ActionListener () {Public Void ActionPerformed (ActionEvent E) {Button2_ActionPerformed (e);}}); this.add (label1, null); this.add (Textfield1, Null); this.add (Textfield2, null); this.add (Textfield3, null); this.add Textarea1, null; this.add (label2, null); this.Add (label4, null); this.Add (label3, null); this.add (Button2, null); this.Add (Button1, null); } void button2_actionperformed (ActionEvent E) {textfield1.settext (""); textfield2.settext (""); textfield3.settext (""); textarea1.setText ("");} void button1_actionperformed ( ActionEvent E) {String to, from, Subject, Message, attachment; from = ""; to = textfield1.getText (); if (to.trim () .Equals (")) {JOTIONPANE. ShowMessageDialog (this, "Received", "wrong", joptionpane.error_message); return;} message = textarea1.getText (); attachment = textfield3.getText (); if (message.trim () .Equals ("") && attachment.trim () .Equals (")) {JOPANE.SHOWMESSAGEDIALOG (this," content and attachments can not be empty! "," Error ", JOPANE.ERROR_MESSAGE);} if (to. IndexOf ("@") == - 1) {JOTIONPANE.SHOWMESSAGEDIALOG (this, "Invalid Record Address!", "Error", JOPANE.Error_Message);

Return;} Subject = textfield2.gettext () .trim (); if (Subject.Equals (")) IF (this," Do you not need to set the topic? ", System Tips, 0) ! = 0) Return; file file = new file (attachment); if (! Attachment.equals (")) {if (! File.isfile ()) {joptionpane.showMessageDialog (this," invalid attachment name! " , "Error", JOPANE.ERROR_MESSAGE); RETURN;}} // The above program is the validity of the input // Create Some Properties and get the default session property props = system.getproperties (); Props.Put ("Mail. SMTP.HOST "," "); session session = session.getDefaultInstance (props, null); session.setdebug (false); tryler msg = new mimeMessage (session); msg.setFrom (new InternetAddress (from)); InternetAddress [] address = {new InternetAddress (to)}; msg.setRecipients (Message.RecipientType.TO, address); msg.setSubject (subject); msg.addHeader ( "toone", " Fangjianhua "); if (attachment.equals (")) {system.out.println ("this is plain mail"); msg.settext (message);} else {system.out.println ("this is a multipart "); // c reate and fill the first message part MimeBodyPart mbp1 = new MimeBodyPart (); mbp1.setText (message); // create the second message part MimeBodyPart mbp2 = new MimeBodyPart (); // attach the file to the message FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource (file); mbp2.setDataHandler (new DataHandler (fds)); mbp2.setFileName (fds.getName ()); // create the Multipart and its parts to it Multipart mp = new MimeMultipart (); mp.addBodyPart (mbp1) MP.AddBodypart (MBP2); // add the multipart to the message msg.setcontent (mp);} msg.setSentDate (new date ()); // send the message // for (int i = 0; i < 10; i

) Transport.send (MSG); //system.out.println ("Send a mail success"); JOPTIONPANE.SHOWMESSAGEDIALOG (THIS, "Mail Send Success", "System Tips", JOPANE.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);} catch Exception ex) {JOPANE.SHOWMESSAGEDIALOG (this, "Send Mail Failure", "Error", JOPANE.EROR_MESSAGE);}}}

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