Use the ConnectC ++ module to interact with C ++ in S-Plus

xiaoxiao2021-03-13  222


Connect / C is an interface tool that interacts with S-language and C . It provides the convenience of using C to integrate the SPLUS engine in it, and it can also integrate C code into the SPLUS environment.

In order to allow inter-GUI and SPLUS communication, Connect / C is developed to provide such a frame (based on S statement version 4). In fact, the SPLUS7 GUI provides more comprehensive examples of using the Connect / C integrated SPLUS engine and C applications. Similarly, C developers can also use the same technique to interact with SPLUS

Connect / C is a C class library that uses these classes and their members to create and handle most local S objects.

In order to calculate the S expression in the C program and module, Connect / C provides a flexible mechanism that provides many examples of using these class libraries in Splus7.x, where some examples provide an equivalent to perform the same task. The S and C functions, where the C function is mostly running faster than the S code, of course, this also depends on the complexity of the code and the size of the data. These examples You can find in the Shome / Sconnect directory, where Shome is your SPLus installation directory.


For more information on Connect / C , see the SPlus7.0 Connect / C library help, if you reap, check the Shome / Connect / Help / ConnectC .class.library.htm file. This HTML file is a C Developer Guide for a Connect / C class library. It carefully discusses how to connect to the SPLUS engine, how to create data objects, call the SPLUS function and execute Splus syntax

Simple example: a simple application execution process

Connect / C is mainly used to achieve these two goals: establish a C app that can access the SPLUS function; create a C function that can be called by SPLUS, let's start a simple application

Establish a simple application

This example is a console program to create 2 SPLUS vectors in the app, then use splus to establish a linear model about these two vector.

This code starts a line containing a sconnect.h file, which is necessary, all CONECT / C code must reference this file. Then define a global SPLUS connection object, this class's name is CSPENGINECONNECT, which must be defined before the Motor function, which generates a connection between the customer application and the SPLUS, which will allow you to create a splus object, and as a database Notifications are issued when they are attached or unloaded to their customers, and S-language expressions can also be performed. The code looks like the following:

#include "sconnect.h"

// a Global Connection Object


Int main (int Argc, char * argv [])


The first step of the main function is to create an actual connection object (connected to SPLUS)

// Create The Connection to S-PLUS


Then we build variables x, y, this cspnumeric is used to store digital vectors. This class is a class in CONNECT / C , which is used in C to represent objects in splus, and there are also many C classes corresponding to atomic objects in SPLUS (see Table 7.1); next to pass Establish an instance of this class using the CREATE method, assign this class to the SPLUS database through the Assign method, as follows // Create S Object with name "x" in the current data.

// Same AS x <-1: 10 at the command line. CSPNUMERIC SX;

SX.CREATE ("1:10", "x");

// Squaring SX, Which is The Same As S Expression

// Sy <- x * x in a Local frame, But Here We set it to local

// c variable sy. Cspnumeric sy = sx * sx;

// Assign the result as s Object with name "y" in the

// Current Database. Sy.assign ("y");

Finally, we prepare the right linear model, call SPLUS execution when the Connect / C method is appropriate, as follows

// Evaluate Z <-LM (Y ~ X)


Return 1;


The full code of this example is in Shome / Samples / SPLLM (WIN), this directory under the SHOM E / SCONNECT / SAMPLES / SPLM.

To run this app, open a command prompt or MS-DOS window (WIN) or compile (UNIX)

1. Change the current directory to the directory containing the code

CD Shome / Samples / SPLLM



(UNIX, assume that the current path is Shome)

2. Compiler



Splus7 chapter -sconnectapp * .cxx

Splus7 make


3. If you check the environment variable PATH to confirm that it contains% shom e% / cmd, if not, you should add it before running the following steps.

4. Operating the program



Splus7 exec S.App


To verify the results, start the SPLUS Console (WIN) or start SPLUS (UNIX) in the same directory


On the WIN platform, SPLUs will return to the following information

S-Plus: Copyright (C) 1988, 2005 Insightful Corp. Version 7.0 Release 1 for Microsoft Windows: 2005Working Data Will Be in E: /PROGRAMS/SPLUS7.0/USERS/rich

Or input


On UNXI, you will return the following information:

S-Plus: Copyright (C) 1988, 2005 Insightful Corp. Version 7.0 Release 1 for Sun SPARC, SunOS 5.8: 2005

Working Data Will Be in .data

Then view the object x, y, and z:






> Y








5 6 7 8 9 10

25 36 49 64 81 100

> Z


LM (Formula = Y ~ X)


(Intercept) x

-22 11

Degrees of freedom: 10 Total; 8 Residual

Residual Standard Error: 8.124038

An example of calling C functions through CALL

Gauss-SeiDel is a familiar technology that is used in a resolution of linear regression systems. This algorithm is very easy to achieve in SPLUS, as follows

Gaussseidel <-

# Gaussseidel Solves a Linear System Using Gauss-SEIDEL


# Required Arguments:

# A and b is numeric Matrix and Vector respective.

# Value:

# A vector x, soliion of a x = b


# Usage:

# A <-matrix (RNORM (100), nrow = 10)

# Diag (a) <- SEQ (Ncol (a), Ncol (a)) #make it diagonally

# # Dominant

# B <-RNORM (Ncol (a))

# Sys.time ({x1 <-gaussseidel (a, b)})

Function (a, b)


# Hard-Coded Relative Tolerance and max ity itys tol <-1.0e-4

MaxiTR <-1E4

# Validating

A <- as.matrix (a)

B <- as.numeric (b)

IF (ncol (a)! = ncol (a) || ncol (a)! = length (b))

STOP ("nrow (a)! = ncol (a) || ncol (a)! = length (b)")

# Begin Gauss-SeiDel Step

x <-b

For (k in 1: maxitr)



For (i in 1: nrow (a))


S <- a [i, i] * x [i] for (j in 1: ncol (a))

S <- S - a [i, j] * x [j]

X [i] - (B [i] s) / a [i, i]


# Check convergence; Continue if Necessary IF (Max (X-xold) / x))

Return (x);


Warning ("Solution Does Not Converge / N")

Return (x)


In this code, a nesting loop may be written to a more efficient code, but we are just a demonstration. By using the CONNECT / C classes and methods, the following code implements the above similar functions.

These codes have a SCONNECT.H header file, so we can access the Sconnect / C library, the next step, which contains a header file that implements Gauss-SeiDel

# Include "sconnect.h"

# Include "gaussdl.h"

When we define the GaussseiDel object as an object of the S_Object class, it requests to interact with CALL

S_Object * Gaussseidel (S_Object * ps_a, s_object * ps_b)

As a typical code, we define S_EVALUATOR. Then embed our implementation code in the TRY-CATCH block, in the TRY block, the error that may happen can be captured. Below the following code





// Hard-Coded Relative Tolerance and max iterations Double Tol = 1e-4;

Long Maxitr = 1000;

// constructing and validating C Objects


IF (a.nrow ()! = a.ncol () || a.ncol ()! = B.Length ())

Problem "a.nrow ()! = A.ncol () || a.ncol ()! = B.LENGTH ()" Error;

The actual Gauss-SeiDel step is as follows:

// Begin Gauss-SeiDel Step


For (long k = 1; k <= maxi; k )



For (long i = 1; i <= a.nrow (); i )


Double S = a (i, i) * x (i);

For (long (long j = 1; j <= a.ncol (); J )

S = S - a (i, j) * x (j);

X (i) = (b (i) s) / a (i, i);


// Check convergence; Continue if Necessary IF (Max (X-Xold) / x))

Return (x);


Problem "Solution Does Not Converge" WARN

Return (x);


Catch (...)



Return (BLT_IN_NULL); // Return The Built-in Null Object


Compile and execute C on UNXI

This example code is under Shom E / Sconnect / Samples / Gaussdl, C code in Gaussdl.cxx

Compile and execute C code

1. Change the current directory to the directory containing the code

CD Shome / Sconnect / Samples / Gausssdl

2. Compile shared library

Splus7 chapter -sconnectlib * .cxx

Splus7 make

3. Run SPLUS


Generate makefile through Chapter, compiled code just needs to add the make command after SPLUS, as step 2

Set an environment variable properly before MAKE

The Make tool performs the necessary command to compile and connect C code to the shared object

Note: -sconnectlib is requested to include the Connect / C library

Call CONNECT / C is fast than SPLUS code, below is a comparison, running in Pentium 3 512 memory, Win platform, matrix A is 100 rows 100 rows

> A <-mtrix (RNORM (10000), NROW = 100); DIAG (a) <- SEQ (Ncol (a),

Ncol (a)) # make it diagonally Dominant

> B <-RNORM (100);

> Sys.time ({x1 <-gaussseidel (a, b)})

[1] 19.328 19.354

Below is a comparison running on the Solaris machine, the matrix is ​​also 100 columns 100 lines.

[1] 37.00 39.35

> Sys.time ({x2 <-. Call ('Gaussseidel', A, B)})

We compare (via sys.time) output from different platforms:

[1] 0.07 0.07


[1] 0.04 0.04


It can be seen that the same CONNECT / C version is 250 times faster than WIN, and it is more than 1000 times higher than the pure SPLUS version.


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