EXO ECM SVN version new experience

xiaoxiao2021-03-13  210

Using SVN from the EXO's website to the latest source code of Platform, compile with Maven2, nothing to do, compile, compile. Open those POM files or maven.dependency.classpath, don't understand what modifications do.

However, when compiled into the JCR package, the system reported OutofMemory error, change the mvn.bat script, 130 lines:

% MAVEN_JAVA_EXE%% MAVEN_OPTS% -Xmx512m -classpath% CLASSWORLDS_JAR% "-Dclassworlds.conf =% M2_HOME% / bin / m2.conf" "-Dmaven.home =% M2_HOME%" org.codehaus.classworlds.Launcher% MAVEN_CMD_LINE_ARGS%

It seems to have more elegant ways, such as setting up maven_opts in the system environment variable, no time trial.

After successful compilation, the ECM tried, the default interface of the system changed, it was a category browse portlet, and there were two directories, news, and sports by default.

The admin user didn't go in. After the study, I found that this administrator's account has been changed to Exoadmin, the password is still EXO.

The function of ECM has been strengthened. There are three Workplace: Draft, Production and Backup before, now add a Digital Asset, how to use it stillly to be studied.


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