Indent Chinese description

xiaoxiao2021-03-13  223

-BAD, - BLANK-LINES-AFTER-DECLARATIONS Declaration, Declared Dark, --NO-Blank-Lines-After-Declarations Do Not Force Blank Lines After Declarations. Declaration does not add blank line -Bap, BLANK-LINES-AFTER-Procedures Function After adds a blank line -nbap, --no-blank-line-after-procedures do not force Blank Lines after procedure bodies, no vacancies - BBB, - BLANK- LINES-BEFORE-BLOCK-Comments plus blank lines before block comments (block Note: / * xxx * /) -bbo, --Break-before-boolean-operator wrap before the Boolean operator (||, &&) Statements) - Nbbo, --Break -After-Boolean-Operator Do Not Prefer to Break Long Lines Before Boolean Operators. Don't wrap before the Boolean operator (||, &&) - HNL, --honour-newlines PREFER TO BREAK Long Lines at The position of newlines in The Input. New line preferred - nhnl Blank-line-after-comma s In the statement, the comma (non-function declaration) -nbc, --no-blank-lines-after-comms in declarations. In the statement, the comma is not wrapped after the comma (non-function declaration) (non-function declaration) Recommended)

-bfda, --Break-function-decl-args In the declaration of functions, all parameters are wrap -nbfda, --d-break-function-decl-args don't put each argument in a Function Declaration on a SEPERATE LINE In the function's statement, the parameters are not placed separately - BFDE, --BREAK-FUNCTION-DECL-ARGS-END BREAK THE LINE AFTER THE Last Argument in A Declaration. In the list of function parameters, the last parameter is wrapped after the last parameter BL, - Braces-after-if-line The next line of the IF is in the row of '{' -blin, - brace-indentn indent N space - BR, - BRACES-ON-IF -Line Last plus '{' -BRS, - BRACES-ON-STRUCT-DECL-LINE. See Declarations. -BS, - BLL-SHANNON, - BLANK-BEFORE -Sizeof between SizeOf and its parameters => sizeof (int) -cn, --comment-indentationn put comments to the right of code in coluMN) THE RIGHT OF CODE IN Column n. Release Note On the right side of the code, N columns (valid only after the code) - CDN, - Declaration-Comment-Columnn Put Comments to the right of the declarations in column n. Release in the declaration Right, N columns (only valid on the declaration) -CPN, --ELSE-Endif-Columnn Put Comments to the right of #else and #ndif Statements in column n. Release release in # else / # Endif Right, N-column (Note on # else / # endif only) -cbin, --case-brace-indentationn Indent Braces After a copy label n spaces. Case Next line) '{ 'Indent N spaces

-CDB, --comment-delimiters-on-blank-line put comment delimiters on blank line. Put the comment in the blank line. / * Comment * / => / * Comment * / (recommended not to use) -ncdb, -NO-Comment-Delimiters-On-Blank-Lines Do Not Put Comment Delimiters on Blank Lines. Do not put the comment in the blank line. -CDW, --cuddle-do-while do {x-;} while (x ); -Ncdw, - dont-curde-do-while do {x-;} while (x); (recommended not to use) -ce, --cuddle-else cutle else and preceEDing '}'. ELSE is close to '{' (Recommended not to use) -nce, --d-curse-else do not curse} and else. Else does not close against '{' (recommended for -bli0 and -nce) -cin, --Continuation-Indentationn When the second line is retracted with the first row, the second line is retracted with the first line to indent N space-CS, -Space -After-Cast Put before the first row, --case-indeentationn case A Space After A Cast Operator. Type Conversion Grid-NCS, --NO-Space -After-CA STS DO NOT PUT A SPACE CAST OPERATORS. Type Conversion No spaces - DN, --Line-Comments-Indentationn Set Indentation of Comments Not to To The Right of Code to n spaces. if the Comment Begins a line (IE, There) is no program text to its left), it will be indented to the column it was found in unless the comment is within a block of code. in that case, such a comment will be aligned with the indented code of that block (unless the Comment began in the first column). This alignment may be affected by the `-d 'option, Which specifies an amount by Which Such Comments Are Moved to the Left, or unindented. for example,` -d2'

places comments two spaces to the left of code By default, comments are aligned with code, unless they begin in the first column, in which case they are left there by default -. to get them aligned with the code, specify `-fc1 '. -Din, - Declaration-Indentationn Put variables in column n. Place the variable in the nth column. If n is small (for example, 1 or 2), the variable will be placed in the next row Nature (recommended - Di7, because The length of the keyword stat is 6) -fc1, - format-first-color column, formatted the first column - NFC1, - DONT-FORMAT-FIRST-COLUMN-Comments Do Not NOT Format Comments in The First Column As Normal. Not formatted in the first column - FCA, - format-all-comments do not disable all formatting of comments. Do not mask all annotated formatted -NFCA, - DONT-FORMAT -comments do not format any Comments. Any comment - GNU, - Gnu-style use gnu code. this is the default. gnu style, this is also the default style -in, -indent-level set inde Entation Level to N Spaces. Nested IF / for, or '{}' between statement between statement - IPN, --Parameter-indeentationn indent parameter type in old-style function definitions by n spaces. Lausary function definition parameters Enter. (Recommendations - IP8) -nip, --NO-Parameter-Indentation Zero Width Indentation for Parameters. Parameter 0 indent-KR, K-AND-R-Style Use Kernighan &

Ritchie Coding Style. KR style -LN, --Line-Lengthn set maximum line length for non-comment lines to n. Maximum length (non-annotation line) -LCN, --comment-line-lengthn set maximum line length for Comment formatting to n. Note, the maximum length of the comment line --LP, --Continue-at-parentheses line Up Continue-At-ParentheSes. When the statement is too long, the left brackets cannot appear together with the right brackets in one line, the remaining statement will Will be aligned in the next line and left brackets. , P3), Third_Procedure (P4, P5)); -NLP, - DONT-line-Up Parentheses Do Not Line Up Parentheses. Not Aligned Braces - LPS, --leave-Preprocessor-Space Leave Space Between '#' AND preProcessor Directive. '#' and precompiled indicator Space (recommended to use -ppi3) -pcs, --space -After-procedure-calls insert a space between the name O F THE Procedure Being Called and the '(') (' ('There is no space -PRS, --Space -After-ParentheSes Put a space after every' ". Each '(later and each') 'before plus space -nprs, -no-space-after-parentheses do not put a space after every '(' and before every ')'. Each '(') (later and each ')'

No spaces - PSL, --Procnames-start-line put the Type of a procedure on the line before it its name. Function return value and function name divided into two lines (recommended) -npsl, --d-break-procedure -type put the Type of a procedure on the Same Line as its name. Function Return Value and Function Name UV-SAF, - Space -After-for Put A Space After Each For. FOR plus space (recommended) -NSAF NO-SPACE-AFTER-for Do Not Put A Space After EVERY. FOR is not add space-Sai, --space -After-if put a space after each if. If IF is added (recommended) - Nsai, --NO-Space -After-if. -nsaw, --NO-Space-After-while do not put a space after every. While does not add space-SC, --Start-left-side-of-comments put the '*' Character At the Left of COMMENTS. 注 加 加 加 (recommended) - NSC, - dont-star-comments do not put the '*' Character At the Left of Comments. Block Note Don't add '*'

-Sob, - Swallow-Optional-Blank-Lines Swallow Optional Blank Lines. Swallowing the extra blank line (recommended) -NSOB, --LEAVE-OPTIONAL-Blank-Lines Do Not Swallow Optional Blank Lines. No Swallow (go) drop the extra blank line -ss, --space-special-semicolon on one-line for and while statments, Force a Blank Before The Semicolon. Single-line for the While statement Use) -NSS, --DONT-SPACE-SPECIAL-SEMICOLON Do Not Force a space Before The SEMICOLON AFTER CERTAIN STATEments.DISABLES 'ASS' One line in a single line of For or While statement, the semicolon does not add space -UT, Use-tabs use tabs. This is the default. Using Tab -Nut, --NO-Tabs Use Spaces INSTEAD of Tabs. Use space instead of Tab (recommended) -V, --verbose enable verbose mode. redundancy mode. NV, --NO-VERBOSITY DISABLE VERBOSE MODE. Disabled Redundant Mode --ORIG, --ORIGINAL USE The Original Berkeley Coding Style. Berkeley Style - NPRO, - INORE-PROFILE DO NOT READ '' files. Do not read '' file -pin, --paren-indeentationn specify the extra indeentation per open parenthese '(' When a Statement is Broken. -pmt, --preserve-mtime PRESERVE Access and Modification Times on OTPUT FILES. Protection file, modify the timestamp of the output file - Sbin, - Struct-Brace-IndentationN Indent Braces of A Struct, Union or Enum n spaces. Struct, union, enum after '{'


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