Common Java Open Source Bank

xiaoxiao2021-03-13  218


Commons LoggingJakarta Commons Logging (JCL) provides a log (Internet), while taking into account lightweight and non-specific log implementation tools. It provides to the middle

A simple log operation is abstracted, allowing program developers to implement tools using different specific logs. Users are assumed to be familiar with some log implementation tools.

Other details. The interface provided by JCL, for other log tools, including log4j, avalon logkit, and jdk 1.4, etc., this interface is closer to log4j and

Realization of Logkit.

Commons-Latkacommons-Latka is an HTTP function test package for automated QA, acceptance, and attenuation tests.

Commons-poolcommons-pool provides a general-purpose object pool interface, a toolkit for creating a modular object pool, and a usual object pool

Commons-Mathmath is a lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistical components, solves a lot of practical issues that are very common but not in a Java standard language.

Commons-jellyjelly can convert XML to an executable code, so Jelly is a script and processing engine based on XML and Java. Jelly draws on the JSP fixed indicator, Velocity,

Many advantages of the script engine in Cocoon and XDoclets. Jelly can be used in the command line, Ant, or servlet.

Commons-fileuploadFileUpload makes it easy to add powerful and high-performance file upload capabilities in your application and servlet.

Commons-beanutils Commons-Beanutils provides packaging for Java reflections and province API

Commons-ChainChain provides a "responsible chain mode" that implements complex processing processes.

Commons-Codeccodec contains some universal encoding decoding algorithms. Includes some speech encoders, HEX, BASE64, and URL ENCODER.

Commons-CollectionsCommons-Collectes offers a class package to extend and add standard Java Collection frameworks

CommONS-DiscoveryCommons-Discovery provides a tool to locate resources (including classes), mapping service / reference names and resource names by using various modes.

Commons-Elcommons-EL provides an interpreter for EL expressions defined in the JSP2.0 specification.

Commons-Jexljexl is an expression language that extends the JSTL defined expression language by reference to experience from Velocity. .

Jakarta Commons HttpClientHttpClient communicates as an HTTP client component, while using JDom for XML data.

JAKARTA Commons Net A underlying API for operating the Internet Bastrical Agreement (Finger, WHOIS, TFTP, TELNET, POP3, FTP, NNTP, and SMTP). NET package not only supports various low-level associations

The discussion of the discussion, but also a high-level abstraction. It makes developers no longer need to directly face a low-level command of the Socket level of various protocols.

Commons-ConfigurationCommons-Configuration Tools can read the appropriate information from * Properties file * XML file * JNDI * JDBC Data Source * System Properties * Applet Parameters * Servlet Parameters, etc.

Commons-ValidatorCommons-Validator provides a simple, scalable framework to define a checkor (check method) and verification rules in an XML file. Support for the internationalization of check rules and error messages.

Commons-DigesterDigester is based on rule-based XML document parsing, primarily for maps of XML to Java objects.

Commons BetwixTcommons Betwixt This component provides an XML self-containing mechanism to map Java Beans to XML documents. He implements a standard Introspector and BeanInfo

Similar XMLINTROSPECTOR and XMLBeanifno classes.

The goal of Commons-ConvertCommons-ConvertCommons-Convert is to provide a simple package to complete convert a type of object to another. But it currently supports String to Object or Object to String.

Commons4e This Eclipse plug-in is convenient to develop. Commons4e uses the Commons-Lang Builders based on user-selected fields (Fields).

The following methods: toString (), havehcode (), equals (object) and Compareto (Object).

The purpose of Commons-EmailCommons-Email is to provide a set of APIs for sending Email, which is based on the Java Mail API and simplified. It provides the main Java classes: SimpleEmail:

This class is used to send a simple text type Email. Multipartemail: This class allows you to send text messages and come with attachments. HTMLEMAIL: Accessories for sending HTML formats and support

Contains pictures. EmaiLattachment: This is a simple container class for simplifying accessories.

Commons-Iocommons Io is a subpredal for the Jakarta Commons project. Used to help development in IO. It contains three main areas: Utility Classes - provides some static methods

Complete public tasks. Filters-Provides a variety of implementations of file filters. Streams - provides practical stream, reader and Writer implementation. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Another Tool For Language Recognition (ANTLR): Its description language can generate a lexical analyzer, syntax analyzer and semantic analyzer, that is, we can use it

To identify different languages ​​(compilers). It also supports the output of 3 major languages: C , Java, C # (sorted by birthday), that is, we can use it.

Generating a compiler with a C #, which is a tool that accepts the language method language, and can generate a program that identifies the statements of these languages. As part of the translation program, you can use

Simple operators and actions to parameterize your grammar, telling Antlr how to create an abstract syntax tree (AST) and how to generate output. ANTLR knows how to generate an identification program, language pack

Includes Java, C , C #. There are also COCO / R.

CGLIB is a powerful, high-performance, high-quality Code generating library. It can extend Java classes and implement Java interfaces at runtime. Hibernate uses it to realize the dynamic generation of the PO bytecode

. Home


C3P0 is an easy-to-use Java library that expands traditional drive-based JDBC drivers and JNDI binding data sources, including executing data sources for Connection and Statement Pooling.

CleanImports is a unwanted IMPORTS cleaning in the Java file and formats the imports code segment in formatting in the format provided by the configuration file.


The Concurrent package provides standardized, efficient versions of practical classes for parallel Java programs. Http://

CONNECTOR.JARJCA (J2EE Connector Architecture) Specification package

DOM4J-1.5.2.jardom4j is an open source Java library that works with XML, XPath and XSLT on the Java platform, which fully supports DOM, SAX, and JAXP.


Ehcache is a cache in the process, which has the following features: fast, simple, served as Hibernate2.1 acts as an insertable cache, smallest dependency, comprehensive document and

test. Official website

JAXEN-1.1-beta-4.jarjaxen is an XPath engine developed with Java for use in a variety of XML-based object models such as DOM, DOM4J, JDOM, and Java Beans. JBoss-cache.jarjbosscache is a replicated transaction cache that allows you to cache enterprise application data to better improve performance. Cache data is automatically copied, so you easily carry the JBoss server

Cluster work. JBossCache can run a MBean service through a JBoss application service or other J2EE container, of course, it can also run independently. JBossCache includes two modules: Treecache and Treecacheaop. Treecache - is a transaction cache replication by a tree structure. TreecacheAop - is an "object-oriented" cache that uses AOP to dynamically manage Pojo (Plain Old Java Objects) Note: AOP is OOP continuation, is an abbreviation for Aspect oriented Programming, meaning aspect programming. Official website (Java Management Extensions) is a framework for the application of the application. JMX is a standard agent and service, in fact, users can apply in any Java application

Use these proxy and service implementations in the program.

Oscache-2.0.2.jaroscache is a widely used high-performance J2EE cache framework, and OSCache can be used for a normal cache solution for any Java application. Oscache has the following features: Cache any object, you can cache any JAVA objects without restricted cache sections, or HTTP requests. Has a comprehensive API-OSCache API gives you a comprehensive program to control all OSCache features. Permanent Cache - Cache can write to the hard disk, thus allowing expensive creation (Expensive-to-create data to keep the cache, can even let the application restart. Support Cluster-Cluster Cache Data can be configured by a single parameter configuration and does not need to modify the code. Expiration of the cache record - you can have the maximum control of the expiration of the cache object, including the pluggable refresh policy (if the default performance is not required). Official website is a Java database connection pool that can add a database connection pool to the existing JDBC driver.

Swarmcache-1.0rc2.jarswarmcache is a simple and effective distributed cache that communicates with other hosts of the same local area network using IP Multicast, which is specially for cluster and data-driven web applications.

Designed. Swarmcache enables typical read operations that greatly exceed such applications that provide better performance support. Swarmcache uses JavaGroups to manage the communication between the slave relationship and distributed cache. Official website

The Xalan-2.6.jarxalan name comes from a rare instrument.

Xalan-Java is an XSLT (XSL Transformations) process that converts XML into HTML, Text, or other XML file type. It uses XSL Transformations (XSLT)

Version 1.0 and XML Path Language (XPATH) Version 1.0. It can be used in command line, applet, servlet, or other program modules. Xalan is also built on SAX2 and DOM Level 2.

Official website;


XERCES (name is called Xerces)

Blue's butterfly) offers world-class XML analysis and production. Fully verified syntax analysis can be used for Java and C , perform W3C XML and DOM (Level1 and

2) Standard, and SAX (Version 2) standard. Its syntax has high modular and configurable. It also provides support for XML Schema (W3C Brand).

CheckStyle Checks the Java program source code encoding style, is an indispensable tool for Java programmers to check if your coding habits meet the company's requirements or Sun's conventions. of course

If you use IDE, there may be corresponding features or plugins to help programmers to do this. As also shown in Checkstyle, it only checks, not Beautifier operation.

So it should be more suitable for project management for DAILYBUILD. If you want to use the tool to come to Beautifier your Java source code, you can refer to I write Jalopy installation.

ClickStream: It is a JavaServlet filter that tracks user requests (such as: click) and request queues (such as: click stream) to display the network administrator who is in her

On the station and each user is accessing that page. is a Java class package to operate the current J2EE container. It provides an ANT and Maven API to stop / start / configure the Java container also provides Java API to explain / create J2EE Components.

DBUnit is an extension for JUnit to drive database-driven projects, in addition to providing some common functions, which can place your database between a test reincarnation.

IText is a Java class library that can quickly generate PDF files. IText's Java class is useful for those read-only documents that generate text, forms, graphics. Its class library is especially

Java servlet has a good fit. Using ITEXT and PDF enables you to properly control the output of servlets.

DWR (Direct Web Remoting) is a web remote call framework. Use this frame to make Ajax development very simple. Using DWR, you can use JavaScript to call directly at the client.

The server's Java method and the return value gives JavaScript as if the local client calls (DWR to dynamically generate JavaScript code) according to the Java class). Its latest version DWR0.6 Add

Many features such as: support DOM TREES automatic configuration, support Spring (JavaScript remote call spring bean), better browser support, also supports an optional Commons-Logging Day

Record operation.

Java2HTML can convert Java source code to high-definition HTML, RTF, TEX and XHTML format. This open source project has a java applet with many plugins for

Other systems are good.

JMOCK uses Mock Objects idea to test Java Code. JMOCK has the following features: easy to expand, let you quickly and easily define Mock Objects, so you don't have to break the program

The association allows you to define the interaction between the flexible transcendence, reducing your testing fragility.

PMD is a Java Source Code Analyzer. It can find variables that do not need to be used, empty catch blocks and objects that do not need to be created. It also contains a CPD tool to detect a piece of code.

The same part.

OS (OpenSymphony) is a framework component for implementing page layout and decoration in JSP, helping website developers easier

Realize the separation of dynamic content and static decorative appearance in the page.

Velocity is a Java-based template engine (TEMPLATE ENGINE). It allows anyone to simply use the template language (Template Language) to reference the Java code

Defined objects. When Velocity is applied to web development, interface designers can develop a Web site that follows the MVC architecture with Java program developers, which means that the page is set.

The staff can only focus on the display of the page, and the Java program developers pay attention to business logic coding. Velocity separated the Java code from the web page, which is the Web site

Long-term maintenance provides convenience, and also provides an optional solution for our JSP and PHP. Velocity's ability is far more than the Web site development this area, for example, it can

From the template (Template), SQL and PostScript, XML can also be used as a stand-alone tool to generate source code and reports, or used as integrated components of other systems. Vel

OCITY can also provide template services for Turbine Web development architecture. Velocity Turbine provides a template service to allow a web application to be used in one

The real MVC model is developed. [VELOECLIPSE: Velocity A auxiliary development plugin under the Eclipse platform] Jakarta ORO set of text handling tools, can provide Perl5.0 compatible regular expressions, awk-like regular expressions, Glob expressions. Also provide replacement, segmentation, file name and other functions.

Caucho: Burlap is a lightweight XML RPC protocol. Use the Burlap Web Service Protocol Use Web services that do not require large frames, do not have to learn other protocol letters soup.

Caucho Resin provides the fastest JSP / Servlets running platform. It supports servlet, XSL Filtering6 and has XSLT and XPath 1.0 engines.

Hessian is also a lightweight, custom description of binary RPC protocol. Because it is a binary protocol, it is well suited to send binary data and need to use other attachments to expand

This agreement.

----------------- COS upload assembly It is the famous O'Reilly Book publishing company. This uploaded component is very good.

Easymock provides an interface for Mock Objects and generates their instances in Junit testing. Easymock is best suited for test driver development.

FreeMarker allows Java servlet to keep graphic design with application logic, which is done by sealing HTML in the template. Template is dynamically generated with data provided by servlet

HTML. Template language is powerful, compiler speed, output close to the speed of the static HTML page.

Jamon is a Java text template engine for generating dynamic HTML, XML, or any text-based content. It has a rich set of functional sets, support packaging, parameterization, functional decomposition, table

Logic reuse. Templates declare the parameters they require generated, including dynamic template content ("fragments"), and translated into Java classes with public methods, its symbols reflect in templates

Declare parameters.

JasperReports is a Java-based open source report tool that makes reports like other IDE report tools in a Java environment. JasperReports supports PDF, HTML, XLS

, CSV and XML file output format. JasperReports is the most commonly used report tools current Java developers. Java Excel API (JXL) is a mature, open source Excel spreadsheet read, modified, and written project. Java developers can read Excel Electronics with its simple and convenient API

Forms, modifications and can write changes to changes to any Output Stream (eg Disk, http, database, or any socket), this item is based on GPL release, and

Wen has a good support. ● Support font, numbers, date operation ● Can modify cell properties ● Support images and charts

JOTM is a transaction manager based on Java open source. It follows the JTA APIS specification and the Business Transaction Protocol (BTP) specification to provide web

Service support.

ObjectRelationalbridge-OJB is an XML-based object / relational mapping tool. OjB provides some advanced features such as object cache, delay loading, and use transactional isolation levels

Flite management, support pessimism and optimism lock .ojb also provides a flexible configuration and plug-in mechanism to extend your own features.

Jakarta Poi allows you to use Java to read MS Excel, Word files

Quartz is OpenSymphony Open Source Organization in the Job Scheduling area, and it can be used in conjunction with J2EE and J2SE applications. Quartz can be used

Creating a simple or running ten, hundreds, or even hundreds of jobs such complex schedule. Jobs can make standard Java components or EJBs.


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