xiaoxiao2021-03-14  238

Time flies. Light cloudy arrow.

Time is Life. Time is life.

Times Change. The era changed.

Time is Money. Time is money.

Life is sweet. Life is beautiful.

Love is blind. Love is blind.

EXTREMES Meet. The two poles are connected, there is no life.

Like Knows Like people knowledge.

Don't draw the snake, you have successful, you don't have to get more.

Marry Thy Like. Marriage must find similar people.

One man, no man. Individual is small.

Hsitory is bunk. History is a bunch of nonsense.

Time marches on. Years

Murder Will Out. The bad behavior will be lost.

Never Say "Die '. Never say" finish ".

Care is no cure. Worry can't be ill.

Beware beginning.

DEEDS, Not Words. Action is better than empty talk.

No mill, no meal. No grinding, no meal.

Like Begets Like Long Shenglong, Feng Shengfeng.

Love Begets Love. Love loves to live.

In doing we learn. We study in dryness.

No cross, no crown. No suffering, you can't get a Rong Chao.

Care killed a cat. Anxious can kill.

Boys will be boys. Bone child is always a boy.

No song, no support. Don't feed, don't eat.

Truth will out. Truth will always be white.

Time Works Wonders. Time can create a miracle.

TO Think is to see. Thinking is to understand.

Truth Will Prevail. Truth

A Lie Begets a Lie. Lies Lies Lies.

Years bring Wisdom. Bringing wisdom age.

In love is no lack. Love will not feel lack.

Easy Come, Easy Go. It's easy to get it. / The rebellion is out.

Every Little Helps. Bottomate is useful.

Forgive and forget. Magnificent, do not read old evil.

Manners Maketh Man. Managed the character.

Laugh and growth fat.

Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power.

Let The World Slide. People vicissitudes of life, listen to their nature.

Love ME, Love My Dog. Love House and Wu.

Life means struggle. Life is struggling.

Fair Play's A Jewel. The game is good, better than jewelery.

Early Sow, Early Mow. It has been early and earlier.

Grasp all, Lose all. Grateful.

What's Lost is Lost. The virgin is unreasonable.

Waste Not, Want Not. Do not waste, will not be poor.

Tomorrow never comes. Don't depend on tomorrow. / I live tomorrow, everything is awkward.

No man is infallible. No one does not make mistakes.

Alms Never make poor.

Love Will Find A Way. Love is from the gold.

Manners make the man.

Patience is a virtue. Parosion is a virtue.

Pity is akin to love. Pity.

Call a spade a spade. It is awkward, it is difficult to hear.

Delays Are Dangerous. Because it is dangerous.

Diamond Cuts Diamond. Strong Strong Strong Hand.

Advice is not a command.

Poverty Tries Friends. Experience Friends. Once Bitten, TWICE Shy. Eat once, learn once.

Pain passer. Pain has passed, joy.

LEAL Heart Lied Never. He sincerely doesn't lie.

Hot love is soon cold. The overheated love is cold.

AS good lost as found. There must be lost. / Gain the same.

Every Dog Has His Day. The tiles also have turned over, and everyone has time.

Wise Fear Begets Care. You will be careful.

"Never" is a long word. Don't tell "Never".

After window. The wind is the head of the rain.

Nurture Passes Nature. Teaching and winning.

Time Tries All Things. Time Test Everything.

Time Cures All Things. Time is the best doctor. / Time can not be careful.

Truth Needs no color. Truth does not need to dress up.

Silence Gives Consent. Silence is approval.

Still Waters Run Deep. Static Water Depth.

Study, Study, And Study. Learning, learning, and learning.

Virtue Never Grows Old. Merde will not be aging.

Happiness from sweat.

No Herb Will Cure Love. Phase Pharmaceutical Doctor.

A True Jest Is No Jest. Really laughter is never joke.

A Man Can Die But Once. People have no two deaths.

A bargain is a bargain. It can't regret it.

All men can't be first. It is impossible to meet the championship.

All Roads Lead to Rome. Bachelor of Rome.

Every Flow Has Its EBB. The tide has a rising day, and people have prosperous times.

History recomats itself. History is often repeated.

I Think, Therefore I am. I think, so I exist.

What the future should be sloppy.

Like Author, Like Book.

Pardon all but thieself. Forgive everything, just don't forgive yourself.

Pride Goes Before Fall. Pride must defeated.

Knowledge is no burden. The knowledge is not compromised.

Civility Costs Nothing. Politeness.

Charity Begins At Home. Renai first applies to relatives and friends.

Better Late Than Never. It is not good to do.

Better Leave Than Lack. Suitable for less than enough.

Cheapest is the dearest. The cheapest is the most expensive.

Custom Is Second Nature. Habits are the second day. / Habit is second nature.

IN VALOUR THERE IS Hope. I hope to be brave.

Reason rules all things. Iver rule everything.

Learn Young, Learn Fair. Learning is less, and learning is going well.


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