W3C introduction

xiaoxiao2021-03-14  233

W3C Profile China Computer World Daily Who controls the browser, who controls the web. But who is it? Anyone who proposes this issue will quickly encounter an organization called WWW Association (WorldwideWebconsortium, also known as W3C). It was created by Timbernerslee in 1994. He is famous for the WEB's father and most browser standards. However, although many users may have heard of W3C, few people know what it is doing or how much power is. The goal proposed by W3C is to develop all the standards that can be followed by all WEB developers (such as the language of the control web page appearance). Its members include some top large companies in the computer field: HewlettPackard, Netscape, Sunmicrosystems, Microsoft and other companies. However, the organization is strictly confidential and the power to reserve the preservation of the presence of the standards in the development process. W3C's destroyers are often independent Web site developers, stationers and web software developers say that the organization is actually not strong. They accused their members just use W3C to make them look like a good people who abide by standards. Reviewers also believe that the organization is controlled by large technology companies and excluding small software developers or content providers affected by their decisions. Most accusations come to Netscape and Microsoft. Both companies have invested great time and effort to affect W3C. Gambling is huge. A vice president of business development of Macromedia, a multimedia writing instrument developer, San Francisco, said that both companies are competing for the control of Internet access. So what happens within W3C? Is it true neutral? W3C encourages innovation or just routinely approved what the most influential member has been made?

What is W3C? The organization declares that the existence of the WWW association is to play all the potential of the WEB. In other words, its goal is to develop WWW specifications that everyone can use. The organization does not work on the lower network protocol, such as how a machine communicates with another machine. Instead, it will focus on things that people see when surfing on the web, such as font, graphics, and 3D animation. The organization has also made recommendations on some social issues such as security, intellectual property, privacy visit. W3C was established in Cern in 1994, Cern is a physics research laboratory and a linear accelerator facility, located in a green grass in Geneva, Switzerland. Here is the place where W3C founder Timbernersle is working at the time. He has a smart boss, does not mind him to spend the time to define the WWW HTML, HTTP, and URL. In 1992 or 1993, Bernerslee began to consider establishing a standard organization because he continued to encounter some companies that need a neutral, act quickly and can agree on specifications. Bernerslee said: This idea is formed when 4 Digital people have not permitted into my office. They said that Digital's entire company is being accepted on the Web, and they know that the web is stored on the disk in some disks here. When W3C is created, its power is coincident with another Standard Organization -Internet Engineering Special Group IETF. According to the IETF's HTML team, Ericw Sink, Ericw Sink, which will ultimately be responsible for HTML power to W3C, because of the main manufacturers, such as Microsoft and Netscape tend to work through W3C. Most of W3C is made public, and the organization is free to share its recommendations for everyone. Symposiums and study will usually be open to everyone. W3C has also hosted more than 50 public mail lists available for standard discussions (MailingList). However, the actual design of substantive work proposals is only open to W3C members, which makes the true core of the organization at the foreigner. W3C said that if it wants to make progress quickly, it must be kept confidential, because this guarantees that members will not be subject to external interference from the press, while confidential means to prevent confusion or misunderstanding for what is or not a standard.

Who is member of W3C? As of September 1997, W3C has 211 members, including Sun, HewlettPackard, Microsoft, Netscape and other companies. As long as you pay a certain fee and sign a member agreement that guarantees compliance with the rules, any company can join. Companies with non-profit institutions and annual income below $ 50 million pay $ 5,000 each year, while other institutions pay $ 50,000 per year. Jamesbuszardwelcher, a Web site developer in San Francisco, said that the high cost of joining has made some new companies, even if they also wish to express their opinions on the standards that affect their work. Many W3C members are computer hardware and software companies, telecommunications companies and large consisters (such as tire manufacturers Michelin) using W3C. SallyKhudairi, the public relations manager of W3C, said that there are still several web site developers in W3C, but no personal participation. The organization is international and has offices in many research institutions around the world, such as Boston's Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Computer Science Laboratory; National Information and Automation Research Institute in Rocquencourt, Grenoble, and Sophiantipolis; and Tokyo Qing Ying University Shounan Vaze School, etc. Members have diverse the causes of W3C. Bernerslee said that most of them published their opinions in order to decide the future content of the agreement. The organization is considered to be neutralized for vendors, which means that its recommendations should reflect the best things for all members, and do not biased towards the technology of any manufacturer. Its recommendations and sample software are free to everyone, including non-members. No matter how many people are sent, each member company has only one voting right.

The W3C's responsibility W3C consists of a comprehensive advisory committee responsible for coordinating the entire process and several working groups submitted by specific technologies, such as cascadingstylesheets. These recommendations are the open standards of browser manufacturers. The Advisory Committee includes all members, each of which has a vote for each proposed suggestion. The Working Group is much smaller (less than 30 people), and they are engaged in the specific hard work of various technologies and formations. Some working groups are a coordinated group of many working groups. For example, the HTML coordination group includes a Class-Class Style Form Working Group, Document Object Model Working Group, and Other Technical Working Groups. Most of W3C is done by email. Members of the Working Group Committee may send several emails every day or weekly, a remote meeting is held once a week. They meet once a quarter. W3C's Cascade Style Form Working Group Chairman and W3C in Paris's full-time staff Chrislilley said: If you have given lunch with them and drink alcohol in the evening, then you will be much better through email. Working group proposals in the creation stage are called drafts, and only W3C members can see (drafts can be shared free, but can only range within W3C). People who help write a draft can be less, and everyone in the Working Group conducts in-depth research and criticizing them. Lilley said, if you make criticism, you must also make a modification proposal: the draft absorption is not just a general commentary. When the Working Group is quite satisfactory to its results, they will publish in the form of a W3C for public consultation. After the initial reaction is evaluated, the working group published the draft as the proposed recommendation on the Web site. The W3C Advisory Committee has a month to vote whether it should be an actual proposal. There are four types of votes: ratification; ratification but modification; its current form is vetoed (there is room for modifying); completely veto (meaning W3C should be thoroughly abandoned). W3C wants to make it feel that they have reached a consistent, W3C contact manager Sallykhudairi said: We strive to solve any problems thus triggered. According to W3C and many members, most of the issues triggered are technical and non-governmental. STEVEBYRNE, senior engineer STEVEBYRNE, said: there is a technical expert and have the ability to propose your own solution. According to KHUDAIRI, in the working group, the chairman (no voting rights) is responsible for the elimination of disputes; any unresolved issues are reported to the founder and board of directors Timbernerslee. A new working group is established when the member needs. Each Working Group draws a charter for its purpose, including how long it takes to make the final recommendation. During the project research, the workgroup usually takes 25% to 50% of the time in the project, so it is a considerable investment and sacrifice for members companies to participate in the Working Group. This is W3C. Another reason for the exhaustion.

The strength of W3C is actually, W3C does not have enforcement capabilities. Its standards are actually only recommended for any legal effectiveness, and people don't have to follow. But browser manufacturers and other web software vendors are generally only standard, why? They are very concerned about these recommendations, because these suggestions are what they have come. The founder of W3C Timbernerslee said. For a book, no one can look more carefully than the author. Moreover, the standard of W3C is formed in a competitive environment, and all aspects of each issue have been raised. For example, if an HTML standard is supported by Netscape, but has been resolutely opposed by Microsoft companies to refuse to support it, it is almost impossible to be approved. And the critics of W3C said, this is exactly the problem. They believe that W3C is only implemented on Web software companies, and has been approved in the standard cover of the constant fact. Microsoft believes that this approach is completely correct. If you are a company, it is producing a product. Billgates, Chairman of Microsoft, said, can you implement a good product that will be successful and completely standard? We support everything about HTML every item. We have been paying attention to these things. The companies are sometimes adopting what they recommend or others are being suggested, and they apply them into the product. And it also needs to say this sentence, that is, 'Yes, we submit them to the Standards Committee, and we believe that they are likely to adopt it, but now there is still no matterh, rather than yourself It is also not prepared to submit to standard organizations. Bernerslee agreed that W3C actually suggested that the technology has been decided by the market, but he also said that this does not mean that W3C has no implementation. According to him, the market determines the characteristics you want, and W3C considers how to implement it. Bernerslee said that for software companies, compliance criteria is important, otherwise the media will say that you are developing a proprietary technology, such words, I hope that my data can be able to people in the next 20 years later. Readers will no longer want to buy your products. More importantly, browser manufacturers face market stress to comply with standards. Most web developers are reluctant to support two separate, non-compatible browsers. So, if Microsoft and Netscape have adopted technologies that other companies from other companies in their browsers, developers cannot benefit from it. Interoperability is a major consideration. HP company software development engineers, and part-time Robertstevahn in several W3C Working Groups, you may have the world's largest document object model, but developers are not willing to implement anything that is not supported by others. If you can't keep it, they will not be willing to use your feature. In order for web sites to support incompatible browsers, developers must design their web pages to detect user browser types and boot them to a range of web pages specifically created for the browser. This means that different versions of the same web page must be established for each browser. Headquartered in San Francisco's web development company STUDIOVERSO's chairman, the book "Establishing the WEB Site" book of the Book of Cool people said that this is a time-consuming work, and it will make the production cost twice. Double increase. We do not support unilateral expansion. He said. We are willing to make and maintain a web page with general standards. Bernerslee said that the company's greatest reasons with W3C may be due to this in line with their interests. Maintaining the same basic technology will play a good role. This will work together, and all vendors can establish an application based on this basic class technology and seek profit from it.

Bernerslee said: It is no meaningless to quarrel with 110 volts or 220 volts. So, if the manufacturers really have a standard needle? What is dynamic html? Dynamic HTML can add interactions to web pages. For example, when you point your mouse to a picture or a text in a web page, the screen changes, which may display a new menu option or another form of the same image. When you move the mouse open, the picture will return to its original state. All this is done instantly and does not need to transmit additional information from the other end of the network. From a programmer's point of view, dynamic HTML is a way to join the original HTML joining program. Although the current HTML looks like a large number of code, it seems to be a programming language, but it is not true. It is only to tell your web browser to identify the format of each part of the web page is just like a desktop publishing software. Dynamic HTML is actually a single prophet for three new technologies: cascaded style form, scripting language, and document object model (DOM). The first technique has become a standard, and the second technique is close to a standard, and the last is in the stage of the W3C's DOM working group. Here is a brief introduction to each technology. Cascaded style forms extended HTML to provide greater flexibility for designers on control page appearance. The first recommendation of W3C on cascaded style form has been completed, and Microsoft and Netscape are using it. Like most technologies, cascading style form will continue to evolve, W3C may eventually introduce second recommendations, then the third item, like this. There are many scripting languages, dynamic HTML (or more accurately DOM) will support all of these features. The most important of these is Netscape's JavaScript, the Recent European Computer Manufacturer Association (ECMA) is standardized, called ECMAScript. The document object model combines the above two techniques. The DOM defines how a scripting language is associated with a style form to modify the appearance and performance of the web page. Currently, Netscape and Microsoft have supported their own DOM versions in their 4.0 versions. In W3C announced, and both browser manufacturers re-produce their products in order to support recommendations, most content developers will not transform their sites for these new features.

Dynamic HTML standard dispute browser manufacturers are competing for the world's dominance, and they don't hide this. But ironic is that they must cooperate with each other to seek development. In order to dominate the standard formation process and control market, Netscape and Microsoft have adopted proprietary technology in their browser more than once. The two companies then forced to imitate the other party to allow their browsers to support new features. Otherwise, they cannot use new features, and they will be failed. Microsoft has even apologized even for its use of proprietary technology and guarantees that it will be committed to complying with HTML standards. In some areas, such as HTML tags, W3C will help Microsoft and Netscape have reached a common consistent standard as their own credits (sometimes after a company has developed and implemented its own standards). It is also hoped that this is also the same on dynamic HTML, and Microsoft and Netscape are in the fierce quarrel. In history, Microsoft has established its own standards in the field of desktop machines in the WINDOWS operating system. But in Web, Microsoft is in an unusual status, which has to work with other manufacturers to establish standards because its browser market share does not dominate. Boblisbonne, Vice President of Netscape Company Product Marketing, said: Internet is the first opponent from Microsoft's experience than Microsoft. Microsoft's Standard Reviews Expert Thomasreardon said: We are late in the internet field. So Microsoft added in the early days of the 1994 W3C, in order to find a speech in the establishment of standards for each person. Netscape has also added W3C from the beginning. The committee's procedure is the only way to engage in these things. Netscape is responsible for the Senior Product Manager of the architecture Eckartwalther, otherwise, the standard area will be manipulated by a manufacturer. In terms of development of document object model, both companies seem to be trying to be controlled by the standards. In August 1996, Netscape submitted a proposal to the W3C on the document object model. Almost at the same time, Microsoft and Softquad (a HTML tool manufacturer in Toronto) also submitted their DOM proposals. Soon, W3C established a DOM working group, including HP, Netscape, Sun, Softquad and other vendors. Obviously, Netscape and Microsoft have tried to make its own DOM version is used by most people. At present, both companies use their own version of DOM in their respective 4.0 browsers. Microsoft claims that its DOM version is stronger than Netscape's version of the Netscape, which is easier and has language-independent, which supports various editing languages ​​other than JavaScript (mainly Microsoft's own JScript and VBScript). NetScape companies are opposite, according to the company's Communicator Group Product Manager Danielklaussen, its version is based on open standard, does not rely on ActiveX or VBScript to implement its function. Although the two companies say that they believe that the draft will be closer to their own technology, Netscape's Walther said that the version announced after the W3C Working Group carefully studied actually more versatility than Microsoft and Netscape companies. .

As a result, any members of the Unfredging W3C will not be accepted on what is the result in the DOM workgroup or which company is proposed. In early October 1997, the Working Group announced its draft work, which did not involve some things that they expected (such as the event model of the response of each browser). DOM Working Group Director, Softquad Technical Product Manager, Laurenwood, said the team encountered unknown technical problems. And if the group's work is because the internal opinions are not blocked, no one can know outside. Microsoft and Netscape have said that no matter what decisions in W3C, they will be implemented, which is a good news for Web site developers, users and software vendors. But in the current, Web site developers who want to create content for dynamic HTML either support two web files to support two browsers, or they have to accept some people unable to read the reality of their webpage. In the end, it will also cause the power of Netscape and Microsoft to reach consistent power from WEB site developers and software vendors who do not want to write content for two different tools. W3C is only a means of contributing cooperation. Both companies have greatly appreciated standard development procedures and recognized the necessity of complying with standards, but if any company believes that other companies will agree with it, it will act in their own way. Now, the two companies attach great importance to compliance standards. NetScape always emphasizes its support for a wide range of operating systems and other technologies and has recently been coordinated with the standards established by W3C. On the other hand, Microsoft does not hide its conception of the Windows platform, called the world's premier computer platform, but recently recognizes the Internet standard. Microsoft's standard expert Thomasreardon said: A firm goal is to make the first company that implements any important Internet standard. This means that W3C is an important part of the strategy of both companies.


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