FreeBSD uses CVSUP upgrades simple learning

xiaoxiao2021-03-14  219

FreeBSD To upgrade, usually we use CVSUP to upgrade, neither affect the operating system running normally, and upgrade work. (Note: The freebsd version used in this article is 5.3 released) To use CVSUP, the default operating system does not have this program, we need to install, so we will use Ports to install CVSUP:

# Whereis cvsup # See where cvsup Ports is CVSUP: / usr / ports / net / cvsup

# CD / usr / ports / net / cvsup # Go to the ports directory # make install # Make Ports

Waiting for a while, watching the network speed, I spent half an hour or half, the web speed is a bit slow :-)

After Ports, we entered our upgrade file support directory:

# CD / USR / Share / Examples / CVSUP # lsreadme doc-supfile ports-supfile refuse.readme standard-support refuse stable-suppile www-supFile, SUPFILE

We have found that there are many files, such as what doc-support, ports-support, etc., which is ended with -suPfile, is the corresponding configuration file we want to upgrade. Here we briefly say that these files correspond to the content of the upgrade:

CVS-SUPFILE CVSUP This upgrade file DOC-SUPFILE Operating System Document Upgrade File Gnats-Supfile FreeBSD BUG Database Ports-Supfile Ports Upgrade Document Stable-Supfile Stable Operating System Upgrade Standard-Suppirl Current version of FreeBSD Upgrade

For more detailed content, please refer to the ReadMe file.

If we want to upgrade ports, then we will consider the content to upgrade, let's configure ports-suppile: # ee ports-support will see the following: # $ freebsd: src / share / example / cvsup / Ports-support, V 1.32 2004/05/24 06:23:15 CJC Exp $ ...

There are only a few places where we care, one is to update those ports, the default is updated: ## ports collection. ## The Easiest Way To Get The ports tree is to use the "ports-all" # mega-collection. IT Includes All of the Individual "Ports - *" # Collections, Ports-All

So if I don't need to update all, then "#" in front of Ports-all, comment, then decide to update those: # ports-base # ports-accessibility # ports-arabic # ports-archivers # ports -ASTRO # ports-audio ......

If you want to update the corresponding ports, you can remove the front "#", save the ports-support after completion.

The other is that we update our list from that CVSUP server, the default is: * Default host =

For faster speeds, we generally choose the server that is close to us:

* Default host =

Now let's start updating, update the input command: cvsup -g -l 2 cvsup_file is OK, now we have to update the ports, then do: # cvsup -g -l 2 ports-support

Then wait, fast, two or three minutes, see how much the content you choose to update.

After updating, you can get the latest software with Ports.

If you want to update another program, use the method to be the same, and execute the command after configuring, then wait.

That is, I will not try it out!


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