Constants for network transmission defined in RFC790

zhaozj2021-02-16  111

/ * Contants and structures defined by the Internet system, * Per RFC 790, September 1981, Taken from the BSD File Netinet / in.h. * IPv6 Additions Per Rfc 2292. * /

/ * * Protocols * / # define IPPROTO_IP 0 / * dummy for IP * / # define IPPROTO_HOPOPTS 0 / * IPv6 hop-by-hop options * / # define IPPROTO_ICMP 1 / * control message protocol * / # define IPPROTO_IGMP 2 / * internet group management protocol * / # define IPPROTO_GGP 3 / * gateway ^ 2 (deprecated) * / # define IPPROTO_IPV4 4 / * IPv4 * / # define IPPROTO_TCP 6 / * tcp * / # define IPPROTO_PUP 12 / * pup * / # define IPPROTO_UDP 17 / * user datagram protocol * / # define IPPROTO_IDP 22 / * xns idp * / # define IPPROTO_IPV6 41 / * IPv6 * / # define IPPROTO_ROUTING 43 / * IPv6 routing header * / # define IPPROTO_FRAGMENT 44 / * IPv6 fragmentation header * / # define Ipproto_esp 50 / * ipsec ESP header * / # define i PPROTO_AH 51 / * IPsec AH * / # define IPPROTO_ICMPV6 58 / * ICMPv6 * / # define IPPROTO_NONE 59 / * IPv6 no next header * / # define IPPROTO_DSTOPTS 60 / * IPv6 destination options * / # define IPPROTO_ND 77 / * UNOFFICIAL net disk proto * / # define ipproto_ICLFXBM 78

#define ipproto_raw 255 / * RAW ip packet * / # define ipproto_max 256

/ * * Port / socket numbers: network standard functions * / # define IPPORT_ECHO 7 # define IPPORT_DISCARD 9 # define IPPORT_SYSTAT 11 # define IPPORT_DAYTIME 13 # define IPPORT_NETSTAT 15 # define IPPORT_FTP 21 # define IPPORT_TELNET 23 # define IPPORT_SMTP 25 # define IPPORT_TIMESERVER 37 # define IPPORT_NAMESERVER 42 # define IPPORT_WHOIS 43 # define IPPORT_MTP 57 / * * Port / socket numbers: host specific functions * / # define IPPORT_TFTP 69 # define IPPORT_RJE 77 # define IPPORT_FINGER 79 # define IPPORT_TTYLINK 87 # define IPPORT_SUPDUP 95

/ * UNIX TCP sockets * / # define ipport_execserver 512 # define ipport_loginserver 513 # define ipport_cmdserver 514 # Define Ipport_efsserver 520

/ * * Unix udp sockets * / # define ipport_biffudp 512 # define ipport_whoserver 513 # Define ipport_routeserver 520 / * 520 1 Also use * /

/ * * Ports

/ * * Link Numbers * / # define Implink_ip 155 # define Implink_lowexper 156 # Define Implink_Highexper 158


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