FreeBSD6 Ports Installation Configuration Web Services

xiaoxiao2021-03-14  256

Operating system: FreeBSD6 installer: Apache22 php5 php5-extensions mysql41 phpmysql2.6.4-pl4 zendoptimizer-3.0.0beta2 This post is mainly to make the above procedure work. After completing the work in this post, you also need to make some security settings. If there is any error, please ask in the reply. ============================================================================================================================================================================================================= ========= Tip: It takes time to install the PORTS installation. If you have patience, then continue to look! If you have no patience, you can use Packages or manually compile installation ===================================== ====================== Installation, configuration steps and brief description Step 1: Update Ports Tree Code: # cvsup -h -g -l 2 / usr / share / example / cvsup / ports-support Step 2: Install Apache22 Code: # CD / USR / PORTS / WWW / Apache22 # make install Step 3: Install PHP5.

Don't choose the debug option, otherwise Zend regardless of the code: # CD / usr / ports / www / mod_php5 # make install step 4: Install PHP5 expansion code: # cd / usr / ports / lang / php5-extensions / # make install step 5: Install mysql code: # cd / usr / ports / databases / mysql41-server / # make install step 6: Download ZendOptimizer-3.0.0beta2 Note: In FreeBSD, if you can't download http://downloads.ze directly .com / optimizer / .... 0-i386.tar.gz Upload Server Step 7: Install Zendoptimizer Method 1 [Recommended] Code: #CD / ZendOptimizer Path / #tar -zxvf ZendOptimizer-3.0.0beta2-FreeBSD6.0- i386.tar.gz #cd / zendoptimizer path / ZENDOPTIMIZER- #. / install method 2 will zendoptimizer-3.0.0beta2-freebsd6.0-i386.tar.gz as / usr / ports / distfiles / under Code: #cd / usr / ports / devel / ZendOptimizer / #make install added in php.ini: Code: [Zend] zend_extension_manager.optimizer = / usr / local / Zend / lib / Optimizer-3.0.0 zend_extension_manager .optimizer_ts = / usr / local / Zend / lib / Optimizer_TS-3.0.0 zend_optimizer.version = 3.0.0Beta2 zend_extension = / usr / local / Zend / lib / zend_extension_ts = / usr / local / Zend / lib / ZendExtensionManager_TS . SO Step 8: Download phpmysql2.6.4-pl4 http: // jai St.dl.SourceForge.Net/SOUR...6.4-pl4.tar.gz Upload Server in / usr / local / www / apache22 / data / code: #tar -zxvf phpmyadmin-2.6.4-pl4.tar.gz -------------------------------------------------- -------- The above is completely installed.

The following is a simple configuration, allowing it to work in step 1: Configure Apache to support PHP code: # eE /usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf Press ESC-> F-> A Search: AddType Application / X-Compress .Z addtype application / x-gzip .gz .tgz Add: addtype application / x-httpd-php .php address / x-httpd-php-source .phps esc exit save setting code: # cp / usr / local / etc / php.ini-rec/php.ini Step 2: Start an Apache method 1 [Recommended] code: # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ Start Method 2 Code: # / USR / local / sbin / apachectl -k start test Apache PHP code: # eE /usr/local/www/apache22/data/index.phpphp code:

Code: #Chown www /usr/local/www/apache22/data/index.php #chown www: www /usr/local/www/apache22/data/index.php #chmod 700 / usr / local / www / apache22 / Data / index.php Show a big pile indicated that the success indicates that Apache PHP integration has been displayed: with Zend Extension Manager V1.0.10, Copyright (C) 2003-2006, By Zend Technologies with Zend Optimizer V3.0.0-beta2, CopyRight (c) 1998-2006, by Zend Technologies Represents Apache PHP ZEND Integration Successful Step 3: Start MYSQL Code: # / usr / local / bin / mysql_install_db # chown -r mysql / var / db / mysql # chown -r mysql : mysql / var / db / mysql # chmod -r 700 / var / db / mysql startup method one [recommended] code: # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ Start launch method 2 code: # / usr / local / bin / mysqld_safe test mysql does not start code: # / usr / local / bin / mysql has a successful Welcome to the mysql monitor. Commands end with; or / g. Your mysql connection ID is 2 To Server Version: 4.1.18 Type 'Help;' or '/ h' for help. Type '/ c' to clear the buffer. mysql> mysql> quit bye step 4: phpMyadmin connection mysql code: # CD / usr / local / Www / apache22 / data / phpmyadmin-2.6.4-pl4 # chown -r www /usr/local/www/apache22/data/phpmyadmin-2.6. 4-PL4 # chown -r www: www /usr/local/www/apache22/data/phpmyadmin-2.6.4-PL4 code: # chmod -r 700 /usr/local/www/apache22/data/phpmyadmin-2.6. 4-PL4 # ee /usr/local/www/apache22/data/phpmyadmin-2.6.4-pl4/ Search: $ cfg ['pmaabsoluteuri'] = ''; change to: $ cfg ['PMABSOLUTEURI '] =' http: // Access the address of the phpMyadmin directory '; search $ cfg [' blowfish_secret '] ='; change to: $ cfg ['blowfish_secret'] = 'complex string, such as: kjhahdjkhasd ** 871283 (* & * &) (% $$ "; search: $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['user'] = 'root'; $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] [ 'User'] = ''; search:

$ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Auth_Type'] = 'config'; change to: $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] ['Auth_Type'] = 'cookie'; ESC Exit Save Setup OK ! If there is no error. Apache php zend mysql phpMyadmin can work normally ==================================== ======================= Installation details: Version selection Apache22 php5 php5-extensions mysql41 phpmysql2.6.4-PL4 ZendOptimizer-3.0. 0BETA2 Select MySQL41 and phpmysql2.6.4 not because of his "old" stability. It is because PhP5-EXTENSIONS ISOSO does not support mysql50. The phpmysql2.7.0 and new version seem to have a problem with MySQL41. I am trying to update some user privileges when using phpMyAdmin 2.7.0-PL2. How to shorten the time required for the PORTS installation: Ports installed in the download package for a lot of time. So you can get the required packages to the / usr / ports / distfiles directory to reduce the excess space for the / usr / ports / distfiles directory: Quote: 4.5.4 Ports and disk space Use ports collection obviously gradually eat Erink your disk space. Since the Ports Tree continues to increase, after building and installing the software, you should clean up the Work directory that contains temporary files by using make clean. This command will delete Work because it is useless after you build and installed. You can also remove the source code package from the DistFiles directory if you have already installed or no longer needed. Some users have also avoided downloading them by putting some unwanted Port classification into the Refuse file. This will not download files in these categories when running CVSUP. For details on Refuse, please refer to Section A.5.3.1.


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