Blacksmith product introduction

xiaoxiao2021-03-17  223

Level Description: Very low

Grinding wheel series 25 inferior grinding wheels: inferior stone * 2 Introduction: The formulation of the forging initial session is one of the raw materials for forging. Because the learning is red, it is best to use even exercises forging: very low. Inferior stones dig a copper mine, you can have a few to more than a dozen. It is basically not enough to use the market: there is no ... 75 rough grinding wheel: rough stone * 2 introduction: It is also one of the raw materials. It seems to be used to level, but there are not many costs: low. Tin ore is also the product of low-level regions, and rough stones naturally ... Market: Not big. This grinding wheel and inferior have no other uses, only for forging 125 heavy grinding wheels: heavy stone * 3 Introduction: One of the raw materials. But learning is ash, can't be used to practice (-_- |||) Cost: medium - high (different emotions). At present, I have served the price of the iron and mine to Squashi ... It can be seen how many miners are robbing iron mines, and this stone naturally rises high ... Market: High. Especially the door-to-door server ... What is evil logistics task, what, big brother, are you in Tibet Bay? Oh, okay ... that at least the moon arduous group still needs this. 200 Rugged grinding wheel: Sturdy stone * 4 Introduction: One of the raw materials. Also learn to be ash ... cost: medium - high. Mith silver seems to be the largest production of the output, and this stone looks like the most market: medium - high. Only logistical tasks are used ... The forged use of it is enough, it will never buy ~~ So there is no market in the service, there is no market ... (trail hoarding) 250 Decision grinding wheel: thick stone * 4 Introduction: The most advanced grinding wheel, the product after forging 250 is basically used. Learning is red (don't be happy too early), practice 5 green (all yellow) practice 10 levels ... Cost: High. Silver Mine doesn't know how long ~~~ often only long ore is not long ... market: high. Or logistics task ... and all the comrades of forging must rely on this chain that is changed to the moon, so as long as the price is reasonable and completely distributed, it is more simple to make money, it is relatively simple after opening the door, no don't open or open the door. (-_- |||) Only the opportunity of January once ...

Connecting goods: 100 silver rod: silver ingot * 1 inferior grinding wheel * 2 Introduction: Enchanted must have items, manifold of text silver bars: lower market: medium. How to say ... The new district must have a market, the old district, first call it ... Remember that I deposit in the deposit last year is this ... 150 gold rod: gold ingot * 1 rough grinding wheel * 1 Introduction: Enchanted must Item, a cost of consignment: low market: high. This is this. Reasons for the market - the famous task of the east plague: the lion is open ... I have encountered 5G BO my golden stick ... If you rely on this make a fortune, hurry to go to the East Plague, the chapel of the east, go ... 200 Silver Bat: Silver ingot * 1 Heavy grinding wheel * 1 Introduction: Enchanted must have items, doing rune truth, silver rod cost: medium. Basic and silver bars are a situation market: medium. Hang a AH a few days can not sell a common thing ... In short, how many of you can take you ... How many competitions have you forging ... 275 Okin stick: Aojin ingot * 3 Decithotery wheel * 1 Introduction: Animatory must have items, and the cost of Rune Okin stick: extremely high. Why don't you have 1 ingot, this is 3 锭 ... I don't think it ... Market: low. Basically, it is the chief of the trade union. It naturally will not find you ... It is necessary to find someone to do it without necessiting ... It seems that there is a high-end thing ... ... If you learn the greatde, you can't use the bricks. Most of them can not be used ~~ Summary: It seems to have only gold bars to make ... You look forward to BLZ to open a point to the task ...

Worm stone series 1 inferior wear stone: inferior stone * 11 inferior balance stone: inferior stone * 1 linen * 1 Introduction: Temporary enchantment effect, cutlery / blunt damage 2, last 30m. And other temporary enchantment conflicts (wizard oil, poison should be), learn to work, can practice, but seriously do not recommend ... More costs useful in grinding wheels: the market where the grinding wheel is very low ... Looks like no one will Use ... perhaps the mine is high, sometimes dig excessive you have used it ... Different effects are not good 65 rough sharpening stone: rough stones * 165 rough balance stone: rough stones * 1 wool * 1 Introduction: Temporary enchantment effect, cutlery / blunt damage 3, lasting 30M cost: Refer to the market where the grinding wheel: very low, the reason is 125 heavy grinding stone: loaded stone * 1125 heavy balance stone: load Stone * 1 Silk * 1 Introduction: Temporary Enchant Effect, Tool / Blunt damage 4, lasting 30M cost: Refer to the market where the grinding wheel: low, the key is that the effect is still not ideal 200 strong grinding stone: Sturdy Stone * 1200 Rugged Rugged Stone: Sturdy Stone * 1 Magic Line * 1 Introduction: Temporary Enchant Effect, Tool / Blunt Injury 6, Continuous 30M Cost: Refer to the Market of the Sand Wheel: Medium, individuals believe The sturdy stone is best, but that is before ... Now open the door, it seems to be a grinding wheel ... 250 Demonstrative grinding stone: thick stone * 1250 Demonstrative balance stone: thick stone * 1 rune * 1 Introduction: Temporary enchantment effect, cutlery / blunt damage 8, hurt the highest grinding stone, lasting 30m cost: Refer to the market where the grinding wheel: medium - high, still the sentence, do more ... . Lasting 30m. The drawings are well (blue) and BOP, which seems to have only senior elite blame (later) costs: high - middle (expected). At present, element soil and elemental fire are made of medicines. It is good to have a new formula for "degradation" element flame (it seems that there will be "degradation" the formula such as the earth, the pure water, It is estimated that there is a space market with a decline in the next few years: high. This is a thief ... oh, it is not right, it is the great brother of the battle ... Also, the evil BLZ makes this drawing into the BOP to make this grinding stone into monopoly products ... think about mobile Unicom how much How much can you earn now (WOW G!), This stone is really a good stone, home travel must have a good stone ... The classmate you said that your server is still no one will be ... Sorrow ... Summary: In addition to the end, doing sharpening stone, there is no grinding wheel, so I recommend it to work for friends, sales is still free ... Of course, if you don't sell it, you will pull the market to produce independent adjustment (, I think I think My Marx pays attention to the economic examination. If I use this topic, I will test it very well), ask for greater than the supply is the market ~~ In touch with yourself, you will decide yourself.

Key Series 100 White Yin Wanyi Key: Silver ingot * 1 Inferior grinding wheel * 1 Introduction: Use silver to do the keys, open simple locks. Cost: low market: very low. Basically I can't open how much ... In addition, only the blacksmith will use ... (personal comparison of the violent style of the project ...) 150 gold universal key: gold ingot * 1 heavy grinding wheel * 1 Introduction: Use gold to do the keys, can Open a more complex lock. Cost: Low Market: Lower. The price is very high, I will always bring gold and true silver key. I don't have a treasure chest ... but because of the need for forging relationship to constrain this product market 200 true silver universal key: true silver ingot * 1 strong grinding wheel * 1 Introduction: The key to do with true silver can open extremely complex locks. Cost: China Market: Lower. Do not understand ... Why only the blacksmith will use ... Let me boldly speculate ... In fact, there is nothing difference between this and the thief tool ... Our blacksmith is the master of the hand ~~~ But these things have no thief tools, once again Bad ... 275 Austrian Key Key: Okin ingot * 1 Deminent grinding wheel * 1 Introduction: Use Okin's 骷髅 key to open all locks, real universal keys. Cost: High ... Market: No. Believe me, there is no value for the things in the roadside box ... If there is more than 15G in it, you can take your portable ... Summary: Forged luxury goods, use special ore is also consumables ... Blacksmith is dedicated ... I would rather use my blacksmith's hammer Nevantin box ... I believe that my technology can only smash the things inside, but BLZ does not let ... Material series 150 iron ring buckle: iron Ingot * 1 Introduction: Many belts in raw materials, skin and tailors need. Cost: low - medium. I am still more expensive in I serve the iron ingot: Hanging ah tailor and lemmaker don't see, the selling time they don't necessarily need, wait for you to need you, don't know there ... 200 Secret Silver: Silver ingot * 5 gold ingots * 1 true silver ingot * 1 Introduction: The raw materials of engineering, which seems to have a more cost of terrorist (gnome): medium. Silver and big cabbage, not worthless, it is a special mine comparison value market: um ... consider most of the engineers and miners, most of them are working ... It is also a miners, is you so interest? ? Even if you don't look at the same miners, you will also give you so many bombs behind you, the land is fine dragon gun, mortar, the face of the dead gun ... Summary: In fact, there is nothing more, but these two are In the list, I am in the material column, I am going to paying them like a product ...

Enchant series 165 iron balance hammer: Iron ingot * 4 secondary moon stone * 1 rough grinding wheel * 2 Introduction: give a handful of two-hand weapons permanent enchantment to attack speed 3%. The drawings are relatively small in the old service (less than the low area) costs: Not many markets: low - high (expected). Well, this is something that is seriously ignored ... I don't know if I can bring his market. 3% seems to be not much, but it will be known that this is equivalent to 100, it is 3CRT, but it is obvious that it and the difference is the difference between Mage and WL, no oil It is an explosive force. Ok, we continue to count, then how much attack can be added? Obviously, it is DMG * ​​3/100. It can be seen that as long as you have an average of 300, its effect is quite related to damage 9, believe in the magic hand, the AL's casual Can exceed this number, it is better than 9. Said to say the shortcomings, this biggest shortcomings are not light ... In this dragon, the market is the era of Wang Dao, the market prospect of this product is very unpalatable ... 190 steel weapon chain: 锭 锭 * 8 heavy grinding wheel * 2 Skin * 4 Introduction: Give a permanent enchantment of weapons, so that it will not be contributed. Extremely rare drawings ... I spent 10g lindered from a small mm warrior, haha ​​cost: medium. Iron is already more expensive, this stuff is also coal ... Municipal field: low - high. Seeing what you are in service, PVP's sales will not be poor, after all, to seduce blood tooth is not a satisfaction, and one will be paid to the life (DRU will not ^ _ ^); PVE but does not brush the battlefield, For example, I am in the silver hand, the sales can also be; it is PVE has a brush battlefield ... Hey, congratulations, you have taken a good collection ... In the case of the sentence I have said before, the market relies yourself ~~~ Nothing to practice a soldier, don't do it, don't do it, I will pay, I don't have a week, I guarantee that the sales - As for the stretchable sales or the sales of the weapon chain, I don't know ... 235 mirror spurs: Mirsu I ingot * 4 Sturdy grinding wheel * 3 Introduction: Give a pair of shoes permanent enchantment to increase the speed of the mount. Cost: Lower. Market: High. Everyone needs ~~ Look for a useless shoes, together with the gloves, and carrots, can save you some cards, and help when you escape. This classmate, is you radish NPC? You directly ignore this well ... Summary: It is unable to attach these ... No way to pull the wind is the only shortcoming ... In fact, it is more likely to be more practical than some high-end enchantment ... There is no difference between the appearance ... Well, give it a good solution to the right thing to bring the wind effect.


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