Ten reasons for using Ajax

xiaoxiao2021-03-18  233

Ten reasons for using Ajax

Author: AndreCharland

Conservative, AJAX is now hot in technology that is hot. No one can deny that it has a large number of supporters. On the CNN, it grows into an unopened term from one in February into October. So, it is necessary to see why Ajax can develop into the present, why it can grow, and it will become everywhere in a short period of time. Therefore, I use the style of midnight to give a top ten reasons for the need for Ajax technology.

Top ten reasons for using Ajax:

10. XAML, XUL, XFORMS ... and more.

9. Uncertainty of server technology.

8. Web2.0.

7. It is strongly adopted by the software industry leaders.

6. Good integration with Flex and Flash and other technologies.

5. The marginal cost is low.

4. It can benefit conventional web applications.

3. Crossboard and cross-platform.

2. King with the availability and user experience.

1. Based on the public standard.

Top 10 reasons: public standard

Let us start from the first one, AJAX technology is based on the disclosure standards supported by major browsers and platforms. This means that the technology is not afraid of technical blockade of technical providers. Most technologies that make up AJAX technology can be safe to use for many years, and those who are not hot, the latest and unsurveled technologies can only use it for a while. Now, for most users and companies, browsers are a trusted application platform, which is not a problem five years ago. For Ajax, the Firefox browser's foundation Mozilla 1.0 is published and the XMLHttpRequest object is a turning point. This technology that allows asynchronous data exchange has been supported by IE browser many years ago. This support and a large number of Firefox browsers have been used to make people understand the enrichment of the cross-browser.

1) JavaScriptoreCmascript (StandardECMA-262): An interesting thing is that JavaScript has become a technique accepted by people for a long time. Many companies have used non-JavaScript policy, and fortunately, this situation is Quick change.


2) XML: It is a standard from W3C, widely used.


3) html: http://www.w3.org/markup/

4) CSS: http://www.w3.org/style/css/

5) XMLHttpRequestObject: supported by InternetExplorer, Mozilla-based, Safari, and Opera browser.

Ten reasons second place: usability

Developers and designers have begun to realize that not only large-scale user experience is successful in the market, and it also recognizes how this experience affects the user's overhead. The Google map based on Ajax technology is more successful than traditional choice of Mapquest, which proves the success of products that provide a better user experience. AJAX technology is a leadership technique for making network applications with better availability. It allows a small amount of information from the server side, not the entire web page. It increases the update of page data but at the same time, it reduces the refresh and refresh waiting of the page, which has been tortured from the network. Web application.

People have known that they need an excellent user interface and have a willingness to invest in the interface. Prerequisites are: The user can quickly obtain information regardless of the data is an internal network application or a wide area network service.

Top Ten Reasons Three: Crossboard and Crossbound Compatibility

IE and Mozilla-based Firefox are two browsers that occupy the largest market quota, and they all support Easily create AJAX-based web applications on the browser. It is possible to develop Ajax-based Web applications based on Ajax-based WEB applications on a more advanced web browser. This is why AJAX applications become the most important reason why it is so popular. In fact, many developers are aware of the possibility of popular Ajax technology many years ago, but there has been no popularity because of the reason for the browser manufacturer. Thank Mozilla and Firefox. Ten reasons 4th: benefit conventional web applications

Ajax technology is the facade of today's web application - Web applications have exceeded desktop applications. These benefits include low input, convenient maintenance, and shorten development time and no installation. These are all the advantages of using Web applications since the Nineg of the 1990s. Ajax technology not only enables Web applications, but also benefits end users.

Top Ten Reasons Fifth: Promoting the upgrade of skills, tools and technology

Since Ajax is based on some open standards that have been used in years, many developers will have new technical requirements to develop AJAX applications. But this does not mean that the development team transfer from HTML and FORM-based applications to rich AJAX applications require high learning curves. At the same time, this means that developing a Web application development group needs to accelerate their user interface to Ajax, but do not need a large-scale upgrade and rewritten their web applications. Since the 1990s, those systems that have a large amount of investment based on browser application methods have spent a large amount of investment can increase the user experience on existing applications.

Top Ten Reasons Sixth: It is good to integrate with Flex and Flash.

Most develop communities no longer support Flashvsajax's hot discussion, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages in different occasions, but they have a lot of opportunities to integrate together. Many developers and technical providers are aware of this and have developed great products to integrate Flex and Ajax coordination. We also want to see that both can work together in Macromedia.

Top ten reasons seventh: adoption rate

Ajax has been widely used by industry leaders to prove the popularity of the market and the correctness of the technical group. Every technology user has become a winner: including Google, Yahoo, Amazon and Microsoft, and more. The Google map has attracted the eyes of web developers. When people start investigation, what is the reason for Google has such an amazing user experience, people unveiled the veil of the cover on the Ajax head.

Of course, only Google uses Ajax is not enough to make this technique span from the divided to the mainstream gap. However, if you look at the form that uses Ajax technology such as EbusinessApplications (www.ebusinessapps.com) Ortibco (http://www.tibco.com), you will find that the wealth is 500 including the main financial institutions. , Government agencies, airlines and other major commercial institutions adopt Ajax, and started using the Ajax has become a hard warning.

Ten reasons eighth: Web2.0

I like it, I am disgusted. Web 2.0 operation has attracted all the eyes of developers, venture capitalists, markets and end users. These clearly promote early applications of Ajax. What will we see when the big public promotion has passed? From Backpack to Google Maps, the AJAX interface is the main composition of Web 2.0 applications. A large number of promotion helps accelerate the use of AJAX, while benefits in availability will make this technology. One main principle of Web 2.0 is the use of Web as a platform developed, not just a web page. High availability and interactive user interfaces are the main components of all application platforms.

Top Ten Reasons Ninth: AJAX is based on server technology uncertainty

The independence of the browser of Ajax technology is the same, which is also compatible with all standard-type servers and server languages, such as PHP, Asp.asp.Net, Perl, JSP, ColdFusion, etc., choose to belong to you then Start. This makes AJAX development independent because all developers can use and discuss the same performance layer together. Ten reasons: Web-based next-generation RIA technology has not appeared

Today, people using XUL technology development applications are great, because now 90% of browsers do not support this technology, for most practical applications, using this technique is not practical. However, AJAX developers should give some attention in these techniques such as XAML and XUL. There is no doubt that these technologies will make developing web applications simple. But they may not be compatible with each other and have different market demand or motivation.

In the next period, Ajax technology will greatly improve the availability of web applications. Ajax technology is not perfect, not "Rocket Science" developers and technology companies always attempt to other better technologies of RIA. The actual problem is that Ajax technology has now existed and applied well. It crosss a cross-browser, cross-platform, and whether users or developers like its role. Ajax application, such as Google Maps, has become the leadership in the art (while others use mapquest?), Leading wealth 500 has used Ajax technology and contributes development tools to the community. In general, the industry has been consistent with AJAX technology and is using it. A further emphasis, Ria Application and WEB app uses Ajax a major advantage is more than just a tool for developers, but a phenomenon: it changed our way of developing Web applications. No one can make it clear that it will replace it in Ria applications, and will replace it; but many factors support AJAX applications should last for many years.

About author

AndRecharland is engaged in Internet software for more than ten years, and he is one of the chairs and creators of EbusinessApplications (www.ebusinessapps.com). He and Davejohnson have created the company in 1998. His main experience is developed in terms of availability, market, project management, and component-based software. Education includes: Simonfraseerunivers in Vancouver, BC, who reads computer science and business management there. He has experience in hundreds of Internet projects as developers, managers and architects.


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