Informix knowledge highlights

xiaoxiao2021-03-18  222

How to use the DBSChema tool to unload the structure of the database <畲 filter 澁 V? For example: 珃? ? T? 1) Export all the table structure in the database DB.SQL 剉缯 M mother? $> Dbschema -d your_database - T all db.sql q. $ ?? 2) Export all stored procedures in the database DB.SQL ridge 堠 ^ "? $> dbschema -d your_database -f all db.sql c ^ b? e 乊3) Export all objects in the database (including tables, stored procedures, triggers ...) to file db.sql x 锔 xkv? 弝 $> dbschema -d your_database db.sql  ?? 4) Export Database The structure of a table DB.SQL ??? D 颍 Y $> dbschema -d your_database_name -t your_table_name db.sql ovary redemption% P 5) Export a stored procedure definition to file db.sql f8v 蘰憇 ?? $> dbschema -d your_database_name -f your_procedure_name db.sql 剰 o & 睵 6) If you export more information (Extent ...)  -D 绲 $> dbschema -d your_database_name -ss db.sql | R ?? 籢? 7) Export the authorization information of the user or role to the user or role y 蚟 o $> dbschema -d your_database_name -p all x / ??? w $> dbschema -d your_database_name -r all 舦> h? 0? 8) Export of synonyms in the database [笮 P.vav $> dbschema -d your_database_name -s all 锒漦 : translation? // ***************** *********************************************************** ********* 崨 H) overflowd? Query all user tables in a database K ^ 尙翉 coupon D (SELECT * from Systables o 蟮牔 诂 Where tabid> 99 貀齾? 餍蚠// tabname store name n? Kidney {/ 貘 // TabType store Type T = Table, E = external table, v = view. . *********************************************************** ***********? @ @ 跋 帼 onstat -d look at how your database space is all assigned? 褍铇? Li 04nw 烋? 鹞 If you are doing Dbimport, there is no specified parameters Then, build the entire database on rootdbs. ?? B Waste If the database space plan is quite fine, there should be dbspace dedicated to loading data.

莼髲 `u 儧? // **************************************************** ******************************************* ?? ~?? Export data? 6 壥庎  unload to Database .txt / v 铩,? SELECT ...,? Y € 哸? 4? from ...? QFE 蜔? Where .... & Tan 帲 G! Import data T # 峣苌 峣苌? load FROM DATABASE * .TXT INSERT INTO TABLENAME 劯? gravel ?? // ********************************************** ***************************************** €? 鱮 VIOT submission formwork script DBACCESS DB_DAS (Database Name) -

?? 樖 j_ 爩 // ************************************************************* ***********************************] 溓 [& f 琤 8u uses the onspaces command to add block U in dbspace巬 巬 凇腧?? 9? C onspaces -a dbspace1 -p d: /ifmxdata/ol_chinaren5/ol_chinaren5_dat.000 -o 200000 -s 50000 GKN-I 殬殬: On D: /IFMXData/ol_chinaren5/ol_chinaren5_dat.000 Increase 50M space for dbspace1 = 釫 r 樕躖 ~ -O offset must be a size S B4 矑 K 蛒 5b>? ~ Ox = // *********** *********************************************************** ************** %%? Kun Q) - Assign NTFS file space for database space, BLOB space or SB space? F ?? r? I # 放 网To store the directory D: / ifmxdata / ol_chinaren5} 娪 {{? 3j 娪? ~? Execute the copy nul my_chunk_dat.000? 矻 _2 嫷 Create a new MY_CHUNK_DAT.000 size 0 file 鄊爎斉覣 Then use onspaces to expand the size and assign dbspace 檡 b6fz  庉 qke% 曏 o? Lt ;? dbimport import data tone u 豅 7 橯> Snorge? Run the Database Server DOS Interface Enter OnInit Refining B @ "6? 蚬 蚬 媪 媪      ? Direct input: dbexport -od: / informix db_das> 寛 ^ h} @P To export database W? Or: dbexport -c -od: / informix db_das 俋 TS 籞 9x? Export completion will prompt DBEXPORT Completed! The export process may be slow (wait) ^? 7? 埽.? After the export is complete, it will be generated under A folder DB_DAS.EXP (exported database name .exp) 圥 塣嵅 N-猲 HZ? Import database 7L 鉨  ?? Enter: dbimport -c -i d: / informix db_das ┻y1! 崬 m瓒 Imported database name * or: dbimport -c -x -id: / informix / temp db_das -d practice b)? '


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