About the web page of ingress, QQ and MSN, talk about window controls to learn!

xiaoxiao2021-03-18  212

Using system.web.ui; using system.web.ui.design; use system.Web.ui.WebControls; use system.drawing; using system.drawing; using system.drawing.design;

Namespace Eeeksoft.Web {///

/// popup window anchor control /// Popup Window Sight Control /// [DefaultProperty ("Popuptoshow", ToolboxData ("<{0}: Popupwinanchor Runat = Server> ")] [Designer (achorDesigner)] public class popupwinancy: system.Web.ui.WebControls.WebControl {#Region variables: Variable

String ControlID, ControlLink, Jsecent; SNMSG, SNText, SNTILE; BOOL BCHANGETEXT = FALSE


#Region Constructor constructor


/// CREATE CONTROL Creating control /// public popupwinanchor () {jsevent = "onclick"; bchangetext = false;}

#ndregion #Region Properties property


/// Should TEXTS ON POPUPWIN BE Replaced WITH New TEXTS? /// This text is replaced with the popupwin control is replaced with /// [Bindable (True), Category ("Popupwin") , DefaultValue (False)] [Description ("SHOULD TEXTS ON POPUPWIN BE REX WITH NEW TEXTS?")] Public Bool ChangeTexts {Get {Return BChangeText;} set {bchangetext = value;}}


/// new message text /// New message text //// [Bindable (True), Category ("Popupwin"), DefaultValue ("")] [Description ("New" Message text ")] public string newmedage {get {return snmsg;} set {snmsg = value;}}


/// new popup title text /// New popup title /// [Bindable (TRUE), Category ("Popupwin"), DefaultValue ("")] [Description (" New popup title text ")] public string newtitle {get {return sntitle;} set {sntitle = value;}} /// /// new text to show in Opened window /// Display in new open Window Chinese This content /// [Bindable (TRUE), Category ("Popupwin"), DefaultValue ("" "" "" New Text To Show In Opened Window)] Public String NewText {Get {Return SNText } Set {sntext = value;}}


/// javascript event to handle /// javascript event processing mode /// [Bindable (True), Category ("Anchor"), DefaultValue ("Onclick"] [Editor TYPEOF (JavaScriptEventeditor), TypeOf ("JavaScript Event To Handle"] PUBLIC STRING HANDEVENT {GET {Return JSEvent;} set {jsevent = value;}}


/// Popup control to show when Event Occurs // When the event occurs, the POPUP control is displayed /// [Bindable, Category ("Anchor"), DefaultValue ("" " )] [Editor (typeof (PopupControlsEditor), typeof (UITypeEditor))] [Description ( "Popup control to show when event occurs")] public string PopupToShow {get {return controlId;} set {controlId = value;}}


/// Contol Which Event Will Cause The popup to show /// Which event will make POPUP to display /// [Bindable (True), Category ("Anchor"), DefaultValue "")] [Editor (typeof (AllControlsEditor), typeof (UITypeEditor))] [Description ( "Control")] public string LinkedControl {get {return controlLink;} set {controlLink = value;}} #endregion #region methods method


/// render script for displaying popup control /// Make POPUP controls Script /// /// The HTML Writer to Write Out To protected override void render (HTMLTextWriter Output) {Output.write (@ "