Debian GNULinux on input method settings

xiaoxiao2021-03-18  239

Debian GNU / Linux on input method settings

The following is set in Debian GNU / Linux. 1. GNOME desktop environment: ~ / .gnomerc or write file /etc/x11/xsession.d/90im-startup content is: #fcitxexport xmodifiers = @ im = fcitxfcitx or #scimexport xmodifiers = @ im = scimexport gtk_im_module = scimscim -d If you want to use the Chinese input method under the English interface, you can add the following two lines of the top export lang = en_us.utf-8export lc_cType = zh_cn.utf-82. Use IM-Switch to start and manage input methods because I use it ION3 window manager, you can't use .Gnomerc. Of course, you can write /tc/x11/xsession.d/90im-startup, but I like FcitX's double fight, and sometimes use SCIM's traditional function, so you have to switch the input method. So use IM-SWITCH. The configuration method is as follows: a) Install the APT-GET Install Im-Switch Fcitx Scim Scim-Pinyinb) Write two files /etc/fcitx, the content is XIM = fcitxxim_program = / usr / bin / fcitxxim_args = GTK_IM_MODULE = Depends = / etc / x11 / xinit / xinput.d / scim, content is XIM_PROGRAM = / usr / bin / scimxim_args = -dgtk_im_module = scimc) Installing to IM-SWITCH Documents Update-alternative --Install / ETC / X11 / XINIT / XINPUT.D / EN_CN XINPUT-ZH_CN /ETC/X11/xinit/xinput.d/fcitx 50UPDATE-Alternatives --Install /etc/x11/xinit/xinput.d/en_cn xinput-en_cn / etc / X11 / xinit / xinput.d / scim 50D) Switch the input method you want to use, run (with root im-switch -s fcitx or im-switch -s scime) final step, restart X. In addition, you can write a script so that you don't need to restart X, kill the current input method, and execute /etc/x11/xsession.d/xxim-switch, enable the new input method. I hope Debian will have this function later. 3) Unihan, another choice, it is from Xinhua Rays to own the input method, with intelligent ABC, violet, five, handwritten, etc., and can convert Simplified / Traditional. Since it is based on the IIIMF architecture, it does not study its startup script, so I don't know how to use it in IM-SWITCH.


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