The new page is not refreshed in the ASP, dynamically read the database

zhaozj2021-02-16  102


<% @Language = "vbscript" CODEPAGE = "936"%> Do not refresh the page, dynamically read the database </ title> <script language =" javascript "src =" function.js "> </ script> < script language = "javascript"> function getTables (obj) {var server = txtServer.value; var database = txtDatabase.value; var jsSrc = "? getTables.asp obj = selTable & server =" server "& database =" database "& rND =" math.random (); if (server == "|| Database ==") {alert ('Please fill in the full!'); return;} Obj.value = 'reading .. . '; BDISABED = True; ReloadJS (JS, JSSRC);</p> <p>function getRecords (obj) {var server = txtServer.value; var database = txtDatabase.value; var table = selTable.value; var jsSrc = "? getRecords.asp obj = DisData & server =" server "& database =" database "& Table =" Table "& rND =" math.random (); if (Server == "|| Database ==" || Table == "") {Alert ('Please fill in the full!') Return;} Obj.value = 'reading ...'; obj.disabled = true; reloadjs (js, jssrc);} </ script> </ hEAD></p> <p><body> <p> does not refresh the new page, dynamically read the database </ p> <script language = "JavaScript" ID = "JS" src = "> </ script> <Table Width =" 421 "Border =" 0 > <Tr> <td width = "146"> SQL Server server: </ td> <td width = "265"> <input name = "txtserver" type = "text" id = "txtserver" value = "localhost "Readonly> </ TD> </ TR> <TD> <TD> Database: </ td> <TD> <input name =" txtDatabase "type =" text "id =" txtDatabase "value =" northwind "Readonly> </ TD> <TD> <TR> <TD> Table: </ TD> <TD> <select name = "seltable" id = "seltable"> </ select> <input name = "cmdrefresh" type = " Button "ID =" cmdrefresh "value =" refresh "OnClick =" JavaScript: GetTables (this)> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td> Top 100 data: </ td> <td> < Input name = "cmdread" type = "button" id = "cmdread" value = "read" onclick = "JavaScript: getRecords (this)"> </ td> </ tr> <tr> <td colspan = "2 > <Div id = "DISDATA"> </ div> </ td> </ tr> </ table> </ body> </ html> 2.gettables.asp</p> <p><% @ LANGUAGE = "VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE = "936"%> <% Dim CnStr, SQL, Rs, ServerName, DatabaseName, ObjServerName = Request.QueryString ( "server") DatabaseName = Request.QueryString ( "database") Obj = Request.QueryString ("obj") set = server.createObject ("adoDb.recordset") cnstr = "driver = {sql server}; server =" & servername "; database =" & databasename "; uid = sa PWD = SA "SQL =" Select Name from sysobjects where type = 'u' and status> 0 "RS.Open SQL, CNSTR, 1, 1IF NOT RS.EOF THEN RESPONSE.WRITE (" Clearselect ("& Obj &" ); "& VBCRLF) while not rs.eof text = rs (" name ") value = rs (" name ") Response.write (" FillSelect ("& Obj &", '"& Text &",' " & Value & ");" & VBCRLF) rs.Movenext Wendend IFRS.Closset RS = Nothing%> cmdrefresh.Value = "Refresh"; cmdrefresh.disabled = false; 3.GetRecords.asp</p> <p><% @ LANGUAGE = "VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE = "936"%> <% On Error Resume NextDim CnStr, SQL, Rs, ServerName, DatabaseName, ObjServerName = Request.QueryString ( "server") DatabaseName = Request.QueryString ( "database" Table = Request.QueryString ("Table") Obj = Request.QueryString ("obj") set = server.createObject ("adoDb.recordset") cnstr = "driver = {sql server}; server =" & servername & "; Database =" & DatabaseName & "; uid = sa; pwd = sa" SQL = "SELECT TOP 100 * from [" & Table & "] RS.Open SQL, CNSTR, 1, 1</p> <p>If NOT RS.EOF THEN RESPONSE.WRITE ("Sthtml (" & Obj & ", ');" & VBCRLF) Outhtml = "<Table Border = 1> <Tr>" for i = 0 to rs.fields.count -1 Outhtml = Outhtml & "<th>" & rs.fields (i) .Name & "</ th>" Next OutHtml = Outhtml & "</ TR>" While Not Rs.eof Outhtml = Outhtml & "<TR > "For i = 0 to rs.fields.count-1 FieldType = rs.fields (i) .type fieldValue = rs.fields (i) .value select case fieldtype case 128 outhtml = outhtml &" <td> [binary] </ TD> "Case 205 Outhtml = Outhtml &" <TD> [Longvarbinary] </ TD> "Case Else Outhtml = Outhtml &" <TD> "& FieldValue &" </ TD> "End Select out Outhtml = OUTHTML & "</ tr>" rs.movenext Wend Outhtml = Outhtml & "</ Table>" Outhtml = Replace (Outhtml, VBCRLF, "<br>") Outhtml = Replace (Outhtml, "" "", "/" " Response.write ("VAR HTML =" "" & Outhtml & "" "& VBCRLF) Response.write (" Sthtml ("& Obj &", HTML; "& VBCRLF) Else Response.write (" Sthtml ("& Obj &", 'no record!'); "& Vbrlf) end ifrs.closset = Nothing%> cmdread.value =" Read "; cmdread.disabled = false; 4.Function.js</p> <p>Var _onjsload = null; function reloadjs (obj, jsfile) {_onjsload = function () {window.status = jsfile "is loaded.";} obj.src = jsfile;}</p> <p>function jsLoadReady () {if (_onjsload = null!) {_onjsload (); _onjsload = null;}} function FillSelect (obj, text, value) {var oOption = document.createElement ( "OPTION"); oOption.text = text OOption.Value = value; obj.add (OOption);</p> <p>Function clearSelect (OBJ) {for (var i = obj.length; i> = 0; i -) {obj.remove (i);}}</p> <p>Function settml (obj, value) {obj.innerhtml = value;}</p> <p>3. 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