Windows XP Registry Information

xiaoxiao2021-03-19  218

1, hidden flies in [my computer]

In [Start] → [Operation] → Enter [Regedit] → [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] → [Software] → [Microsoft] → [Windows] → [CurrentVersion] → [Policies] → [Explorer] → Add a DWORD value [NODRIVES] Numerical information, please use the decimal and the following settings to hide the A disk is [1], hidden the B disk is double the A disk [2], hidden the C disk is a double ie [4], such push, such as all hidden [67108863]

2, solve the problem of forgetting the user login password

If the user forgetting the login password can be solved by the following method to press [F8] and the selection [Safe Mode with command prompt] [Administrator], the window will add a user with the [NET] command to add a user. , Increases a user name as alanhkg888, and the command syntax is the following NET user alanhkg888 / add will increase the new user to the administrator. Example: Improve the power that just increase the user Alanhkg888, the command syntax is the following Net localgroup administrators alanhkg888 / add completed the above steps After restarting the computer, add a user alanhkg888 on the startup screen, select the Alanhkg888 to enter the login in [Console] → [Users Account] → Select the user who wants the password, then select [uninstall password] after [etc. ] In the login screen, the original user can be removed without the case of the password (due to uninstalled), in [Console] → [Users Account] → Select [Alanhkg888], then select [Uninstall Account 〕 You can * not applicable to forget the password set when you installed [Administrator]

3. Cancel the validity period of the user password

Right-click [My Computer] → → 本 使用 使用 者 → → → → → 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选 选】

4, change the optical drive name in [My Computer]

In [Start] → [Operation] → Enter [Regedit] → HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] → [Software] → [Microsoft] → [Windows] → [CurrentVersion] → In [Explorer], add a primary button name [DriveInicons] DRIVEICONS】 Add a primary key name equal to the optical drive code, such as e Drive is [E], add a primary key name [DEFAULTLABEL] to [E] [E] to add the value of [defaultlabel]. CD-ROM brand name, for example [Lite-on 0841]

5, change the flop drive driver number

In [Start] → [Operation] → Enter [CompMgmt.MSC] → [Computer Management (Nail)] → [Storage] → [Disk Management] → Soft Drive Right-click on the right side window to change the code [ Change floppy drive number and path] → [Change] → Changed in [Specifies the following flop drive number]

6, stop [digital signature] check when installing the driver

Press Start / Console / System / Hardware / Driver Sign / Selection [Slightly - Direct Install Software, you don't need my consent]

7, modify the login files of other users

In [Start] → [Operation] → Key [Regedit] → Select [HKEY_USERS] and press [Document "→ [Load HIVE Control] to open [Documents and Settings / User Name] folder selection [NTUSER.DAT]

Note: 1. [User Name] For users who need to modify the login file 2. [NTUSER.DAT] is the hidden file and then press [Start] and pop-up the dialog window in [primary key name] Enter the user name or any custom name. In [HKEY_USERS], there is a folder that just entered [primary key name] this file is the user's login file. After the modification is complete, select the folder just enter the [primary key name], then press [Login " Editing Program → [File] → [Hive Remover] 8, join the security mode to the start of the computer.

First backup [boot.ini] file to prevent Boot.ini to open Boot.ini with Notepad to make Multi (x) disk (x) rdisk (x) partition (x) / windows = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional" / FastDetect copies more One line, then modified to multi (x) disk (x) rdisk (x) partition (x) / windows = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional Safeboot" / FastDeteCT then saved in [Start] → [Run] → Enter [MSconfig] Msconfig] → [Boot.ini] then select Multi (x) disk (x) rdisk (x) partition (x) / windows = "Microsoft Windows XP Professional Safeboot" / FastDete in [boot option] [/ saveboot] One of the following selections on the right: minimal = minimum driver network = support network dsrepair = directory repair minimal (alternate shell) = standard resource management desktop reopened menu will have more Microsoft Windows XP Professional Safeboot Selection

9. Display a personalized flag and content in system content

First make a name of the [OEMLOGO.BMP] flag pattern size is approximately 90x90pixels, exist [/ windows / system32] and then edit a file with a notepad [OEMINFO.INI] [/ windows / system32], content for:

[General] manufacturer = [Fill in the company name] MODEL = [Fill in computer model] [support information] line1 = [fill in the information 1] line2 = [fill in the information] line3 = [fill in the information] line4 = [资 资] line4 = Fill in four]

If the content is not enough to fill in, you can increase the line5, line6 .... Right-click [My Computer] icon selection [content] can be seen

10. Change the registered name and organization name

In [start] → [Run] → enter [regedit] → [Option] → [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft] → [] → [Windows NT] → [CurrentVersion] change the value data [] RegisteredOwner new registrant name change [RegisteredOrganization ] The data value is the new registration organization name

11, open Command Prompt in the specified directory

In [Start] → [Operation] → Enter [Regedit] → Select [HKEY_CLASS_ROOT] → [Directory] → [shell] → Add a primary key [commandprompt] preset value [in Command Prompt] Added [CommandPROMPT] A primary key [Command] preset value is [CMD.exe CD% 1] After the resource manager is completed, right-click the mouse under the resource manager. The option will appear [in Command Prompt] If you don't know how to modify it, you can download it here. , Then decompress, double-click the mouse to complete the installation 12 in CommandPROMPT.REG, first display the file name when using the dir command

When DOS PROMPT uses the dir command, it is displayed first. After this change becomes first display file name mouse right click [My Computer] icon → Select [Content] → [Advance] → [Environment Variable] → [System Variable] → [New] Fill in [Variable Name] [DIRCMD] Fill in [Variable Value] [/ -N] Press [Confirmation]

13, make good use of Command Prompt

Copy the contents of the Command Prompt Right-click Mouse → Select [Tag] and select the range to copy again and then right-click the mouse on the title of Command Prompt (within Command Prompt Windows) → Select [Edit] → [Copy] Paste [Scrapbook] Contents Right click on the mouse in the need to paste → select [Paste] Search file in Windows XP [Search] function speed, using Command Prompt DIR / S command function will be fast Double DOS command Description The syntax use of the DOS command can be used to enter [HELP] or after the command, if the command is added [/?], It will be displayed to reuse the entered command button [↑] or [↓] The key will display the used commands, which is the same as the DOS command [DOSKEY]

14. Temporary settings is [Computer System Administrator]

Some work is in the [restricted account], it is uncomfortable, such as replacing the hardware driver, installing software, etc., can be used without [cancellation] [computer system administrator] as follows [Shift] The key will appear in the icon of the project with a mouse button, and one window will appear in [Run Identity] after running the identity, and then enter [Password] and then enter [password] and then enter [password]. [Computer System Administrator] use power

15 - Extension of the input file in the use of running files

Some files such as [devmgmt.msc] must enter the entire run file name in runtime, the adjustment can be used to save the extension of the input file, such as [.MSC] in [.MSC] → [system] → [ System content] → [Advanced] → [PATHEXT] → Select [Edit] [editing system variable]] Add [.MSC] and use [;] 分 → [confirmation 〕 After the change [devmgmt.msc] is used when the [devmgmt.msc] can be entered in [DEVMGMT].

16, add administrator to the login menu

When you start entering Windows XP, your login screen re-enters the login menu inner [start] → [operation] → enter [regedit] → [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] → [Software] → [Microsoft] → [Windows NT] → [CurrentVersion] → [WinLogon] → [SpecialAccounts] → In [UserList] Add a [DWORD] value [value name] is [administrator], numerical information is [1] = display [0] = Hide

17. Automatically change the file name

Windows XP hides the function that can be changed to change the file name, but only change the file name (1), (2), (3) ... (1) First select the file you want to change the name, Then press the SHIFT button, right-click the mouse, now you can release the Shift key (2) and select [Resmium] (3) Click on the first file and change the desired name, this name is optional, this The sample is started with (000), and then adds (01) after the name, optionally other names such as (files), etc. (4) Change all file names after any blank place in the mouse point folder. 18, change the size of the resource manager thumbnail

Usually Windows XP presets are previewed in 96x96, if you need smaller preview specifications, there is a way to fix you in [Start] → [Run] → Enter [Regedit] → [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] → [Software → [Microsoft] → [Windows] → [CurrentVersion] → [Explorer] -------------- Add [DWORD] [thumbnails] = numerical information in [32] to [256] Room (ten into position)

19, ready to use [Notepad] to open the file

When [Resource Manager], you need to use [Notepad] to open the file, if you press the modification, you can right click on the mouse, and the options are available in [Use Notepad], [Start] → [Run] → Enter [regedit] → [hkey_local_machine] → [Software] → [Classes] → [*] In this new [primary key] named [shell] in [shell], add another [primary key] [openinnotepad] [OpenInnotepad] Add a string value numerical information to [Use Notepad to open] and then add a [primary key] in [openinnotepad] [Command] In [Command] Add a string value numerical data [NOTEPAD.EXE "%1"〕

20, temporarily close the login user

In some cases you need to temporarily close your computer users, you can do a small change in regedit to achieve the purpose in [Start] → [Run] → Enter [Regedit] → [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE] → [Software] → [Microsoft] → [Windows NT] → [CurrentVersion] → [WinLogon] → [SpecialAraccounts] → [UserList] Add a [DWORD] value [value name] to turn off the user's login name, numerical data is [0] If you need to reopen this Users only need to change the numerical data to [1]

21. Fast establish a computer system data sheet to understand your own computer hardware and operating system? The following movements can help you quickly build a computer system data file in [Start] → [Run] → Enter [CMD] → Enter [SystemInfo> SystemInfo.txt] in the same directory (generally in / documents and settings / Username) The details of a computer system are generated --------- [systemInfo.txt]

22. When logging in to the screen, use the Open Number key to the preset. When you log in to Windows, your computer will ask you to enter your password, but your number of getting up Numlock often does not illuminate, Windows XP login database can help you solve This problem is in [Start] → [Run] → Enter [.deit] → [HKEY_USERS] → [.default] → [Control Panel] → [Keyboard] → Send Numerical Name [InitialKeyboardIndicators) to [2]

23, login [regedit] Keep the root directory Windows XP in the open [regedit], will stay at the last use, and open the [regedit] when the following modified [regedit] is stopped on the root directory [start] → [ Running] → Enter [regedit] → [HKEY_CURRENT_USER] → [Software] → [WINDOFT] → [Windows] → [CurrentVersion] → [Applets] → [regedit] → select [LastKey] and clear the relevant numerical data and then on the left window [Regedit] Right click on the mouse → select [Use permission] → in [Administrators permission] on all the elections [refusal] 24, "Stepping on the landmines" is paused After opening the landmine, first press the mouse on any one. Key, start the game, then press the left, right-click, then press the "ESC" button above the left top of the keyboard, then stop at the top of the landmines.

25. The console is right-click -> Select Right-click -> -> Select Enter ControlPanel. {21EC2020-3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B9D} Press to complete

26. Both the recycle bin in the start column right click to press -> Select Right-click -> -> Select Enter Recyclebin. {645FF040-5081 -101B-9F08, 00AA002F954E} can be revived (1) action, delete it by if you want to delete it.

27, change the recycling station to press Key -> Press -> Enter regedit Press -> Press -> to find and press <645FF04 ........> Fit (one) Press the to right - Use the mouse -> Select -> In Enter the name you want

28. Change the folder background Open -> Press -> Select Select

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