SOA: Building a better corporate application architecture

xiaoxiao2021-03-20  250

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is definitely a hot. However, whether the network is re-adjusted to the timing of the Web service application mature? Since the Web service plan is still in an early stage, most organizations have been cautiously improve IT infrastructure to comply with this trend. At least, this is the idea behind the service architecture (SOA). This hottest concept is highly respected by web service providers, analysts and fantasies. SOA may be a good thing - premise is implemented. Strictly speaking, SOA is not a new concept, just a way to provide application functions over the network. The principle is to improve resource efficiency by extracting the application from the underlying hardware. With software components that can be reused, you can simplify the development of custom applications, so that IT staff can more effectively meet the needs of end users more effectively compared to services that depend on specific servers. Not long ago, this concept is still difficult to practice, mainly because SOA has always rely on exclusive middleware, which often has no more efficient. The emergence of web services has changed this situation. Since the entire industry is invested in XML, Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web Service Description Language (WSDL), and General Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) standardization, use all competitive vendors supported, discovery And calling services. SOA is more than just a collection of web services, but also the technical architecture required to publish, discovery, run and manage services to support enterprise applications. Although Web services have indeed simplified SOA promotion, it still affects network performance and key decisions for IT security. Unsuccessful web services allow design SOA to complicate. It is still struggling to respond to XML companies face constant standards. It is originally known from different markets to provide SOA solutions, claiming to provide the most important part of this architecture, whether management, security and development tools, or SOA is different from the intermediate parts of a separate Web service - Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). Some of these solutions are critical to SOA, and others will rely on existing IT architecture and organizational goals. It is worth mentioning that SOA is not a suit application software, and it is impossible to purchase from which vendor is purchased. In fact, SOA may not require any additional software or technology at all. The main advantage of the SOA on the road application effect is flexible. Unlike previous computing models such as client / server and mainframe environments, SOA provides IT function as a cross-platform sharing service. This brings a lot of benefits, but the most immediate view is to obtain a significant return on investment by reused existing assets. Once there is a set of web services in SOA, this repeated use will be sharply larger, this is the "SOA network effect". The value of the SOA will increase with the number of available services and the number of different applications that use these services, or the number of users. This value will increasing over time. If SOA is utilized inside and outside the organization, the growth will be more amazing. Enterprises begin to allow SOA for internal services, and then expand the scope to facilitate customers. This needs to exchange XML data with business partners, which is increasingly common in telecommunications and tourism industry. SOA also helps the customer's B2B application, in which case the user does not know the underlying infrastructure. For example, a bank can use the customer's portal to support customer query and request access to multiple legacy backend systems. The SOA solution can use these functions as a web service to provide customers-oriented portals and bank internal employees. This reduces the internal integration of full access to legacy system features, as all applications use the same SOA interface. The flexibility of SOA can also benefit organizations because applications can be accelerated, and the cost can be reduced by repeating hardware components and software components.

The quality of this way to develop applications may be higher than independent development because the components are pre-test, and the web service interface has also been verified. These benefits are never speculated. Motorcycle Manufacturer Harley-Davidson can develop and promote IP telephony systems in just three years, to be integrated with Web services in just three years. The company runs the WebLogic application of the BEA Systems and complements the Java framework designed to build SOAP services that can be reused. VoIP links can be reused using a dealer that is originally designed for CRM application. Applications developed for SOA have a speed, concise and quality that many analysts believe that such an architecture is a method that enables corporate goals with IT services and functions. If implemented reasonable, its flexibility will penetrate throughout the network, and even the entire organization. The IT department can change the technology at will without having to change the available services; companies can also change their applications or business processes, and IT architectures are extremely small. SOA flexibility is particularly important when trying to integrate different systems (such as enterprise mergers and acquisitions). For example, after natural growth and multiple mergers, office supplies retailers Staples found actually in use five duplicate credit card authorization systems. StAples then implements a Web service that is used by the five systems, rather than switching with a single authorization system, or building multiple interfaces to connect to each backend application. SOA provides runtime support, management, and security features, so that five banks and ticket exchanges can provide best service for a payment, and Staples can forward credit card transaction information. Today, Staples will forward 100,000 transaction information a year. SOA without Web services faces challenges that can implement SOA without web services. This concept has existed since the development of object-oriented techniques, which is expressed as a remote process call (RPC) middleware solution, such as Microsoft RPC and Java Remote Method Call (RMI). These solutions are implemented based on the Public Object Request Agent Architecture (CORBA), Distributed Computing Environment (DCE), and Component Object Model / Distributed Component Object Model (COM / DCOM), implemented synchronous client / server communication mode. An application acts as a client and another acts as a server. Compared to Web services, this model has two shortcomings: First, the synchronization operation slows down the running speed of the application because the client is always idle before the server completes the request processing. Second, similar RPC solutions are usually proprietary and cannot work cross-platform. The biggest problem is to find a single RPC solution that is compatible with various desired programming tools and computing platforms. For example, although Corba has received the most widely placed platform and language support, it is very complicated and expensive. Java has built-in support for Corba and RMI; Microsoft's Windows supports DCOM and Microsoft RPC; most Linux and UNIX platforms support Open Network Calculation (ONC) RPC. In this way, the cross-heteroric computing environment implements a single RPC solution. Message-oriented middleware (MOM) has played a role in resolving two issues of RPC. The MOM solution is implemented as an asynchronous peer communication mode, so that the application is waiting for the response from another application, you can continue to handle normal transactions, such as IBM's WebSphere MQ, Sonic Software SonicMQ, Microsoft's MSMQ and Tibco Software's rendezvous. This method is usually related to loose coupling connection, so that the message processing method has a greater independence. However, MOM also brought a problem while solving the problem.

The disadvantage of the MOM solution is that it is often complicated than basic RPCs and is also expensive. Although the Java platform provides a Java Message Service (JMS) API, you can connect to almost many MOM products, but SonicMQ cannot work with WebSphere MQ, and WebSphere MQ cannot contact Rendezvous. These two application systems want to contact, they must use the same middleware layer. SOA using web services is similar to SOA using MOM, but the exclusive middleware is replaced with an open standard that supports synchronous RPC and asynchronous messaging. Regardless of the SOA running on Sun's J2EE, Microsoft's .NET, or running on legacy platforms, using the same industry standard --XML to provide services. Registration Center, ESB and WSM are the core SOA of SOA to work, and there are many core architectural elements. The first part of most SOA users will see is the Services Registry, which is typically based on the XML standard-index-index-oriented Web service directory. The second part is the enterprise service bus (ESB), also called a web service agent, which is responsible for processing messages, forward traffic to the most suitable application or service. Esb is now increasingly combined with the Monitoring SOA Performance Web Service Management (WSM) platform. Finally, Web service security or identity management solutions are often less. 1. Requires Registration Service Registry to act as a library, stored in SOA's Web service information. The registration center itself is published using UDDI, and the client requires a WSDL document when calling the service. Thus, clients or users can browse UDDI registry and request the WSDL documentation required for a service. Some vendors offer UDDI registry through separate products, such as Systinet, Cape Clear Software, IBM, Microsoft and Novell. However, to build SOA, the service registry that bundled with the WSM platform of Digital Evolution and other companies may be more attractive, because both can be tightly integrated. WSM itself provides a runtime environment for calling a web service, and is responsible for the management of services, executing the Service Level Agreement (SLA). The SOA market has a lot of solutions, including Actional, Amberpoint, Infravio, and Service Integrity. Some WSM vendors emphasize that they provide different features in this large class, but they usually provide similar features. For example, Digital Evolution emphasizes security and reliable message transfer function; Infravio emphasizes the function of managing SLA; Service Integrity emphasizes monitoring and visibility; other manufacturers emphasize load balancing and fault replacement. WSM vendors are also integrating other product categories, including two categories of security and ESB, aimed to gradually build a complete SOA solution. 2. Mixing is now available, no manufacturers can provide a single, integrated solution. SOA also needs ESB to parse XML into SOAP messages or other web service messages, and then forward or convert these messages accordingly. The ESB designed to enhance the existing IT architecture also provides a series of robust features to the organization that start migration to SOA. Many vendors provide independent ESB, including Sonic, Fiorano Software, Cape Clear, and Blue Titan. Some analysts expect that WSM systems and ESB will tend to fuse in the future because both functions have overlap. In fact, a white paper for ESB claims that ESB is "pre-packaged SOA implementation, which already includes the functional components necessary for the implementation of the SOA target."

This exaggerated resignation ignores many of the core functions of SOA, such as management and service discovery functions. The ESB function is a key aspect of any SOA, but only it is not enough. 3. Service security is the same as other resources on the network, Web services need to be secure. Web service security standards have become the focus of all manufacturers, which tend to be divided into two categories: web service security itself and federated identity management. These two categories provide a number of options for specific implementation. WSM solutions (such as Digital Evolution) often include support for basic Web service security standards, while FORUM SYSTEMS and REACTIVITY provide dedicated security devices. Joint identity management is usually included in the single login (SSO) solution of NetEgrity, Tivoli, RSA Security and Novell. Web Services Safety through Web Service Security (WS-Security) and Security Declaration Markup Language (SAML), meets the needs of verification, authorization, confidentiality, and data integrity. WS-Security and SAML are based on existing security standards, from the basic safety sleeve layer (SSL), X.509 certificate, XML sign to XML encryption. The Liberty Alliance is responsible for most of the standards based on standard joint identities. SAML-based joint identity links permissions to identity. In SOA, users and applications must have identity. As web services are integrated from internal integration projects, the joint identity is increasingly important as Web services from internal integration projects. This will lead to WSM vendors and identity management vendors to strengthen cooperation. The former has a solution to protect Web service security, which has expanded the SSO solution to support web service applications and SOA. An additional approach is as wonderful in addition to registration centers, ESBs, and WSM, most SOA also includes other parts depending on organization specific needs. If a company's own development tool, web service development and programming tools are required, such as integrated development environment (IDE) and WSDL compilers. Once SOA reaches a critical quantity, the core architecture may also receive additional emerging solutions. Some of these programs are very attractive. For example, SOA policies and regulatory solutions can help web designers define and implement web service access rules. Metadata is also important because XML has unlimited scalability. The WSM solution must be able to handle all the elements in the Web service document. Even if there is no SOA, Web services also need to use additional products. XML acceleration or security equipment can provide progressive improvement performance when the number of Web services inside the organization is booming. In order to implement SOA, several recommendations of the SOA market appeared in the SOA market. SOA Edition provides advanced tools to help companies build and run SOA and other web services to call the old manufacturers with huge users. Old manufacturers such as IBM, Microsoft, SAP and Oracle will never easily control the control power to WSM and ESB vendors. The problem that the web designer really facing is to identify the main cause of the implementation of SOA. These mothers are usually related to many of the business and technical issues from SOA flexibility. For example, often starting the SOA and Web services plans are some crucial business needs, such as gets revenue and customer loyalty, increase internal IT and business efficiency, or reduce costs. Understand this, help to clarify which SOA core solutions are needed, as well as the successful order. For example, if the main function of SOA is to provide an external Web service, then the most important feature is a reliable security and WSM solution.

If an initial goal of a group is committed to integration, an investment return can be obtained using a Web Service Replace or Supplement Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) policy. In this case, SOA may require ESB and combine solutions to existing messaging and integrated skills. Existing user groups will also affect decisions that migrate to SOA. Organizations with J2EE architectures may develop SOA policies based on application server solutions such as BEA WebLogic or IBM WebSphere. In the same way, SAP users will tend to use NetWeaver as the center of SOA. However, these views ignore two key issues. First of all, these technical solutions themselves are not SOA; second, SOA is not involving which vendor or which product, but involves making IT staff to make a more rapid response to the needs of the organization. The ideal SOA initially developed from a business perspective and has nothing to do with any manufacturer. This ensures that the focus can be placed on the service provided by SOA instead of product or technology. Once this large environment is established, in order to introduce and support SOA, the existing IT architecture and application portfolio should be assessed; new SOA solutions should also be investigated to build a robust SOA core. Each vendor naturally claims that his SOA scheme is the most important. ESB, WSM, UDDI, and security vendors believe that single-single solution is sufficient to convert existing IT architectures to SOA, but in fact, all of these functions are not. When designing the network, you should first pay attention to which core elements of SOA are most important to users, but this is just the first step. In the future, a comprehensive SOA solution may also be needed. In the end, the SOA solution must always support the goal of the organization. Perhaps, the true console in SOA is to keep this focus. Implementing SOA must first be business decisions, followed by the technique selection as described above. If the IT supervisor can firmly grasp this focus, it will not move to the downtime between the manufacturer, so that SOA demand is consistent with the business goal. Note: Noun explanation ● UDDI Service Registry allows Web services to be seen by the application. Encourage developers to release all services to the UDDI Registry, which provides a platform for reuse code and sharing applications. It is often the first step to migrate to SOA. ● Enterprise Service Bus provides a reliable message transfer and data integration basis. Analyze the XML message, for forwarding and conversion based on content. ● Web service management provides visibility and management for web services. Monitor service availability to ensure service quality, execute SLA (service level protocol). It is also responsible for handling load balancing, fault replacement, and Web service reliable messaging. ● Web service security provides a security environment for Web services accessed by external users or applications. Includes encryption, digital signature, verification, authorization, confidentiality, data integrity, and non-denial. It may be combined with the joint identity management solution. SOA risk assessment is a concept, SOA is mature. But the Web service technology for achieving SOA is not mature. Core standards such as XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI are accepted throughout the industry, while other standards such as security are still in development. Many organizations have to invest in SOA, which is necessary to further determine what SOA is clear and operating results. SOA can also be implemented without web services, and has a precedent, this fact is inspiring. This means that since the WEB service has a lower cost, it is even more likely to succeed in successful use of existing IT assets. SOA can adopt many programs through many methods, but for each organization, their respective benefits are not obvious. If the user's demand in design and expansion is overwhelming, the SOA and Web services will bring a huge impact. Measuring the scale of success should be linked to the organization's goals and performance. Even if business and IT is not tight, SOA will also give the internal IT system to improve the satisfaction of internal customers.

There are two risks in SOA: a risk is that it is too early or too late to SOA, and it is not possible to fully explore the potential of cost savings. Another risk is that SOA is not implemented (that is, without web services), it may cause Tissue is outdated, the proprietary technology cables. The SOA's role is an application development architecture for the service architecture (SOA) to make IT more focused on business processes rather than the underlying IT infrastructure to obtain a higher level of application development architecture for competitive advantage. SOA Enterprises that need to use information technology to resolve critical business issues (including intensive redundant architectures, creating public business interfaces across customers and employee systems; companies that need to provide personalized information based on roles and workflows; It is also valuable to achieve internet sales, upgrade sales, and access to customers' services via Internet to enhance customer service. Enterprises using service-driven methods experience the following services and IT benefits: Service-oriented service benefits: Work processes from "chimney", repetitive processes to maintain a low high-use, shared service application transformation. Response: Express and transmit critical business services to meet market needs, serve customers, employees, and partners. Adaptability: More efficient transfer to make the entire business complex and smaller, and achieve the purpose of saving time and funding. IT benefits for service architecture

The complexity is reduced: the complexity is reduced compared to the integration of point-to-point based on standard compatibility. Reuse increase: By reuse the previously developed and deployed sharing services, more efficient application / project development and delivery are achieved. Legacy integration: legacy applications used as reusable services Reduce the cost of maintenance and integration. Today's service-driven enterprises are experiencing the development of high efficiency, high reliability and service high quality to maximize these benefits brought about by business opportunities.


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