Extended storage procedure in SQL Server

xiaoxiao2021-03-30  225

- Get the version number of MS SQL EXECUTE MASTER..SP_MSGETVERSION

- Get a hard disk file information - Parameter description: Directory name, directory depth, whether to display file execute master..xp_dirtree 'c:' execute master..xp_dirtree 'c:', 1 execute master..xp_dirtree 'C:', 1,1

- List all OLEDB provided by all OLEDBs installed on the server Execute master..xp_enum_oledb_providers

- List all code pages installed on the server Execute master..xp_enumcodepages

- List the DSN Execute Master..xp_enumdsn configured on the server

- List the list of SQL Server Error Logs, last update time Execute master..xp_enumerrorlogs

- List all Windows local groups of Windows local groups on the server Execute Master..x_enumgroups

- Detection file existence EXECUTE MASTER..xp_fileexist 'c: /a.bak'

Declare @flag int

Exec master..xp_fileexist 'c: /abc.bak', @ flag Out

IF @ flag = 1 Begin Print 'EXST' END ELSE BEGIN Print 'No EXIST' END

- List the fixed drive on the server, and the available space of each drive Execute master..x_fixedDrives

- Get the computer name of the current SQL Server server EXECUTE MASTER..XP_GETNETNAME

- List the specific content of the current error log exec [master]. [Dbo]. [XP_ReaderrorLog]

- List all the next grade subdirectories of the specified directory EXEC [Master]. [Dbo]. [XP_SUBDIRS] 'C: / WinNT'

--- List the name of the drive - the idle space in bytes - Type: Soft drive (1), hard disk (2), CD-ROM (8) EXEC [Master]. DBO]. [xp_availablemedia] - The effect is as follows:

Name Low Free High Free Media Type C: / 1270386688 0 2 D: / 1726824448 2 2 E: / 875053056 10 2 f: / 0 0 8

There is also in [Master]. [Dbo]. [Sp_addlogin] has an encryption function PWDENCRYPT, everyone is interested, you can try



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