xiaoxiao2021-03-30  224

Monitoring and Tracking Trace Customizable Trace Information Web Event Recording Tracking Mechanism runs through the page execution cycle, and captures details of various pages submitting information

TRACE Using Page Level Tracking <% @ Page Trace = "True" TRACEMODE = "Sortbycategory"%> Tracemode = "Sortbycategory" Display TRACEMODE = "SortbyTiem" Press Time Display Track Information Trace.Write and Trace.Warm Attributes

Application Level Tracking Web.config Configuration Access TRACE object via coding

-------------------------------------------------- - Error handling error handling mechanism is provided to development processes for tracking errors in application code, and reporting this error in ASP.NET, there are 4 possible error configuration errors, grammar, errors, compilation errors, Runtime error <% @ page debug = "true"%> and in web.config

Customize the wrong page? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -----