Apache server implements user authentication

zhaozj2021-02-16  107

Very simple, you don't have to watch it. ^ _ ^ Original: http://sjemayi.126.comhttp://mayi545.mblogger.cn

Source: traces of gray: Passengers please indicate the source :)

Apache Server Implementing User Verification Apache Server has built-in user verification mechanism, as long as it is set, you can control some parts of the website to implement user verification. As soon as I follow, I should easily implement user verification. Preparatory Apache must already be installed

Step 1: We build a Yanzheng directory under / var / www (Apache's home page root directory)

Mkdir /var/www/yanzhenghtp://

Step 2. Then we edit content in httpd.conf httpd.conf Lane added Allowoverride noneorder allow, denyallow from allauthtype basicauthname "qing shu ru yong hu ming he mi ma!" Authuserfile / etc / .htpasswdrequire valid-user


Step 3 is to create an Apache's verification user htpasswd -c /etc/.htpasswd mayiHttp: // 81 / mayi / yz / 3.jpg # will prompt the input password # / etc / .htpasswd is the password file storage Where the Mayi is a verification user # for the first time, creating a user to use the -c parameter for the second addition of the user, if you do not use the -c parameter If you want to change your password, you can click Htpasswd -m /etc/.htpasswd Mayi

OK, restart the Apache service, then access http: // Your website address / yanzheng If you go smoothly, you should be able to see a user-validated pop-up window, just fill in the username and password created by step 4.

Http:// // The following is a comment in httpd.conf

#The directory, that is, when accessing this directory, you will prompt the username and password, Allowoverride None # represents authentication. Server ignores the setting of the access control file Order Allow, Denyallow from ALL # Trust anywhere's ipauthty basIC # authtype specifies the type of authentication. In http1.0, there is only one certification type: Basic. There are several types of certification in HTTP1.1, such as: MD5. Authname "Qing Shu Ru Yong Hu Ming He Mi MA!" # 弹 弹 出 a 地))))))))))) 或)) 地))) 地 用户 用户 地 用户 用户 用户 用户 用户 用户The group can be licensed. Such as: Require User1 User2 (User 1 and User2 can be accessed) Require Valid-User (any user can be accessed in AuthiSerfile)


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