xiaoxiao2021-03-31  235

Building a daily construction, a new concept for our team. With the progress of project development, the development process needs timely feedback to some of the BUG and functional requirements. In this case, a version of Build every day or after a period of time, the workload is still relatively large, so it is especially necessary to introduce daily construction. Regarding the daily construction, there are many articles in the garden, especially the "Daily Build - NANT" in the .NET Environment - NANT article is more convinced and practical. Introduction If you implement daily every day in the .NET environment. But unfortunately, I didn't see this article before I achieved daily construction, I missed a quick entry, but fortunately, after a day research and study, I have encountered myself in the learning configuration process. The problem summarizes, it is a supplement to the daily building implementation method.

I am built daily in Windows 2003, using CruiseControl.net automatically detects and downloads the latest source code from the VSS server, and then automatically compile the solution with MSBuild. Using CCTRAY, you can monitor the situation of daily builds to learn about CruiseControl.NET.

After downloading CCNET after downloading, the most important job is to configure CCNET.CONFIG. This file can be found in the Server subdirectory in the installation directory. Although there is a help file support and there is an example configuration file in the Examples directory, but it is not easy to configure this file correctly. In CCNET.CONFIG, you can create multiple configuration information configuration information to monitor items. Including: Each version of the identification method, the source code library type and login information, project status management, each build the task to be executed, the execution cycle. The following is my configuration file:



$ /



// 192.168. *. * / vss server





* Build Publisher

* Email Publisher


* File Merge Task

* ForceBuildPublisher

* Modification Writer Task

* MSBuild Task

* Nant Task

* Null Task

* NUnit Task

* Visual Studio Task

* XML log Publisher


C: /Windows / Microsoft.net/framework/v2.0.50727/msbuild.exe

Code / *. SLN


wishtworks.cruiseControl.msbuild.xmllogger, thoughtworks.cruiseControl.msbuild.dll



E: / CCNET / CODE / Manager

E: / CCNET / PUBLISH / Manager

The above is the configuration of the monitoring of a project, of course, multiple different items can also be created. Then run the CCNET.EXE everyday build, the CCNET.EXE.CONFIG file is the configuration of the current CCNET server working environment. You can work without modifying. If you want to configure the listening port number, etc..

In the WebDashboard directory, feedback on the current CCNET through the web. I don't know if I am confirmed, I only see an error message. But through CCTRAY can make more convenient monitoring and management build processes. After installing CCTRAY, open the Setting Configuration Card File> Settings

Click on the ADD button on the right to add a server to be monitored. Here you can set various sounds such as build, success, failure.

Enter the server you want to monitor in the text box below. If it is the default port number, you do not need to enter the port number, otherwise, ":" is required to separate the input port number. If you add success, you will appear in the current PROJECT list box in the right of the current CCNET server. OK returns to the main window.

In the main form, there is a current server state, the last compilation time, the last version number, the next generation time, etc. The FORCE building button below can also be enforced immediately.

Last describes that MSBuild will automatically compile the project according to the current project file or solution file, without writing any profile. In ASP.NET 2.0, the web engineering is a new Web Site mode, which may have a certain impact on compilation. So recommend the Web Application Project Web Engineering Model of VS 2005.

CruiseControl.net official address:

See: http://dflying.cnblogs.com/rchive/2006/04/06/368203.html

For more information on MSBuild, please refer to the relevant information, or view the MSDN.


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