MYSQL5.0 installation method

xiaoxiao2021-03-31  220

The source package can be obtained at this URL: first talks, when installing MySQL, the default uses Latin1 encoding, if you want to change the default encoding, use options --with-charST, for example: shell> ./configure --with-charset = charset charset can make the following: `big5 ',` cp1251', `cp1257 ',` czech', `danish ',` DEC8 ', `DOS',` Euc_kr ', `GB2312',` GBK ', `german1',` hebrew ', `hp8',` hungarian ', `Koi8_ru',` Koi8_ukr ', `Latin1',` Latin2 ' , `sjis ',` SWE7', `TIS620 ',` ujis', `USA7 ', OR` WIN1251UKR'. See * Note Character-sets ::. All of these Actions Requires Root Permissions Installation: Shell> GroupAdd MySQL Shell> UserAdd -g mysql mysql shell> gunzip cd mysql-version shell> ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / mysql --with-charset = GB2312 Shell > Make Shell> Make Install Shell> CP Support-Files / My-Medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf shell> CD / USR / local / mysql shell> bin / mysql_install_db --user = mysql shell> chown -r root. Shell> chn -r mysql var shell> chgrp -r mysql. shell> bin / mysqld_safe --user = mysql & (is very important to start with mysql users.) Shell> bin / mysql -u root -p (enter password, default password) It is empty, you will enter it directly) Shell> can't Connect to local mysql server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) If the above prompt appears, the mysql service is not started normally, because the mysql service is started, will automatically generate the mysql.sock file shell> KILLALL MYSQL kill all mysql process, restart shell> bin / mysql_install_db --user = mysql restart shell> bin / mysql -u root -p switched over author: yzcdf by me add the following note: cp /../suppots -files / mysql.server / etc / chown 775 mysql.server mysql.server Start Run Bin / MySQL to enter mysql>


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