Production explosion effect
The explosion effect is indispensable in various games. Methods that produce this effect is diverse,
This article introduces a simpler algorithm to throw bricks :) Here only gives the necessary code,
Please understand your own. If you have a better algorithm, please also give the Yunfeng :) ~
In order to improve the speed, the head demo screen is 40x40x32 frames. The following algorithm will generate an image of 80x80x64 frames.
First, you have to create a palette, we need to use 16 colors (you can below)
# 000000 # 100000 # 2C0000 # 480000 # 650000 # 810000 # a10000 # c20000 # e20000 # ff0000 # ff6500 # ff9500 # ffc600 # fff00 # fff7d # fffff
The following is not an available program, what you want to do is to read it :)
#define frame number 64
#define picture size 80
#define rendering number 32
/ * The more rendering times, the larger the block area in the explosive picture will be larger * /
Void Creates an explosion effect ()
UNSIGNED CHAR screen [picture size] [picture size];
/ * In this array eventually stores an integer of 0 to 15, corresponding to 16 colors in the above coloring plate
* /
Long Int C, C2, X, Y, XX, YY, Color;
Struct {
Long Int x, Y, XC, YC;
} HOT [rendering];
For (c = 0; c Hot [c] .x = hot [c] .y = (Screen Size / 2) << 16; Hot [c] .xc = -0x7FFF to 0x8000 random number; The random number between Hot [c] .yc = -0x7ffff to 0x8000; } FOR (c = 0; c Empty screen; Color = ((c <16)? C * 4: (80-c)) >> 2; For (C2 = 0; C2 For (x = -6; x <= 6; x ) { FOR (Y = -6; y <= 6; y ) { XX = (Hot [C2] .x >> 16) x; YY = (Hot [c2] .y >> 16) Y; IF ((xx> 0) && (YY> 0) && (xx Screen [YY] [XX] = (Color >> ((ABS (x) ABS (Y)) / 3)); IF (picture [yy] [xx]> 63) Screen [yy] [xx] = 63; } } } Hot [c2] .x = hot [c2] .xc; Hot [c2] .y = HOT [C2] .yc; } FOR (x = 0; x FOR (Y = 0; Y C2 = screen [y] [x]; IF (C2 <8) Screen [Y] = 0; Else Screen [Y] = C2 / 4; } } } Storage screen to the explosion animation first CF frame; } A little suggestion: You can use this algorithm to generate an explosive animation. Cyclic playback when needed. Yunfeng studio production