Open source framework for developing RSS aggregation

xiaoxiao2021-04-03  244

Rome Basic Introduction

Recently, companies have to develop a base with Java's RSS reader, but time is tight, find an open source framework Rome, Rome does not refer to Rome. Don't misunderstand, the Rome here is an open source Java framework, you can find it on, which is a framework developed for RSS aggregation, allowing you to quickly develop Java-based RSS reading, publisher, stand by

RSS 0.91 Netscape

RSS 0.91 Userland

RSS 0.92

RSS 0.93

RSS 0.94

RSS 1.0

RSS 2.0

Atom 0.3

Atom 1.0

Waiting for standards. You can also extend his Module yourself, let him parse your own defined XML format. It can be said that it is a very wide framework that uses it. You must download the JDOM development package because it is parsing XML with JDom.

In the Rome, the main packages are wrapped below several packages.



Data with each node in Atom


Modeule is a layer of data model. Can expand your own


Use the value in the XML node corresponding to each of the RSS

com.sun.syndication.feed.sse com.sun.syndication.Feed.Synd

This package is the attribute of XML set a node in the RSS format.

This package is input and output stream.

Its UML map

figure 1

Below is an example, the function is to generate XML in the RSS format

Public class feedwriter {

Private static final string Date_Format = "YYYY-MM-DD";

Public static void main (String [] args) {

Boolean OK = FALSE;

IF (args.length == 2) {

Try {

String feedtype = args [0];

String filename = args [1];

DateFormat DateParser = New SimpleDateFormat (Date_Format);

SYNDFEED feed = new syndfeedimpl (); // feed stream

Feed.setfeedType (feedty); // Set the RSS version

Feed.SetTitle ("Sample feed (create with rome)); // Setting title</p> <p>Feed.SetLink</p> <p>; // <link></p> <p>Feed.SetDescription ("this feed has been createding rome; java syndication utilities");</p> <p>List entries = new arraylist ();</p> <p>SyndEntry Entry;</p> <p>SyndContent description;</p> <p>Entry = new syndiffiMPL (); // child node</p> <p>Entry.SetTitle ("Rome V1.0");</p> <p>Entry.SetLink</p> <p>;</p> <p>Entry.SetPublishedDate ("2004-06-08"); Description = new syndcontentImpl ();</p> <p>Description.SetType ("text / place");</p> <p>Description.SetValue ("Initial Release of Rome");</p> <p>Entry.setdescription (Description); DESCRIPTION</p> <p>Entries.Add (entry);</p> <p>Entry = new syndiffnessImpl ();</p> <p>Entry.SetTitle ("Rome V2.0");</p> <p>Entry.SetLink</p> <p>;</p> <p>Entry.setpublishedDate (DateParser.Parse ("2004-06-16"));</p> <p>Description = new syndContentImpl (); // Description</p> <p>Description.SetType ("text / xml");</p> <p>Description.SetValue ("Bug Fixes, <XML> XML </ XML> Minor API Changes and Some New Features");</p> <p>Entry.setdescription (Description); DESCRIPTION</p> <p>Entries.Add (entry);</p> <p>Entry = new syndiffnessImpl ();</p> <p>Entry.SetTitle ("Rome V3.0");</p> <p>Entry.SetLink ("");</p> <p>Entry.SetPublisheddate (DateParser.Parse ("2004-07-27");</p> <p>Description = New SyndContentImpl ();</p> <p>Description.SetType ("text / html");</p> <p>Description.SetValue ("<p> more bug fixes, mor api changes, some new features and some unit testing </ p>" </p> <p>"<p> for details check the <a href=/""> Changes Log </a> </ p>);</p> <p>Entry.setdescription (Description); DESCRIPTION</p> <p>Entries.Add (entry);</p> <p>Feed.sentries (Entries); // Set child node</p> <p>Writer Writer = New FileWriter (FileName);</p> <p>SYNDFEEDOUTPUT OUTPUT = New Syndfeedoutput ();</p> <p>Output.output (feed, write); // Write to the file</p> <p>Writer.close ();</p> <p>System.out.println ("The Feed Has Been Written to The File");</p> <p>OK = true;</p> <p>}</p> <p>Catch (Exception EX) {</p> <p>EX.PrintStackTrace ();</p> <p>System.out.println ("Error:" ex.getMessage ());}</p> <p>}</p> <p>IF (! ok) {</p> <p>System.out.println ();</p> <p>System.out.println ("FeedWriter Creates A RSS / Atom Feed and Writes It To A File.");</p> <p>System.out.println ("The First Parameter Must Be The Syndication Format for the Feed";</p> <p>System.out.println ("(RSS_0.90, RSS_0.91, RSS_0.92, RSS_0.93, RSS_0.94, RSS_1.0 RSS_2.0 OR Atom_0.3)");</p> <p>System.out.println ("The Second Parameter Must Be the File Name for the feed";</p> <p>System.out.println ();</p> <p>}</p> <p>}</p> <p>}</p> <p>That's all. 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