Suppose you build Yousdi project.
1, get the DOC pointer in the View class
CYOUSDIDOC * PDOC = getDocument ();
2. Get the m_pmainwnd variable in the mainframe pointer in the app is the MAINFRAME's pointer.
3, get the mainframe pointer in View
CMAINFRAME * PMAIN = (cmaimframe *) AFXGetApp () -> m_pmainwnd;
4, get the View class pointer
CMAINFRAME * PMAIN = (cmaimframe *) AFXGetApp () -> m_pmainwnd;
Cyouview * pView = (cyouview *) PMain-> getActiveView ();
5, get the current document pointer
CDocument * pcurrentdoc = (cframewnd *) m_pmainwnd-> getActiveDocument ();
6, get the status bar and toolbar pointer
CSTATUSBAR * PSTATUSBAR = (cStatusbar *) AFXGETMAINWND () -> getDescendantWindow (AFX_IDW_STATUS_BAR);
CToolBar * ptoolbar = (ctoolbar *) AFXGETMAINWND () -> getDescendantWindow;
7, get menu pointer in mainframe
CMenu * pmenu = m_pmainwnd-> getMenu ();
8. Available in any class to obtain an application class MFC global function AFXGetApp ().
9, get a pointer to the view class from the document class
Position POS = getFirstViewPosition ();
CTestView * PTestView = GetNextView (POS);
To determine if a class pointer is pointed to an instance of a class, you can use the iskindof () member function to check, such as:
PView-> iskindof (runtime_class (ctestView));
10, one document can have multiple views. Each document retains and maintains a list of all relevant views.
CDocument :: AddView The view is connected to the document, and the view is added to the list of documents, and the document pointer will point to this document.