#include "ap_config.h"
#ifndef _fnmatch_h_ # define _fnmatch_h_
#ifdef __cplusplusextern "c" {#ENDIF
#define fnm_nomatch 1 / * match failed. * /
#define FNM_NOESCAPE 0x01 / * Disable backslash escaping. * / # define FNM_PATHNAME 0x02 / * Slash must be matched by slash. * / # define FNM_PERIOD 0x04 / * Period must be matched by period. * // * This flag is an Apache addition * / # define fnm_case_blind 0x08 / * Compare Characters Case-INSENSITIVELY. * /
API_EXPORT (INT) ap_fnmatch (const char *, const char *, int);
/ * this function is an apache address * / api_export (extern int) ap_is_fnmatch (const char *);
#ifdef __cplusplus} #ENDIF
#ENDIF / *! _FNMATCH_H_ * /
This file defines a string comparison function interface and the macro of the middle mark parameters of the function.