Bis Pike also Pike - several details of Pen on Graphics

xiaoxiao2021-04-03  225

Bis Pike also Pike


"10 basic skills of GDI programming"

"Rubber band"

Picture with a pen to draw a broken line on the canvas

To draw a dotted line on the Graphics object, as well as the geometry of the dashed border, the key is all on the PEN object.

Pen.dashStyle - Used to set the dotted line style. This attribute receives a Dashstyle enumeration.

Dash point line Dashdot Pictorial Picture Dashdotdot Pictorial Line Object Dot Point Solid Solid Cable Custom User Custom Line Type

Protected Override Void Onpaint (Painteventargs E)


Base.onpaint (e);

Pen P = New Pen (Color.RED);

p.dashstyle = dashstyle.dash;

E.Graphics.drawline (P, New Point (10, 10), New Point (300, 300));


Pen.dashcap - Linear pattern of the short line end point. This attribute accepts a Dash enumeration.

The FLAT is square in square. Both ends of ROUND are rounded phases. Triangle is both a triangular phase with a triangle.

Protected Override Void Onpaint (Painteventargs E)


Base.onpaint (e);

// set the smoothingmode property to smooth the line.

E.Graphics.smoothingMode =


// CREATE A New Pen Object.

Pen Greenpen = New Pen (;

// set the width to 6.

Greenpen.width = 6.0f;

// set the dashcap to round.

Greenpen.dashcap = system.drawing.drawing2d.dashcap.Round;


Greenpen.dashpattern = new float [] {4.0F, 2.0F, 1.0F, 3.0F};

// Draw a line.

E.Graphics.drawline (Greenpen, 20.0F, 20.0F, 100.0F, 240.0F);

// Change the smoothingmode to none.

E.Graphics.smoothingMode =


// Draw ANother Line.

E.Graphics.drawline (Greenpen, 100.0F, 240.0F, 160.0F, 20.0F);

// Dispose of the custom pen.

Greenpen.dispose ();


Pen.dashoffset - The starting point of the straight line to the distance of the short-stroke pattern.

Pen.dashpattern - A set of arrays in a custom shortline and blank area.

Painting the arrow line

Pen.startCap - line phase style of the straight line starting point.

Pen.endcap - Linear pattern of straight line endpoint.

Both attributes accept LineCap enumeration.

Protected Override Void Onpaint (Painteventargs E)


Base.onpaint (e);

Pen P = New Pen (Color.RED);

p.Width = 20;

P.StartCap = linecap.RoundAnchor;

p.Endcap = linecap.diamondanchor; E.Graphics.drawline (P, 50, 50, 250, 250);


Pen.customstartCap - Custom line segment starting line phase pattern.

Pen.customedcap - Custom line segment end line phases.

These two attributes accept CustomLineCap objects.

Protected Override Void Onpaint (Painteventargs E)


Base.onpaint (e);

Graphicspath hpath = new graphicspath ();

// Create The Outline for Our Custom End Cap.

HPath.Addline (New Point (0, 0), New Point (0, 5));

HPath.Addline (New Point (0, 5), New Point (5, 1));

Hpath.Addline (New Point (5, 1), New Point (3, 1));

// Construct the hook-shaped end cap.

CustomLineCap Hookcap = New CustomLinecap (NULL, HPATH);

// set the start card and end cap of the hookcap to be rounded.

Hookcap.setstrokecaps (linecap.Round, linecap.Round);

// Create a pen and set End Custom Start and End

// Caps to the hook cap.

Pen Customcappen = New Pen (Color.Black, 5);

Customcappen.customstartcap = hookcap;

Customcappen.customendcap = hookcap;

// Create a Second Pen Using the start and end caps from

// The hook cap.

Pen Cappen = New Pen (Color.Red, 10);

LineCap Startcap;


Hookcap.getstrokecaps (Out Startcap, Out EndCap);

Cappen.startcap = startcap;

Cappen.endcap = endcap;

// Create a line to draw.

Point [] Points = {New Point (100, 100), New Point (200, 50),

New Point (250, 300)};

// Draw the lines.

E.Graphics.drawlines (Cappen, Points);

E.Graphics.drawlines (Customcappen, Points);



"10 basic skills of GDI programming"

"Rubber band"


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