Common Linux command

zhaozj2021-02-16  104

(1) Install the RPM file

l Install: rpm -ivh rpm file full circuit

l Delete: rpm -e rpm file name (excluding version and extension)

l Find: rpm -q rpm file name

(2) Unzip TAR files


(3) Unzip TAR.GZ file


Or Tar Zxvf tar.gz file

(4) Copy the file in the current directory (including subdirectory)

cp -r * destination path

(5) Delete the directory (including subdirectory, not confirming)

RM -RF specified directory

(6) Find files in the specified path

Find specified path - Name file name

(7) Creating a connection

LN -S directory full road connection name

(8) View the specified process

PS AUX | GREP Specified Process

(9) View network status

Netstat -nat

(10) Switching users

SU - Username

(11) Change the directory owner (including subdirectory)

Chown -R Group: User Directory Name

(12) Change the file to executable

CHMOD X file name

(13) VI common command

ESC: command

Q: Exit

WQ: storage exit

Q !: Do not save, forcibly exit

ESC command

I: Insert before the current characters

A: Addition after the current character

o: Insert the line after the current line

X: Delete the current character

DD: Delete the current line

/ key: Find the keyword, press N to find the next one


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