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Add -Djava.awt.headless = true in the Java boot parameters. Take Tomcat as an example, it is to find Catalina.sh in the bin directory of Tomcat. When you open, you can see a lot of -D, you are starting the parameters. Plus -Djava.awt.Headless = true is available in all branches. Below is an example of a Catalina.sh:
-Djava.endorsed.dirs = "$ java_endorsed_dirs" -classpath "$ classpath" /
-SourcePath "$ Catalina_Home" /../../ jakarta-tomcat-catalina / catalina / src / share /
-Djava.security.manager /
-Djava.security.policy == "$ catalina_base" /conf/catalina.policy /
-Dcatalina.base = "$ CATALINA_BASE" /
-Dcatalina.home = "$ CATALINA_HOME" /
-Djava.awt.Headless = True /
-Djava.io.tmpdir = "$ CATALINA_TMPDIR" /
Org.apache.catalina.Startup.bootstrap "$ @" start
What you need to do is joining the row.