5.5.x-admin.ziphtp:// //www.apache. Org / dist / jakarta / tomcat-5 / v5.5.x / bin / jakarta-tomcat-5.5.x.ziphtp: // BIN / put and and (Tomcat default There is no built-in admin station Tomcat's Administration Web Application IS No Longer Installed by Default. Download and Install The "admin" package to use it.) Is extracted below the same directory. For example: d: /jakarta-tomcat-5.5.x/ (if you use JDK1.4, you need to use the to be free of this.)
2. Modify Jakarta-Tomcat-5.5.x / conf / tomcat-users.xml. Add administrator account lizongbo, password is lizongbopass. The new XML is as follows: XML Version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
3. Modify Jakarta-Tomcat-5.5.x / conf / server.xml to resolve the code problem. (Add Uriencoding parameters to Connector, refer to (can be set to GB18030)
4. Enable support Gzip compression. (Http:// Add the following property compression = "on" compressionminsize = "2048" NocompressionUserages = "Gozilla, Traviata "compressablemimetype =" text / html, text / xml "
5. Set the virtual host. Create a folder vhost / in Jakarta-Tomcat-5.5.x /. Then modify jakarta-tomcat-5.5.x / conf / server.xml
6. Add database driver, update mail.jar and actiovation.jar copy mysql-connector-java-3.0.16-ga-bin.jar, pg74.215.jdbc3.jar to Jakarta-Tomcat-5.5.x / common / lib / There is also a Mail.jar, JAF-1_0_2, JavaMail 1.3.2, Activation.jarmssql 2000 JDBC SP3, MSBase.jar, Msutil, Jar, MSSQLServer.jar7. Configuring SSL Reference Tomcat-5.5-DOC / SSL-HOWTO.HTMLD: /J2SDK1.4.2_06/bin>% java_home% / bin / keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA Enter keystore password: lizongbossl Your name is what is your name? [Tomcat5.5.x]: Tomcat5.5.x Your organizational unit name? [JAKARTA]: What is your organization name for JAKARTA? [Apache]: What is your city or region name? [Hzcity]: Hzcity What is your state or provincial name? [GDP]: What is the two-letter country code of GDP? [CN]: cncn = tomcat5.5.x, ou = jakarta, o = apache, l = hzcity, ST = GDP, c = CN correct? [No]: Y
(The password must be consistent, so go directly to UserHome (eg,: c: / documents and settings / lizongbo /) to Tomcat's conf / directory. (For example: D: /jakarta-tomcat-5.5.x/conf/.keystore) Configure Jakarta-Tomcat-5.5.x / conf / server.xml plus
12. If your webapp needs only HTTPS way access, then in WebApp's Web.xml plus:
14. Configure the HTTP access log. Tomcat comes with recordable HTTP access logs have been detailed in detail the annotation below:
Then modified to:
15. Restrict IP, limit host access, and so on. If you want to prohibit the specified IP or host name to reject some machine access, or specify some machines to access. Also supports ENGINE, HOST, OR Context, respectively, performs the following configuration:
16. Release WebApp to the website root directory 1. Copy directly to the root directory. 2. Because you can't create an unnamed XML file, the specified path in the XML file is also invalid (Tomcat relying on file name to judge), there must be a paragraph in Server.xml:
17. When restarting Tomcat's WebApp, it is forbidden to write the session into the file. Modify conf / web.xml cancel notes:
18. Enhance the generation algorithm and length of SessiIONID.
(The default is MD5, the length is 16 bits.)
19. Configuring the log: (
New in d: /jakarta-tomcat-5.5.8/common/classes/
Content: log4j.rootlogger = debug, r log4j.rapnder.r = org.apache.log4j.rollingFileAppender log4j.Appender.r.file = $ {catalina.home} /logs/tomcat5.5.log log4j.Appender.r. MaxFileSize = 10MB log4j.rapnder.r.maxbackupindex = 10 log4j.appender.r.Layout = Org.apache.log4j.patternLayout log4j.Appender.r.Layout.conversionPattern =% P% T% C -% M% N log4j. = debug, = debug, r = debug, r log4j.logger. Org.apache.catalina.Session = debug, r Copy log4j-1.2.9.jar and commons-logging.jar to d: /jakarta-tomcat-5.5.8/common/lib20. Using Windows Domain Verification