Classic common VBB code label

zhaozj2021-02-16  95

Classic common VBB code label

Provide some VB code labels for your reference! Below these VBB code, you can add it in the background to achieve some features! Bold code: ---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- VB code label b VB code replacement {param} VB code example bold VB Code Description Label Allows you to display bold text Use {OPTION}? No ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Subject code: -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- VB code tag i VB code replacement {param} VB code example slope body VB code Description [i] tag allowed You show the use of italic text {OPTION}? No ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Email link code: ------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ VB code label Email VB code replacement {param} VB code sample VB code Description VB code example [email] Write the CEO "> Tags Allow you to display the email address. Use {OPTION}? No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ Mailbox link 2 code: --------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- VB code label Email VB code replacement {Param } VB code example [] Write a letter VB code to this email tag allows you The Email field contains your own text. Use {OPTION}? Yes ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Set text size code: -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- VB code tags size vb code replacement {param} VB code sample size 1 VB code Description [SIZE ] The tag allows you to control the size of the font. Use {OPTION}? Yes ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Refer to others text code: -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ VB code tag quote VB code replacement



VB code example quote: --------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- This is a reference ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- VB code Description [quote] tag to indicate a reference to other posts {Option}? No --------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- Underline text code: ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- VB code tag U VB code replacement {param} VB code example Upline VB code Description [U] tag allows you to display underlined text. Use {Option}? No ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Color Font Code: -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- VB code tag color VB code replacement {param} VB code example red! VB code Description [Color] tag allows you to specify font color. Use {OPTION}? Yes ------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ Link code: ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - VB code tag URL VB code replacement {param} VB code example M

VB code Description Use this tab to generate a link to other websites or page Use {Option}? No ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- - Link 2 code: -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- VB code tag URL VB code replacement {param} VB code example - = [Chinese Crown] = - VB code Description Use this tab to generate a link, turn to your set URL when you set a good text! Use {OPTION}? Yes ----- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- Play RM code: --------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- VB code tag MOVIE VB code replacement VB code example [MOVIE] Pearl port.rm [/ movie] VB code Description [MOVIE] Allow Post Movies and music with .rms are suffixes. Use {OPTION}? No -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ QQ information link code: --------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- VB code label QQ VB code replacement QQ: {param} VB code example [QQ] 15066191 [/ qq] VB code description in [QQ ] And [/ qq] to fill in the QQ number will generate a link directly to the public information on the QQ owner on the Tencent home page, which is convenient! Use {Option}? No ------------ -------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ICQ data link code: -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- VB code label ICQ VB code replacement ICQ: {param} VB code example [ICQ] 100686040 [/ ICQ] VB code Description Generate a link pointing to your setting ICQ number owner on the ICQ home page public information! Use {OPTION}? No -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Halo text code: --------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- VB code label Glow VB code replacement {param}

VB code example [Glow = Pink] Halo text [/ glow] VB code Description Produces text with halo! Use {OPTION}? Yes ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Shadow text code: --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- VB code tag shadow vb Code replacement


VB code example [shadow = pink] shadow text [/ shadow] VB code Description Use this code to generate a shadow text! Use {OPTION}? Yes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- Play MIDI format music code: ---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- VB code label MUSIC VB code replacement VB code example [music] [/ music] VB code Description Use this code can insert a piece of MID in the post! Use {OPTION}? Yes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ Run Horse Word Code: --------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- VB code label fly vb code replacement {param}

VB code example [fly] Run horse lamp effect! [/ fly] VB code Description Use this tab to plug in the word or image! Use {OPTION}? No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Play Flash code: ---------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------- VB code label Flash VB code replacement VB code sample VB code descriptions In post, place a Flash animation! Use {OPTION}? No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Play MP3 code: ---------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- VB code tag MP3 VB code replacement VB code example [mp3] .mp3 [/ mp3] VB code Description Use this tag to play MP3! Remember to support the suffix .mp3 file! Use {OPTION}? No -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Post chart automatically zoom code: -------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- VB code tag img VB code replacement screen.width-333) this.width = screen.width-333> VB code example

VB code Description [IMG] is the code that can be used to use, automatically zoom, use {Option}? No -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- Color Background Word Code: ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- VB code tag textBG VB code replacement {param} VB Code example [TextBg = YELLOW] [/ textbg] VB code description gives text plus custom background color! Use {OPTION}? Yes ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- Color border text code: -------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- VB code Label BoxText VB code replacement {param} VB code example [BoxText = Red] [/ boxtext] VB code Description Add the word defined color border around the text! (Don't use it on the name of others .... Use {option}? Yes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ Removeed text code: ------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- VB code label DelText VB code replacement {param}

VB code example [deltext] [/ deltext] VB code description give this text plus the delete line! Use {OPTION}? No --------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Warning text code: ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- VB Code Label BAN VB Code Replacement {Param} VB Code Example [BAN = Chinese Shaoguan Alliance] [/ ban] VB code Description When you define the text you define, pop up the warning box reminder! Use {Option }? Yes


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