(Transfer) Linux Chinese solution

zhaozj2021-02-16  119

Chinese display and support for Linux FAQ http://www.chinaunix.net Author: zhchhui Posted on: 2003-07-24 11:03:03 This FAQ should help you solve the main problem areas below 1, under Linux Chinese display problems and font installation 2, Linux display Chinese file name 3, Chinese display 4, Chinese PDF display 5, GFTP, XMMS, MPLAYER, OpenOffice] How to implement English Environment (or English menu) and use Chinese input or display a display problem and font installation of Chinese under Linux 1, how much is RH8.0 supporting Chinese? 8.0 After installation, as long as you choose to install, it is a Simplified Chinese Internet. It shows that the Chinese characters are no problem. However, the font is worse than Windows, so you have to install SIMSUN, this online is, but also specifically for 8.0 scripts, It is easy for 2. If there is a conversion tool without Linux, the transformation tool, simplified, simple Hz automatic recognition conversion. Ftp.dlut.edu.cn/pub/people/saka/autoconvert-0.3.6.tar. Gz debian.turbo is in Debian called zh-autoconvert or try the following software GB2HZ GBKLATEX GBTOB5 GBTOU7 GBTOU8 GBTOUNI B5TOGB B5TOU7 B5TOU8 B5TOUNI 3, I will display the Chinese to correctly display Chinese? What packages do you need to install? In Console, you can use CCE, you can use the CCE, you can install the rpm of the CCE, you can download it, you can download the CCE directly after installing, you have entered the Chinese environment. Similar to UCDOS XWindow To install Chinese XServer and font, RH8, and 9 The included XFree86 seems to be Chinese, if you are other recommended to look at the essence (possibly) or search online, there are many articles talk about xwindow's Chinese display, I don't have much to say (it doesn't think What is the specific meaning of more beautiful Chinese shows the problem in Linuxfans.org, and then ./install.sh can be, quite perfect. 5. How to add Chinese characters under RH8.0? Ftp://ftp.byr.edu.cn/incoming/openw... SUN_FONT_LINUX/After Download, Run Sm. SH. 6, RH9 Chinese Font SIMSUN after installation The font is deslude font smoothing (Antialias) 7, how to enter Chinese f1 English, f6 Chinese 8, RH9, how to enter Chinese Ctrl space 9, how to display Chinese in plain text mode? Upload 10 in the next ENCON, do you have a Tree command that supports Chinese under Linux? Tree -n supports Chinese 11, how to display Chinese "export pager = less -r" Export Pager = Less -R See if it is helpful.

12. Konquer's Chinese display problem Add a line in Fonts.dir under the Sunsim font directory: SIMSUN.TTTF -MISC-SIMSUN-Medium-R-Normal - 0-0-0-P-0 -gBK-0 personal feelings Konqueror is stronger than Mozilla, whether the appearance is still functional. [Post Reply] [View forum original] [Add to Favorites] [Close] ENCHHUI Reply to: 2003-07-24 11:05: 03 II, Linux Displaying Chinese File Name LINUX Showing Chinese File Name Mount -t Vfat -O CodePage = 936, IOCHARSET = CP936 / DEV / HDA1 / MNT / C or MOUNT -T VFAT -O CODEPAGE = 936 , IOCHARSET = GB2312 / DEV / HDA1 / MNT / C or Modification / etc / fstab file / dev / hda1 / mnt / c vfAults, codepage = 936, IOCHARSET = CP936 0 0 or / DEV / HDA1 / MNT / C vFat Defaults , codepage = 936, IOCHARSET = GB2312 0 0 After the test, this cannot be GB2312, which can only be GB2312 (RH9) to show the Chinese file name on the disc under Linux, find -O IoCharset = CP936 when Mount Be careful not to use -o codepage = cp936, this sentence is not on the related documentation Documentation / FileSystems / ISOFS.TXT ENCHHUI Reply to: 2003-07-24 11:05:59 Third, the Chinese in SMB Show RH8 SMBClient Display Online Neighborhood SMBClient seems to be a bit problem, there is a bit problem, and there is a problem when accessing the Windows machine. My solution is the global configuration section of /etc/samba/smb.conf. Join the following two lines: Client Code Page = 936 Character set = 936 The order in these two lines is very important, can't reverse. There will be a line error message "Unrecognized Character Set" when executing SMBClient, but does not affect the use. ENCHUI Reply to: 2003 -07-24 11:07:16 Fourth, Chinese PDF shows how to see Chinese PDF RH9.0 on Chinese PDF is very good, and the general Chinese PDF can be opened. If there is a problem, refer to the following method: Scenary 1: Go to Linuxfans.org When it Acroreader chinapub can see the program 2: Install the XPDF Chinese character package. The default is installed.

You can use the following command: rpm -qa | grep 'xpdf' to see if there is a package XPDF-Chinese-Traditional-2.01-8 XPDF-Chinese-Simplified-2.01-8 if not, refer to the following steps: 1. Installation XPDF, XPDF-Chinese-Simplified these two RPM packs 2. Modify / usr / share / xpdf / Chinese-simplified / add-to-xpdfrc, change the first line of Adobe-G1 to Adobe-GB1 3. Modify / usr /share/xpdf/chinese-xplified/add-to-xpdfrc.config, change the Adobe-G1 of the first line to Adobe-GB1, and change all / usr / local / share to / usr / share 4. /usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/add-to-xpdfrc.config's final program 3 has been studied in this version for a few days, and I can't open my Chinese PDF. later Some people say that there is a Chinese PDF, some can't. So I moved to the long-lost W2K, open Adobe Acrobat, saving those Chinese PDF as a PDF file (estimate Adobe Acrobat, I am secret, huh). Then you can see it under Linux. It seems that the reasons may be related to GB18030. In addition, I use KghostView to see PDF DVI is slow, but XPDF, Acrobat Reader is normal, I don't know if you are like this. (I used Is redHat9.0) How to make ACROREAD in the name of the Chinese file name in the directory? It is equipped with simple and traditional fonts, huh, huh, the patch of cultural cultures is not? NBSP;

Haha RH7.3 XPDF can not see the Chinese PDF problem to solve the Chinese .PDF file under RH7.3, in addition to installing XPDF, also installing the Chinese font of PDF, but RH7.3 XPDF-Chinese-Simplified font There is an error in the installation / configuration file, and the traditional XPDF-Chinese-Traditional has the same problem (one less than the simplified "). So even if it is installed, one is not automatically configured, the second is that the configuration file is Error. The font is installed under / usr / share / xpdf / chinese-simplified, the configuration file is add-to-xpdfrc (.config) under the instructions, the configuration file content should be added to / etc / xpdfrc or ~ / .xpdfrc In, however, open the configuration file to see what the content knows that even if it is added, it will not work, the error has two: The first error is the font catalog, all / usr / local / share / xpdf / Chinese-simplified / The actual installation directory is in / usr / share / xpdf / chinese-simplified, or if the installation package is wrong or the configuration file is wrong, or the second error is an income error, the first directory should It is GB1, less one corrected configuration is: # ----- Begin Chinese Simplified Support Package (2002-JAN-16) Cidtounicode Adobe-GB1 / USR / Share / XPDF / Chinese-Simplified / Adobe-GB1. cidToUnicode unicodeMap ISO-2022-CN /usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/ISO-2022-CN.unicodeMap unicodeMap EUC-CN /usr/share/xpdf/chinese-simplified/EUC-CN.unicodeMap cMapDir Adobe-GB1 / USR / Share / XPDF / CHINESE-SIMPLIFIED / CMAP TOUNICODIR / USR / Share / XPDF / Chinese-SIMPLIFIED / CMAP DisplayCIDFONTX Adobe-GB1 "- * - SIMSUN-Medium-R-NORMAL - * -% S - * - * - * - * - * - GB2312.19 80-0 "ISO-2022-CN # ----- End Chinese Simplified Support Package Directly Add directly to the / etc / xpdfrc file, the last item is the font settings, according to the font installed in the system you choose Let's use the Song of Windows. This will use XPDF to read Chinese PDF with the drift Song, the effect of using Acrobat in Windows! ENCHHUI Reply to: 2003- 07-24 11:08:35 V. GFTP, XMMS, MPLAYER, OpenOffice The Chinese supports RH8 below XMMS PlayList's Chinese display problem to you a simpler way, open XMMS Ctrl P-> Fonts to check Box Select Chinese Support Upper and Lower Substantifier Select Fangsongti and Songti, in the last plus ", fixed" (injective), the two are adding this, but this is just a personality setting, only valid for this user Other users will need to set themselves when they log in. (I didn't add fixed, it can be added) Another method is provided by smileliu, in fact, the front step is to install a new font,

The same XMMS in the back and the same XMMS is ISO8859-1, which shows Chinese use GB2312.1980-0, so as long as it is /usr/sharepe/fonts.dir plus: zysong. TTF -MISC-ZYSONG18030-Medium-R-NORMAL - 0-0-0-0-C-0-GB2312.1980-0 and then exit X, perform /tc/rc.d/init.d/xfs as root RESTART, re-X, start XMMS, select the "Use fontset" check box and "Use x font" check box in the font in the option, and set the Playlist and Main Windows fonts: -Misc- Zysong18030-medium-r-normal - * - * - 120 - * - * - c - * - * is OK. If you don't have a zysong font, you can do this with other fonts, pay attention to some fonts Define ISO8859-1, you need to add its definition as you add GB2312.1980-0. GFTP cannot enter the Chinese directory and download Chinese files is gtk2 problem, download the source code yourself to modify the support of GTK2. I compiled (RH7.2 GCC-3.2) files to ftp.lib.pku.edu.cn, including modifying SRC.rpm. In addition, GFTP can be based on GTK2 or GTK1.2, and there is no problem with gtk1.2. To use GTK1.2, Configure Extractions - Disable-GTK20 How to use MPLAYER play .SRT format Chinese subtitles for MPlayer 0.9 you can do this: 1. ln -s /usr/share/simsun/siMsun.ttf ~ / . MPlayer / Subfont.ttf 2. MPlayer -subcp cp936 ****. avi (or you can add this option to ~ / .mplayer / config: Subcp = cp936) BY nightcat: mplayer -sub subsfile -font subfont.ttf --Font Subfont.ttf - How does unicode MPLAYER displays Chinese? If the dialog is displayed, it is not a match, if it is played, it is impossible to display Chinese, because that is actually the picture openoffice1.0 Chinese display www.LinuxForum.NET discussion: Turbo There is a font called Song and the OpenOffice installation interface and the program interface are used to use Song. Which Chinese font gives a Song and KAI alias for an alias of the interface. The interface font can be tool / option / view adjustment display percentage is 110% Just try it, how is the font when installing (maybe because I don't have a trueTye font) but after installing the SIMSUN.TTTF to the OppenOffice's font directory, in the menu (T) -> (O O In, select the second item of the first branch, then select the interface user, select the Song in the right, and click the first button.


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